
Chapter 1158 Accident

Chapter 1158 Accident
Duan Yi immediately felt displeased when the transaction of Guikuling was crossed by the Feisheng League, but he thought about Jian Shaoqing's entrustment this time, and wanted to make this matter more beautiful.After all, the people around you are the core people in this matter, and the things you bring are added to each other as half of each person.But the number is astonishingly large, at least Duan Yi has never seen such a large deal before.

After taking the storage bag handed over by the other party, he quickly counted it, and put it away after finding that the number was correct.At this time, the most urgent thought in Duan Yi's mind was to return to the city immediately, and carrying an astronomical figure of finances with him was a hot potato.

But Yin Xuchao's words from Feishengmeng in front of him had to stop him for a while, and then he asked in a deep voice: "I don't know what advice I can give, so I'll make a long story short."

Yin Xuchao smiled and said: "I'm afraid that Deputy Director Duan has some prejudices against me, Feisheng League, so I will keep people secret. I don't know if your company still has goods. The five places are very suitable for Zixia faction and It’s a little less for the Ascension League, and I’d like to buy five more places for the same price.”

As soon as Duan Yi said this, his face froze for a moment, he couldn't decide this matter.Fortunately, the person in charge immediately asked through voice transmission behind him. After all, this kind of transaction is a one-shot transaction. If you miss it, you will miss it. I just don’t know what Yi Tian means.

Afterwards, Yi Tian's sound transmission came from the ear, and after the two discussed it, Duan Yi calmed down and said, "How many materials did you bring?"

Yin Xuchao reached out and took out the same storage bag and gently sent it over: "It's all in there, and the quantity is exactly the same."

Duan Yi quickly counted the results, and then moved his lips a few times.After getting the confirmation, Yi Tian reached out and took out a storage bracelet, put the same amount of Zhi Yan Ling in it, and then gently pushed it over.

This move stunned the two people in front of them again, but fortunately, everyone was tacitly aware of it.As for what they think in their hearts, there is no need to think about it.

After Yin Xuchao finished counting, he nodded to Han Zhenting, and the latter locked most of his spiritual thoughts on Yi Tian.It took a long time to hold back a sentence and said: "Master Cheng, we meet again. I didn't expect your skills to be so superb. I admire you very much."

Unexpectedly, Han Zhenting would recognize him, Yi Tian just responded with a slight 'hmm'.

Later, Han Zhenting said again: "I don't know if the master is free. I have a friend who wants to ask someone to refine a handy spiritual weapon. The price is easy to negotiate."

Yi Tian couldn't help but feel extremely troublesome seeing the opponent's advances, since he was seen through, it didn't matter.Staring at Cheng Yunyun's name outside is actually beneficial to his real identity.

On the other hand, the shock in Duan Yi's eyes subsided, and he didn't say much, just stayed aside and watched the development of the situation.

"The trip to Langhuan Cave is imminent, and I don't have time to refine any spiritual weapons," Yi Tian rebuffed after thinking for a while.

"It doesn't matter, if the master has some refined spiritual weapons, that's fine," Han Zhenting said again.

Looking at the situation, it would be really hard to keep his mouth shut if he couldn't produce anything. After thinking about it, Yi Tian took out a seven-foot-long sharp spear from the storage ring and said: "This thing has not yet recognized its owner after melting its spirit. The person who holds it drops blood and recognizes the master to activate the gun soul within, and after recognizing the master, the weapon robbery will definitely fall into the past of resistance or resistance, and it all depends on one's own cultivation."

Han Zhenting took it and held it in the palm of his hand and looked it over carefully. He saw that the spear was seven feet long, with a half-foot long spear point on the top of the spear with a cold light, and the word "Raging Dragon Dan" was engraved underneath.There is a talisman seal attached to the whole gun body, presumably it can only be removed when the owner is recognized.

He said in his mouth: "Sure enough, it is a good gun. I can trust Master Cheng's works. I don't know how high it will be ranked on the earth evil list after recognizing the master this time?"

"Better than Zidian Sword, you just care too much about fame. If you can jump out of this circle, I believe you will definitely be in the top ten on the earth evil list," Yi Tian replied indifferently.

After putting away the 'Raging Gentian', Han Zhenting took out a storage bag again, put a lot of treasures in it, and then gently sent it over from the air.

After taking it, Yi Tian took a closer look and was overjoyed. He didn't expect Zixiamen to be really rich.Several of the precious materials among them are top-level products that have disappeared from the market. Although there are no heaven-level treasure materials, most of them are top-level earth-level ones.

After the transaction, the four of them made a detour back to Feiyu City in groups of two. However, Yi Tian found that Duan Yi's attitude towards him seemed to have changed a little on the way back.It is estimated that the identity of the refiner made him re-evaluate himself. Although there were many doubts before, it is basically confirmed now.

In addition, he will definitely ask Jian Shaoqing for verification afterwards, so he doesn't need to worry too much.

After successfully returning to Scarlet Rain City, Yi Tian waited again in the secret joint house, and after sitting for less than an hour, he found someone visiting, and it was Jian Shaoqing himself.

Everyone had agreed on this cooperation in advance. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I only connected with him. Even in front of Duan Yi, I appeared with another identity and never revealed my true identity.Even if it arouses suspicion, as long as you refuse to admit it.

After Jian Shaoqing entered, the two sat down as guest and host, and Yi Tian briefly recounted the transaction.Wanting to come to the extra deal, Jian Shaoqing had already learned about it from Duan Yi.

However, this unintentional move doubled the trading volume, which Jian Shaoqing did not expect.Now the Inspectorate of Crimson Rain City is full of breath, and with the treasured spirit stone in his hand, he can speak more forcefully in the sect.Moreover, there are still parts that have not yet been dispersed and can be exchanged for a large amount of materials and spirit stones in the future during casual cultivation.

Later, Jian Shaoqing went to a storage bracelet and gently pushed it over, saying: "This time, it's all thanks to Junior Brother Yi's help. I counted all the transactions and converted them into precious materials. Junior Brother Yi, let's count them."

Yi Tian stretched out his hand, and as a result, the storage bracelet roughly scanned the divine sense, and found that there were no less than fifty kinds of precious materials in it, including real fire gilt and lava magic crystals, which he could not find all over the place. Not a lot.

After putting away these things, Yi Tian arched his hands together and said, "Thank you Brother Jian for your help this time, I believe the next time we meet should be in the Langhuan Cave."

Jian Shaoqing smiled lightly and said, "The spirit weapon that Junior Brother Yi took out this time is really extraordinary."

Knowing what he meant, he immediately replied: "That piece of 'Raging Dragon Dan' is indeed a rare masterpiece in my life, but it's a pity that the spiritual weapon is a dead thing after it leaves the human body. Brother Jian, don't take it too seriously. Spiritual weapons are just icing on the cake, in the final analysis it depends on one's own cultivation. As long as Senior Brother Jian sticks to his heart and integrates it into the sword intent, his strength will definitely be improved."

Jian Shaoqing's eyes lit up and said: "Junior Brother Yi explained the mystery with one word, and I have been taught for my brother."

(End of this chapter)

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