
Chapter 1157 Negotiations

Chapter 1157 Negotiations
Scarlet Rain City has been calm for the past few years, but in fact, various forces in the dark have dispatched their elites to negotiate in the black market.

The reason is also very simple. I don't know where the news came out that someone would sell the Burning Token privately. Opportunities like this are rare.Maybe that person felt that his strength was not enough, even if he got into it, he couldn't find any opportunities.

But it was a great thing for the chief disciples of these medium-sized sects, but they also had their news channels, so they rushed to Scarlet Rain City non-stop after receiving the news.

This time, Han Zhenting and his party from Zixiamen came into Jian Shaoqing's field of vision as soon as they arrived in Feiyu City.It didn't take long for people sent by the black market to deliver goods to the door. Of course, this was just to deceive people, but to convey information.After agreeing on the time and place of the transaction, he quietly slipped out from the back door of Zixiamen's residence and disappeared among the crowd.

Half an hour later, Jian Shaoqing looked at the information report in his hand at the secret joint of the residential houses in Feiyu City, and his face was full of helplessness.Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting opposite, was ignorant and didn't know the content of the news.

But seeing Jian Shaoqing's expression, he knew that this matter was difficult, and it was not as smooth as expected.

Only Jian Shaoqing said helplessly: "The process of dispersing the things was not smooth, mainly because the disciples of the big sects were a little confused about this, and asked to deal with the demolition house face to face."

"Aren't these house demolitions all the hidden threads of your subordinates? Why don't they dare to trade?" Yi Tian said disdainfully.I recently learned that the main demolished houses in the black market of Scarlet Rain City are insiders of the Disciplinary Department of Scarlet Rain City, and the Disciplinary Department directly approached them for many things if it was not convenient to come forward.

Jian Shaoqing said in a deep voice: "Han Zhenting made a condition to deal with the demolisher face to face."

"That's not bad, at least he is very sincere, isn't he?" Yi Tian said casually.

"The agreed place is at Ghost Crying Ridge, three hundred miles outside Scarlet Rain City, and the way is to make a separate deal," Jian Shaoqing said helplessly, "Han Zhenting's ranking on the earth evil list has gradually improved in recent years, and he has already ranked No. 14. So my informant's strength is far behind him, so naturally I dare not agree easily."

Seeing Jian Shaoqing's gaze passing by Yi Tian, ​​he couldn't help but frowned, thinking in his heart that he is the only one who can stabilize Han Zhenting's head in terms of strength in the whole Scarlet Rain City Inspectorate.But if this matter is let the coach personally come forward, if it gets out, it will become a big deal.

And Jian Shaoqing's meaning is also self-evident, having seen his own methods in the battle of the Soul Suppressing Devil's Nest, it is really difficult to resist this matter.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tiancai said lightly: "Ask Duan Yi and I will accompany him, and talk to Han Zhenting about two-on-two, if it doesn't work, just pull him down."

"Okay, just follow Junior Brother Yi's method, but you have to pretend," Jian Shaoqing said with a frown.

"That's natural," Yi Tian replied.

Finding Duan Yi this time is also a helpless move. This guy seems to be careless, but he is thick and thin, and he is also familiar with the surroundings of Scarlet Rain City.It is naturally best for him to take the lead, and even if his strength is not as good as Han Zhenting's, it is not much worse.

In addition, there is no need to be afraid even if the opponent overwhelms others with his own assistance. The most direct thing is that ordinary people will be a little afraid after Han Zhenting takes his own Zidian sword.After all, he is famous on the spirit weapon list, but he is not afraid of him at all.

Three days later, in the middle of the night, Yi Tian and Duan Yi, wearing cloaks and masks, set off from Feiyu City and flew towards Guikuling, which was three hundred miles to the west.In less than a stick of incense, the two arrived at the predetermined place.After scanning with his divine sense, he found that there were two not weak auras coming out from the depths of the dense forest. It was obvious that this transaction was agreed in advance, and Han Zhenting naturally didn't bother to make any small moves.

After the clouds fell, the divine sense locked the two people hiding in the shadows, and Duan Yi, who was wearing a mask, cupped his hands in a voice-changing way and said: "Han Shaoxia is really punctual, I don't know if you brought something?"

"Brother Duan is on time, you brought all the things I want," Shaoqing saw Han Zhenting walking out of the darkness, revealing his true face.

Yi Tian was stunned when he saw it, he was quite courageous and showed his true face without any cover up in this transaction.The people behind him were also dressed in Zixia school costumes, they should be his fellow disciples, and they looked like they were in the middle stage of transforming gods.

Little did he know that when Han Zhenting saw the person behind Duan Yi, there was a hint of shock in his eyes. A monk like him naturally had a very accurate first impression.It was normal to see Duan Yi at the same level, but when he turned his gaze to Yi Tian, ​​he couldn't help but feel a shock in his heart. This is the feeling you only have when facing people like Jian Shaoqing or Chi Wuji.

It's just that the person in front of him is only in the middle stage of transformation, but the habits he has developed over the years immediately restrained Han Zhenting.Then he asked, "I don't know how many brother Duan brought?"

Duan Yi also replied angrily: "Fellow Daoist Han, don't yell. I'm just a war repairer in the black market. This time I'm mainly in charge of trading with you."

"In terms of combat cultivation, I don't think your strength may be as strong as your entourage," said the person behind Han Zhenting, who came forward to look at him.

The pupils in Yi Tian's eyes froze and he was about to lock his spiritual sense on the other party. This person's cultivation level was similar to his own, but his aura was no less than Han Zhenting's.Moreover, the aura on his body faintly dispersed, giving him a familiar feeling.

After three breaths, he privately transmitted a few words to Duan Yi, and the latter didn't change at all when he heard it, but he couldn't help becoming vigilant in his heart.Immediately speaking, the tone of his speech was not polite: "Han Zhenting didn't expect that you would ask people from the Feisheng League to get involved in our private transaction. This is not honest."

As soon as this remark came out, the two people on the opposite side were stunned. Han Zhenting's face was just a bit embarrassed, but the other person's eyes were full of shock.After sizing up Duan Yi, he turned his gaze to the person behind him and said, "Your Excellency has good eyesight. I have seen two comrades from Yin Xuchao of the Lower Ascension League."

Han Zhenting hastily interjected, "Why is Brother Duan still secretive at this time? We treat guests with sincerity, but I don't know if you have sincerity?"

When he said this, Duan Yi immediately returned to his original tone and said: "You boy is not kind, and you still find someone to deal with such an important matter."

"Brother Duan, don't be upset. The quotation you put forward is too high. I can't afford Zixia Sect. That's why I asked Feisheng League to cooperate. You must know that there are not many other sects in the spirit world who can follow this price except for the three major sects." ,” Han Zhenting replied confidently.

In his opinion, there are not many opponents who can reach the same size level in this transaction. If you miss this village, there will be no store.In addition, he did not show his true face but showed his identity to facilitate this matter, otherwise it would be difficult to explain to Jian Shaoqing after returning.

Reaching out and tossing the storage bag, he said, "The goods are all here, order them."

After Han Zhenting took the storage bag, he thought spiritually and sent the prepared treasures over.Then the person behind him said inappropriately: "I still have something to say, I wonder if the two of you can stay."

(End of this chapter)

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