
Chapter 1159 Traveling to Langhuan Cave

Chapter 1159 Traveling to Langhuan Cave
After the matter of Fei Yucheng, Yi Tian hurried back to Taiqing Pavilion, and specially notified Xiahua Yulin before entering the Xishan Lingzhiyuan cave for retreat.Tell him to come to the appointment in one year, and then go to the secret place of Langhuan Cave Sky together.

A few days later, when Yi Tian was practicing in seclusion in the cave, the ban was suddenly opened, and then a teleportation jade talisman flew in. After scanning with his spiritual sense, he found that the signature below was Hua Yulin, the uncle.It's just that there seems to be a lot of information written on the jade talisman. After Yi Tian picked it up and read it, he found that he had already made an appointment with someone during this trip to Langhuan Cave Heaven, and she was a beautiful woman.

It's not beautiful to go up and disturb other people's good things like this. After reading it, Yi Tian knew it well and stopped forcing him to go with him.

It is also a good choice to go on the road by yourself. Anyway, there is less burden and a lot of things can be done freely.

But the good times didn't last long, and the next day, I received a message from Qing Lianyun, inviting me to go to Langhuan Cave together. Her message jade talisman also mentioned that this time was a great opportunity, and she asked someone to get a few pieces of Zhiyan Token. .I just remembered that I was here, so I wanted to invite you to go with me.

Now Yi Tian showed a wry smile on his face, what he asked someone to get it was obviously blackmailed from his uncle Hua Yulin.And it should be the girl Cui Fuling who made the move, but I don't know if Hua Yulin has sold herself, otherwise this matter will be troublesome.

And it is not known whether Qing Lianyun is suspicious, or is deliberately testing himself.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian felt that he should pretend to be ignorant, since the elder sister wanted to invite him, so of course he couldn't ignore her kindness.

Immediately, I went to the Communication Jade Talisman, wrote a reply on it, injected mana and sent it out.

One year later, Yi Tian was waiting in the mid-air outside Xishan Lingzhi Garden in the early morning, when three spiritual lights flashed in the sky and flew straight towards him.After ten breaths, he stopped not far in front of him, and when the aura faded, two women and a man appeared, it was Qinglian Yuncui Fuling, master and servant, and his elder brother-in-law Hua Yulin who was obsessed with sex.

It's just that I didn't see any guilt at all when I saw him this time. Instead, I leaned forward and shouted enthusiastically: "Brother-in-law, you have been waiting for a long time. This time we are traveling together, don't worry, I will take care of you, and others dare not touch you." Nothing."

After hearing this, Yi Tian replied without changing his face: "Brother Yulin will still have beautiful women to accompany him, so people like me don't need to care too much."

Obviously there was anger in his words, and he directly pointed out that he valued sex over friends.Hua Yulin was stunned when he heard this, and then hurried forward and whispered: "Brother-in-law, don't be angry, I am not righteous in this matter, but don't pay too much attention to the fact that I have contributed a lot in the past few years .”

"I know what you're thinking, but I can't find you even if the people who go this time are so careful. After going in, take your little lover around to look for opportunities, don't go to the attention of Langhuan Yuye, go They are all top [-] masters on the Disha list," Yi Tian said in private.

After hearing this, Hua Yulin nodded hastily, with a look of gratitude in his eyes.On the other hand, Cui Fuling coquettishly said: "Can you go away, don't make my lady wait for a long time."

Seeing that Hua Yulin had no choice but to respond, Yi Tian shook his head lightly and said in secret that one thing is really a thing, and Hua Yulin seems to be eaten in this life.

Slowly flew forward, bowed to Qinglian Yuncui Fuling and said: "You two have been waiting for a long time, I just had a little discussion with Brother Yulin and the meeting was delayed. So let's go, I have an assault boat just for transportation use."

"Come on, your assault boat is small and broken. This time, my lady borrowed a light sky survey warship, which is currently parked in the airport of Qingfeng New City," Cui Fuling interjected.

Seeing that they had already made arrangements, Yi Tian could only sneer and take back what he was going to say.Unexpectedly, Qing Lianyun interrupted Cui Fuling's words: "Junior Brother Yi made a claim without your consent this time, so please don't take offense. Everyone, please follow me to the airport in the main city."

"Senior Sister, I'm overthinking. Since I have considered so thoroughly, it is a great thing for me to wait and save a lot of time." Yi Tian also hurriedly replied, since Qing Lianyun put his posture so low I also have to take into account that I can't push my feet.

Cui Fuling, who was on the side unexpectedly, exclaimed: "Miss, why do you lift this person so high? You must know that the disciple of the middle minister of the inner sect who is walking with you is not grateful, so why should you be so humble."

Before she finished speaking, Qing Lianyun shouted sharply: "Presumptuous, as my personal maid, how can you have the right to make decisions for me? If it weren't for the fact that you have served for many years, I would have asked you to go home and think about it behind closed doors."

Cui Fuling, who was angry with one sentence, couldn't hold back a word for a while, and after a flash of crystal light in her eyes, she hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy: "Miss, calm down, Fuling knows that she was wrong, and she will definitely do her duty and do what she should do from now on. "

Seeing that a good thing was almost difficult to end, Yi Tian not only said calmly: "Everyone, don't take small things to heart. The opponents we met this time when we went to Langhuan Dongtian are all leaders in this world, and everyone is of the same heart." Only by working together can we seek the greatest opportunities, right?"

"Junior Brother Yi is right," Qing Lianyun immediately replied.Then the figure flashed and took the lead to fly towards the outside of the Zongmen's territory. Yi Tian glanced at the two people in front of him, pouted, and followed.

Shaoqing and the others also went together and chased after him, but Yi Tian noticed that Cui Fuling's eyes lacked a bit of arrogance at this time, but the eyes he looked at him were still a little unconvinced.

It took half an hour for the group to arrive at the airport in Qingfeng New City. After Qing Lianyun showed her identity badge, someone took her to a warship moored at a private berth.

Only now did Yi Tian realize the gap. Compared with this warship, his assault boat really looked like a 'small sampan'.But what other people don't know is that this 'little sampan' of mine has been re-refined and reformed with the precious materials exchanged for the Scorching Token.

To put it bluntly, the escape speed that the assault boat can achieve now is comparable to his own full speed escape.Moreover, the firmness can withstand the full blow of the monks in the late stage of distraction, which can be said to be the pinnacle of the vehicle refined by oneself.

Originally, he wanted them to be the first to eat crabs, but since Qing Lianyun was so kind, he didn't want to lose face to her.

After boarding the boat, Cui Fuling will be in charge of driving, but there is no need to worry too much with Hua Yulin assisting.So Yi Tian followed Qing Lianyun to the meeting space in the main cabin of the warship and sat down.

After Qing Lianyun opened a sound-proof enchantment to completely cover the two of them, Yi Tian knew that she seemed to have something to say so he was not in a hurry.

After three breaths, Qing Lianyun said: "Junior Brother Yi, I really can't see through you more and more. I would like to ask how you imitated the Zhiyan Token. As far as I know, the refining method of this thing It is a unique secret from the Palace of Fire."

(End of this chapter)

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