
Chapter 1155 Secret News

Chapter 1155 Secret News
After returning from the Sutra Library, Yi Tian locked himself in the cave of Lingzhiyuan to avoid people's eyes and ears.This trip to the soul-suppressing devil's cave unintentionally exposed himself to the sect, so there were a lot more brothers from the same sect who came to taste tea and discuss the Tao.

Naturally, they didn't dare to provoke Xiang Donghui and Qing Lianyun, but since they were just new monks, they couldn't scare everyone like those two.

For this reason, Yi Tian also tried his best to hang a nameplate on the outside of the Ganoderma lucidum garden to say that he was seriously injured in the previous action and continue to retreat and cultivate.In this way, the enthusiasm of all the brothers and sisters was sent away.

Now nestled in his own cave, Yi Tian read through the two volumes of jade slips he retrieved, and the general situation was slightly different from what he knew before.It turns out that the gate between the nine worlds does exist, but the spirit world unilaterally closed the passage after the demon world invaded more than 8000 years ago.The channel between the demon world and the lower three worlds is open all the year round, and as for the spiritual world, the channels leading to the Asura world, the demon world and the Buddha world are opened.

That's why I was able to meet Luo Ziyan in Qingfeng Old Town and Yizhen Monk in the Magic Mist area.If you want to pass through the boundary gate, you must at least have a cultivation base of the distraction stage, or a late stage cultivation base as powerful as Luo Ziyan's.

As for the Buddhist world described on the jade slip, it is an exception. There are interface channels here and the rest of the eight spiritual realms, and it looks like no one is handling it.Due to its natural restraint, the Three Realms, the Demon Realm, and the Necromancer Realm are all restrained by it, so a blockade has been set at its entrance long ago to become a one-way passage.

Seeing this, Yi Tian was startled. It seems that the reason why Master Jie Ding fell into the way of magic in the first place is also very important.If a Buddhist monk falls from the Buddhist realm, he will naturally be unable to return from the original passage.Staying in the demon world for a long time will naturally affect the mind by the evil spirit.

In this way, the process of confirming Master Jieding's transformation into the devil prince Qiu Yu is really intriguing.

As for the hundreds of temples in the Buddhist world, each of which represents a different lineage, it can still be divided into Mahayana and Hinayana sects.The Hinayana faction is located in a remote place and cultivates the Arhat Golden Body, which belongs to the current world.The most representative one is the lineage of Tantric Buddhism, but the number of monks is small and only accounts for less than one-tenth of the Buddhist sect.

As for the Mahayana sect, this is not the case, the sect accounts for more than [-]%, and the area where it is located also occupies all the best cultivation places in the Buddhist and spiritual world.Among them, the most famous one is of course the Leiguang Temple, where almost half of the monks in the Buddhist and spiritual world come from.The three Mahayana monks in the Buddhist world were all born here, and this scroll also vaguely mentions that there were four Mahayana monks sitting in Dao Leiguang Temple nearly ten thousand years ago.

As for the last Master of Precepts, needless to say, who fell into the evil way, the description of him on this jade slip is just a passing mention.In the end, I just wrote a sloppy sentence. In order to taste the suffering of the world, Master Jieding walked all over the world on foot and has never been heard from since then.

Yi Tian just sneered after reading it. With the strength of Master Jieding, the Leiguang Temple was the most likely person to survive the Mahayana Tribulation and become the golden body of Bodhisattva 10 years ago.It just ended with the sentence that he entered the world without experiencing the sufferings of the world, which made him have great doubts in his heart.The state of mind of ordinary Buddhist monks is naturally stronger than that of spiritual practice, and they will never fall into the devil's way casually because of their practice in the world. There must be some ulterior secret in this.

Putting down the jade in his hand, Jianjiantian couldn't find out the reason why Master Jieding really fell, so he could only stay aside and wait for himself to have a chance to find out in the future.

As for the other description about the ghost world, it is said that the entire ghost world is controlled by the ghost king, and the exercises they practice are naturally unique ghost cultivation methods.As for them, they can become ghost cultivators Mahayana even if they practice to the extreme, but because of their skills, they are more restrained by Buddhist monks.

The entire Ghost Realm is ruled by the Biluo Dynasty, and the ghost king is also inherited by blood relatives, but there is also a force called Huangquan Guards in the Ghost Realm. They are a group of ghost cultivators who were formed by a group of nobles who were originally separated from the Biluo Dynasty. new forces.

Among them, the leading ghost cultivator also appeared to be in the fusion stage, but he did not pose a substantial threat to the Biluo Dynasty, so he was directly ignored by the ghost king.

The most useful thing in this scroll is that it records a lot of ghost clan characters. Yi Tian learned a lot of ghost clan characters while reading it.Then he took out the jade slips in his hand that recorded the trip to the soul-suppressing devil's lair and analyzed it carefully. After translating the whole article, he learned that this is the exercise that Chao Yi performed called 'True Soul Refining'.

As long as the soul and soul are constantly condensed, even if the body is lost, the body can be seized many times, and the success rate is much higher than the general method of seizing the body.

As for the jade slip found in the cave of the Snake Turtle Beast, it turned out to be a copy of the roster of the direct blood relatives of the Biluo Dynasty.The names of many people recorded in it could not find the corresponding information from the ghost clan jade slip.

After Yi Tian put away the two jade slips, he sat down cross-legged and began to exercise his skills and adjust his breath. The information in his hands would not be useful for a while.On the contrary, the practice of re-practicing the true soul can be used to cultivate and strengthen the soul. I don't need to seize it at all, just use the method of strengthening the soul to practice.

Now, to use my Asura dharma body, I still need to constantly strengthen my soul.During this period of time, I focused on my own cultivation and suffered from not having the method to strengthen my soul. This time I really caught a big one by the way.

Just when Yi Tian was hiding in the cave to avoid the limelight, the sequelae of the trip to the soul-suppressing magic cave should have caused an uproar in the outside world.Because the reputation of Mosha Lingying Pill is too shocking, the Murong branch in Qingfeng City has become a street mouse that everyone beats.

As the patriarch of the main family, Murong Longcheng immediately issued an announcement to sever all ties with the branch family and voluntarily confessed to Fei Yu Jianzong, accepting any investigation.

In addition, Murong Longcheng was a member of this operation, and after participating in the battle, he was naturally forgiven by the sect afterwards.

After that, the big search of the three major sects kicked off. According to sources, this time Murong Zhenghong could be regarded as the refiner and distributor of Mosha Lingying Pill.There are at least a hundred Mosha Lingying pills flowing out of his hand, and those who have taken them will naturally not jump out immediately.

But the sequelae of this pill are too obvious, so the major sects first started self-examination, but all the registered disciples recorded by the sect need to report to the sect's Law Enforcement Hall on a regular basis.If anyone is found to be unstable and showing signs of sudden decline, they will be listed as key targets for investigation.

In this way, a group of monks who had taken the Mosha Lingying Pill were really found within the three sects, and the huge network of relationships behind them was involved by following the vine.

 Thanks to Monk Qingchenghua for the monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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