
116 Blackmail

116 Blackmail
Although Qihuangmen is a neutral sect, it still tends to favor Baigumen and Yinshimen.

It is well known that even on the third floor of the Nine Heavens Tower, these alchemists still have scruples.

People around will avoid suspicion and save unnecessary trouble.

Generally, when alchemists from Chiyang, Xuanling, and Tiejian sects are negotiating deals, alchemists from Qihuangmen will not participate in the business area.

But today was an exception, there was an alchemist from the Qihuangmen who took the initiative to strike up a conversation with an alchemist from the Chiyang School.

The voices on the third floor suddenly fell silent, and all the alchemists looked at the six people at the table with strange expressions on their faces, and some even laughed a few times there.

Then, when everyone saw the two bottles of alchemy stoves on the table, they all stretched out their spiritual senses quietly at the same time.

Yi Tian saw at least seven or eight strands of spiritual consciousness sweeping over the two bottles of pill furnace, and even a strand of divine consciousness stretched into the inside of the pill furnace to explore.

Although this is very impolite, Yi Tian didn't want to offend these alchemists, so he had to let them go.

At this time, Nangong Qianyun, who was sitting across from her, looked a little ugly. She was thinking about what to say just now, but Dongfang Zhuo interrupted her thinking.

Immediately, the monk from the Qihuangmen crossed the bar again. It is estimated that the alchemists next to him must have noticed this situation, and several strands of spiritual sense have come to investigate.

Immediately, Nangong Qianyun gritted her teeth and said, "The seven thousand spirit stones will be sold immediately."

After hearing this, Wu Xing on the opposite side burst into joy, which was [-]% higher than expected.

Now Yi Tian can finally overcome the difficulties, and was about to speak, when he suddenly saw another female alchemist walking over slowly.

Then he looked at the two pill furnaces on the table and wanted to reach out to touch them, but he heard Zhu Chen say, "I've already traded this thing, please be merciful, fellow Daoist Qiu."

Now everyone came back to their senses, but Wu Xing was sweating on his head, and hurriedly sent a voice transmission to Yi Tian, ​​saying: "She is the alchemist of Baigumen, her name is Qiu Yongxin", seeing that Yi Tian was not moved.

Wu Xing went on to say: "She and the seven evil witches are sisters, this time Liu Piaopiao is also here." After finishing speaking, he stayed aside and stopped talking.

Qiu Yongxin, who was wearing a purple dress, smiled and said, "What did you two say? There are only two pill furnaces on the table without spirit stones. How can it be considered a deal?"

After speaking, he gave Yi Tian a wink, everyone could see that this casual cultivator wearing a bamboo hat was the real owner of the deal.

Unexpectedly, that Dongfang Zhuo suddenly shouted: "Junior Sister, let's go, what's so good about these two pill furnaces, we can buy them in the high-end refining shop in Fanxing City."

But Nangong Qianyun stared at Yi Tian, ​​and repeated: "Seven thousand five, I want the white one."

Before the words were finished, Qiu Yongxin interrupted: "I will take a bottle for eight thousand, this little brother will not disagree." Then he glanced at Dongfang Zhuo and said: "Poor man, no know the goods."

Hearing that Dongfang Zhuo was about to get violent, luckily Nangong Qianyun stopped him in time. If the market is busy in Jiuxiaolou, the consequences would be serious, at least the deacon of the sect would have to come forward to settle it.

Everyone saw Yi Tian, ​​who was wearing a bamboo hat, nodded towards Nangong Qianyun. After a few voice transmissions, he took the storage bag she handed over, and pointed to the white alchemy furnace.

Then he sent a few words to Chao Zhuchen, and saw that Zhuchen also took out a storage bag and handed it to Yi Tian, ​​and then picked up the bottle of yellow alchemy furnace with both hands and put it in the palm of his hand to observe carefully.

When Qiu Yongxin saw that the offer was not accepted, and was also left out, he said coquettishly, not to be outdone, "Isn't this craftsman selling goods according to the price? This is breaking the rules. "After speaking, he looked at Yi Tian with provocative eyes.

No one around dared to talk too much. At this time, one more thing is worse than one less thing, and Nangong Qianyun and Zhu Chen only cared about the bottle of alchemy furnace for themselves and didn't pay attention to Qiu Yongxin at all.

In fact, Yi Tian also wanted to leave this place quickly. Just now, he took Nangong Qianyun six thousand and Zhu Chen seven thousand, and his mind was not here.

I just want to hurry up and buy all the materials, then leave Fanxing City and go back to finish the task.

Just as she was about to get up, she suddenly heard a crisp voice from the stairs: "Who is bullying my little sister Qiu?"

Following the voice, it was a female cultivator in a yellow dress, with a badge of a third-level alchemist pinned to her chest, and a half-mask on her head.

I saw Liu Piaopiao, the Witch of the Seven Demons, walking up from the second floor like a Tingting, gently moving her lotus steps.The alchemists next to him saw it, and they all stepped out of the way, and some of them left first under the pretext of having something to do.

Anyone who reads it will know that this craftsman is getting angry, and a gentleman can afford to hide if he doesn't stand under a dangerous wall.

That Nangong Qianyun's face tightened when she heard the voice. Although she was sitting, she held on to the alchemy furnace tightly, for fear of being snatched away.

But why did Zhu Chen's expression change? Although he released others back then, this person in front of him also had a part in it, and he was already [-]% sure who the tiger-headed man was at that time, and who the bamboo hat man is today.

Zhu Chen was not nervous there, and got up to pick up the teapot, filled Yi Tian also a cup, and then sat down and offered a cup of tea instead of wine.

Seeing that the other party was such a rascal, Yi Tian had no choice but to pick up the teacup and drink it down.

On the other hand, Wu Xing next to him was sitting on pins and needles, but he couldn't leave directly. Looking at Yi Tian next to him, he felt at ease.They have even killed people in the middle stage of foundation establishment, would they be afraid of the seven evil witches?

That Qiu Yongxin seemed to have found the backbone and went up to meet him directly. The two women walked over with their slender waists bent, and Qiu Yongxin talked to Liu Piaopiao from time to time.

A moment later, the consciousness of the Witch of Seven Demons swept over the hands of Nangong Qianyun and Zhu Chen. After three breaths, she turned around and saw Wu Xing, and said with a smile, "Why is it you again, what about him?" Qiu Yongxin looked at the man in the bamboo hat with incredible eyes. It turned out that he knew Liu Piaopiao early in the morning.

Now Wu Xing's face is more ugly smiling than crying, every time I see this aunt, it must be a bad thing, if I don't betray Yi Tian at this time, I am really sorry for myself.

I saw Wu Xing pointed at the bamboo hat man next to him, and then pretended to drink tea, as if you have something to settle for yourself, don't come to me.

In fact, Liu Piaopiao had already guessed it when he went upstairs, but he just asked Wu Xing to confirm again.The eyes of the few people who were about to leave next to them also lit up when they heard this. These two people knew each other, and it seemed that they had a festival, so they didn't leave, but stayed to watch the fun.

After a while, I heard Liu Piaopiao say: "Baihu and Xuanwu's alchemy furnaces are smelted and inscribed at the same time, and the furnaces are made into a fourth-grade middle-level furnace and formed at the same time. Has your craftsmanship improved?"

Everyone's face changed drastically when they heard this. This time, they smelted and carved two alchemy furnaces at the same time, which has reached the level of a fourth-level craftsman. It can't be seen that the man in the bamboo hat in front of him is really powerful.

Nangong Qianyun's eyes were already full of surprise at this time. If the Seven Shaw Witches were right, the person in front of her was at least a fourth-level or higher craftsman, and basically a true disciple of the sect.

Zhu Chen, who was sitting by the side, also had a wider smile on his face. He had already guessed something, and now he was confirmed. The man in the bamboo hat in front of him was him.

Before everyone could react, Liu Piaopiao's expression changed and he directed to Wu Xing, "Qinglong and Suzaku are missing, show me the bottle in your hand."

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, Wu Xing could only shake his head with a wry smile, and took out the Azure Dragon Stove and put it on the table.

In an instant, more than a dozen people stretched out their spiritual senses, wanting to see what is so special about this alchemy furnace.

I saw Liu Piaopiao came forward and picked up the Qinglong furnace in one hand, put it in the palm of his hand, looked at it again, then nodded slightly, as if he was commenting on every detail, and returned the pill furnace after a long time Wu Xing.

Turning to Yi Tian, ​​he said: "Can't you see that you are quite capable, I left all the good things to my brothers.

If the amount of star sand used in the Qinglong Furnace is not enough, it should be able to reach the fourth level. Let's take the Suzaku Furnace to see, it should not be worse than the Qinglong Furnace. "After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and spread it in front of Yi Tian.

After a sound transmission between the two, the boss Yi Tiantian reluctantly took out the Suzaku Stove and handed it to her.

But when Liu Piaopiao picked it up, he deliberately put his hand on Yi Tian's hand and caressed it. The people next to him couldn't see it, but Qiu Yongxin, standing behind him, really saw this action.

Then he looked at Liu Piaopiao with eyes full of surprise, which had never happened before.

On the other hand, Wu Xing hugged his Qinglong stove, wiped it in his arms, and then he had to take care of other things, ignoring Liu Piaopiao's movements.

Looking at the crimson Suzaku stove in his hand, Liu Piaopiao also smiled coquettishly, this is a fourth-level high-grade alchemy stove, and the discussion at the alchemist conference is very interesting.

Then he looked at Zhu Chen, Nangong Qianyun and Wu Xing. By then, these people would be the main competitors. At the same time, they did not forget to praise Yi Tian's skills.

He heard Yi Tian snort coldly, then stood up, and walked down the Jiuxiao Tower alone.

The alchemists around all talked and said that this craftsman is still afraid of the Seven Shaw Witches, if he doesn't show it, he probably won't be able to get out of the Nine Heavens Tower, he really deserves to be blackmailed this time.

Others were talking about it, but Nangong Qianyun was full of doubts. This is not being blackmailed, it seems like it was sent up on purpose.

There must be some ulterior secret between this craftsman and the witch Liu Piaopiao.It seems that there is no way to ask these two people, but there is still an insider in front of him. Didn't see that what Liu Piaopiao said to Wu Xing just now was "my brother", this Wu Xing must know something inside.

Qiu Yongxin, who was at the side, had a look of naked jealousy in his eyes at this time. This craftsman didn't even give a fourth-level high-level alchemy furnace to Liu Piaopiao. Who would believe that they met by chance? .

Even a friend can't just give away a pill furnace worth [-] spirit stones.

And that Liu Piaopiao's actions showed that these two people definitely knew each other, and their relationship was extraordinary.

At least Qiu Yongxin asked himself that the relationship between himself and Liu Piaopiao would not be able to give such a generous gift directly, unless it was that kind of relationship.

 To readers: Please let me know directly if you have any valuable suggestions.Thanks for reading, please recommend and bookmark it.


(End of this chapter)

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