
Chapter 1154 Review

Chapter 1154 Review
The frenzied trip to the Soul Suppressing Devil's Nest was finally over, and the matter was finally jointly supervised by the inspectors of Qingfeng City and Scarlet Rain City.As for the clues obtained after killing Murong Zhenghong, there are still some hidden monks in the spirit world.As for these matters, a gag order has been issued, and a total of more than a dozen people involved are tight-lipped about it.

The Mosha Lingying pill in Murong Zhenghong's place is only a relatively large point in the spiritual world. As for how many hidden seeds are hidden in the dark, it is unknown.

But with this big victory, the inspectors of the two places will naturally send more people to follow the clues and vow to hunt down these black sheep of the spiritual world to the end.

As for the killing of the demon general Chao Yi, it was purely an accident. After the two captains reported, the two sects sent the elders of the distraction period to investigate.Afterwards, the area around the Soul Suppressing Demon Nest was sealed off within a radius of [-] li.

After they came back, the credit for killing the demon general was shared among the team members. So far, each of them got nearly three times the merit points, which is considered a small fortune.

As for the leaders Xiang Donghui and Jian Shaoqing, they will be rewarded [-]% more, which can be regarded as setting an example for them to work together.

After returning to the sect, Yi Tian arranged for Hua Yuxin to practice in seclusion again, hoping to break through the bottleneck and reach the stage of transforming gods as soon as possible.I took the time to go to the library hall of the Zongmen to search for information. This time, after visiting the Soul-suppressing Demon Cave, I saw some words near Chao Yi's Demon Core, which were the same as the ones I found in the Snake Turtle Beast Cave in the Unreal Territory. Very similar.

I have learned before that these words are not the orthodox words of the demons, and I have not found any clues in Qingfeng City.This time, I carved some of them from memory and prepared to go to the Zongmen Sutra Library to try my luck.

If you can't find the answer to this, it can only be said that you have bad luck and cannot understand the mystery.

Fortunately, after this mission, I also got some privileges. I can go to the fourth floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to select exercises, and I am also eligible to check the information deep in the fourth floor that was originally not open to the cultivators of Huashen.

Thinking of this, I was extremely excited. What I lacked most after I came to the spirit world was the channel to obtain information.Those low-end information or high-end news can be found on the black market. Only the secrets of the spiritual world thousands of years ago can only be gleaned from the internal collections of the three major sects.

After arriving at the Tibetan scripture building, Yi Tian showed his identity jade badge, then went straight to the third floor to the ascending ladder, and then went straight to the fourth floor.Then he glanced over and found that there were not many sect monks on the fourth floor, and those with a cultivation level like himself would not attract the attention of others.

Quickly passing by the practice area and coming to the archives, Yi Tian reached out to hand over his identity jade badge and explained his purpose of coming.The man sitting in the archives today is a [-]-year-old monk, but he can't see his cultivation level clearly at a glance.

I only heard the other party take the jade card, glanced at it casually, and then said: "You are a disciple of the transformation of the gods, and you can enter the archives to select a document for free and engrave it. If you want a second copy, you have to pay [-]." Merit point rewards will do."

"Disciple understands," Yi Tian replied respectfully: "If you dare to ask the elder, I want to search for information on other realms, please give me some pointers."

"Walk straight to the end, there are naturally things you want on the third row of bookshelves, go ahead," said the elder, then closed his eyes and stopped talking.

After Yi Tian got the guidance and thanked him, he walked straight towards the deepest part of the library, and came to the three rows of bookshelves after a while.Let go of your spiritual thoughts and scan lightly to find that the logo of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit is clearly marked on the bookshelf here.Each area is clearly divided, and the jade slips on the bookshelf clearly record the general situation of all walks of life.

What pleased Yi Tian the most was that the jade slips of each realm were marked with the words there. After Yi Tian passed by one by one, he found the words on the nameplate marked with the ghost world and the jade slips he found in the cave of the Snake Turtle Beast. is consistent.

He wondered secretly in his heart: "How come the demon generals of the demon world are still related to the ghost world."

After reading it, I secretly remembered these contents in my heart, and then turned around and came to the bookshelf where the demon world and the Buddha world were stored.Naturally, there are the most records in the Demon Realm, and there are thousands of volumes in the densely packed records.

As for the jade slips recorded in the Buddhist world, there are only less than one-tenth of them. After Yi Tian glanced over carefully, he stopped on a roll of jade slips marked as Daleiguang Temple.

After gently taking it out, he couldn't help but think in his heart. He was entrusted by the master of precepts to return the Leiwen Muyu to Leiguang Temple.This world of Buddha and spirit must be obtained, but how to get there is a problem.

As soon as he thought about it, Yi Tian reached out and took down the jade scroll marked with the Leiguang Temple of the Buddha and Spirit Realm, and then walked around in a circle before passing the bookshelf marked with the ghost world, and marked the jade scroll with the Huangquan Biluo Dynasty. Jane also took it down.

After a while, I went back to the entrance of the archives and saw the elder on duty again, and respectfully handed over the two jade slips and my own identity jade badge, and said, "Elder Qi, disciple, please check after you have selected it."

The elder took out two blank jade slips and handed them over without hesitation, and then opened the restrictions on the two copies and said: "You can engrave it yourself, and I will charge you [-] merit points."

"Thank you, elder, the disciple should deal with it as soon as possible," Yi Tian reached out to take the four jade slips, opened them, and started to engrave them quickly.

Half an hour later, after checking that there were no omissions in it, Yi Tiancai slowly closed and put away the engraved jade slips, and returned the other two intact.

The elder took the jade slip and looked at it meaningfully, and then said: "You, a junior, have wasted a great opportunity indiscriminately, and it is useless to focus on the affairs of the Buddha world and the ghost world."

"I don't know what the elders have to teach, but the disciples are all ears," Yi Tian hurriedly saluted.

"I can't say enough to teach you, but few of my monks in the spiritual world can cross the gate of the interface to go to the ghost world, but I have a long history with the Buddhist world. After you cultivate to the stage of distraction, you may have the opportunity to go there. "The elder said lightly.

"Thank you for your pointers. I don't know what the elder is called. In the future, if I don't know anything, I want to come here to ask for advice," Yi Tian asked.

"My surname is Qin, you can call me Mr. Qin," after speaking, he waved his hand to signal to leave.

After hearing this, Yi Tian's heart sank, and he could count all the powerful monks in the old Qin sect with his fingers.The only person with the surname Qin is Qin Huaige, the head of Qing Tiansi, and I didn't expect to meet him here.

After slowly walking down the escalator of the Tibetan scripture building, Yi Tian suddenly quickened his pace and left in a hurry. This time, he made it clear that he was here specially to wait for him.Needless to say, Qing Tiansi's earth evil list was naturally tampered with by this gentleman, and it goes without saying that he was able to defend himself like this because of the face of Patriarch Wuye.

 Thank you for the monthly pass at Zhonggukou
(End of this chapter)

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