
Chapter 1156

Chapter 1156
The turmoil of the Mosha Lingying Pill in the spirit world lasted for nearly ten years before it came to an end. During this period, many disciples from the major sects were involved.In addition to the three major sects, there are also a group of monks from small and medium sects who have been secretly found out to have taken this elixir. Most of these people have limited self-control talents or have exhausted their potential and have been unable to make progress for a long time, so they took the risk and tried to take the evil spirit. baby pills.

For the comfort of the spiritual world and not to repeat the mistakes of the evil disasters of the past, the lords of the three major sects of the spiritual world took the lead and led the heads of the other small and medium sects to jointly dispose of the monks who had taken the elixir.

Nian many of them used to be meritorious ministers. The three suzerains conspired to put them into reincarnation, but they kept the marks of spirits and souls.After being reincarnated, their relatives and friends are responsible for reconnecting them to the path, which can be regarded as leaving a way out for them.

But among these people, Zhao Qing, the alchemy master who made the Mosha Lingying Pill from the Murong family, has not been arrested for a long time.This person's cultivation in the mid-stage of transformation into a god is also a alchemy teacher, and his skills are poor, but he is the source of the crime.

According to the servant of Murong's branch family, it was he who found the long-lost formula of Mosha Lingying Pill from the remains of the demon clan, and then collaborated with Murong Zhenghong to collect the precious materials in the formula to refine the pill.

According to reliable sources, this person himself kept taking pills in the hope of quickly improving his cultivation.It's a pity that he is born with a short stature, and even his previous cultivation base was obtained by piles of pills.After entering the stage of transforming gods, the shortcomings are even more apparent. It took a thousand years of effort from the early stage to the middle stage of refining. If you don't rely on the Mosha Lingying pill, I'm afraid you can only wait to die now.

After Yi Tian read through the Zongmen briefing in his hand, his face showed a hint of disdain. Dealing with a monk like Fu Zhaoqing is simply a piece of cake.A cultivator who is addicted to drugs can't take his three moves. The only trouble is that this person is an extremely unstable factor lurking in the dark.

I believe that now that the limelight is so tight outside, he will not be so stupid as to show up. If he wants to capture him, it will depend on chance and coincidence.

After putting away the briefing, Yi Tian calmed down and thought about the trip to the Langhuan Cave.This day is getting closer and closer, I don't know if Xi Tianying has released all the things.

There is also his brother-in-law Hua Yulin, he should be almost ready during this period of time.It's just that after thinking about it, I have prepared a total of 30 Yuan Zhiyan Token, isn't it a bit small.

I don't know how many tokens have flowed out to the outside world before leaving the Fire Palace. If you find too few people, wouldn't it be impossible to create enough momentum.

After thinking about it, he took the communication jade talisman and wrote down the message, then sent it to Hua Yulin, hoping to ask him about the outflow of the Zhiyan Token.Not long after, I received a reply from him, the content of which was also very simple. He released the Burning Token from the black market.But it turned out that seven of them were secretly taken back by the disciples of the Taiqing Pavilion, and only three were left outside.

So Yi Tian frowned and said secretly: "If the number of monks from the three sects goes in too much, it will definitely attract the attention of the high-level, and then it will be unbeautiful."

As for solving the current predicament, there is no way out. There are still five years before the trip to Langhuan Cave Heaven, and it is enough time to plan for yourself.

Then with a smile at the corner of his mouth, he took out a large pile of materials and sacrificed to the real flame to start refining.

Time passed by, and three years later, Yi Tian used an excuse to go out and came to Scarlet Rain City again through the Teleportation Hall in Qingfeng City.Naturally, there is a lot of emotion in my heart when I come back to the old place, but this time I am eager to keep the appointment.But in order to deceive others, he first reported to the Taiqing Pavilion Zongmen resident after arriving in Feiyu City, saying that he was only here to collect elixir and spiritual seeds for use in the Xishan Spiritual Planting Garden.

After returning to the guest room of the resident, he quietly performed the thousand-face technique and slipped out from the back door. After walking to the street, he took out the jade slip map and followed the instructions above to the backyard of a private house in the east of the city.

There were already people waiting here, and Yi Tian stepped forward to show the token and was ushered into the courtyard.When he came to the room of the private house, the person who led the way hurriedly retreated, and Yi Tian opened the soundproof enchantment, then walked forward and sat down and said: "It's just to catch up with you, so it's so mysterious Is it?"

"Junior Brother Yi is joking. As you mentioned in your letter, it is about your and my lives at this time. If the people from Lihuo Palace find out, everyone can't eat and walk around." Sitting in the room is the inspector of Scarlet Rain City. Director Jian Shaoqing saw his face trembling and said excitedly: "Did you bring something?"

"Look, you're in a hurry, and I rushed here all the way without stopping," Yi Tian said, reaching out and taking out a storage bag and handing it over.

Jian Shaoqing took it lightly and probed deeply into it with his spiritual sense, and after three breaths, his face became very exciting.After thinking for a while, he said, "Junior Brother Yi, you have caused me a lot of trouble."

"I'll come to you if it's not troublesome. Besides, you already got three yuan before, and Duan Yi extorted two yuan, why are you afraid now," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

"Why does Duan Yi still have two yuan?" Jian Shaoqing said with a flash of light in his eyes: "What's going on?"

"Did they tell you? The deposit when I cooperated with him to ambush Murong Zhenghong last time, if you don't believe that senior brother Xiang is also present, you can ask him," Yi Tian said indifferently.

Jian Shaoqing hastily concealed the embarrassment in his eyes, and then said: "I misremembered, that's why he mentioned it," and then changed the subject: "Did Junior Brother Yi play too big this time? "

"I can't trust others, but Brother Jian, no matter what we say, we are all members of the Demon Race together. Naturally, all these things depend on you," Yi Tian said maliciously.

This time I was sure that Jian Shaoqing would agree, so I refined as many as thirty pieces in one go.Presumably, he also noticed that if the three total numbers could not be balanced, then there would naturally be a situation where one family dominates.

And he probably didn't have much in his hand at first, but now that he gave him so much at once, he naturally needs to disperse it through his way.

Thinking about it, his shrewdness would naturally try to balance the forces of all parties, so I kicked this problem to him to deal with.

"Approximately how many people can enter the Taiqing Pavilion," Jian Shaoqing asked without reason.

"About ten people including me, the number is already too many," Yi Tian estimated next time.

Jian Shaoqing's eyes lit up and he said: "Then my side is also ten. As for the extra ones, I think the Ascension League will be very interested. No matter how bad they are, you can ask Han Zhenting and the others for help."

In a blink of an eye, he looked at Yi Tian, ​​who was acting foolishly before him, and said, "I'm afraid this trip to Langhuan Cave will become extremely lively. There have never been as many as 80 to [-] people flocking in once."

"Fishing in troubled waters, brother Xi and his group will also go in, plus the three leaders, I believe that the battle for Langhuan Yuquan will be extremely fierce. At that time, the first bottle will be reserved, and I hope Brother Jian can give me face." Yi Tian said straightforwardly.

Jian Shaoqing looked at the token in the storage bag and knew that this was Yi Tian's exchange condition.After thinking for a while, he said, "Okay, I, the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, won't sell the first bottle, and I will tell other sects not to sell it to save face. As for Chi Wuji, I don't care about it."

"Don't worry, I'm about to meet him," Yi Tian said unhurriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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