
Chapter 117 Puree

Chapter 117 Puree
The entire Yuncui Mountains extend westward for nearly thousands of miles and divide the entire Dong'ao into north and south. Speaking of the entire Dong'ao continent, this Yuncui Mountain is the most mysterious.

There are countless spiritual beasts hidden in these thousands of mountains, and the remains of the caves left by the predecessors have become a treasure hunting paradise for monks.

On the third day of selling alchemy furnaces in Jiuxiao Tower, Yi Tian waited on a hillside of Yuncui Mountain, ten miles outside Fanxing City.

That day Liu Piaopiao told Yi Tian that she knew that there was a group of golden gibbons in the Macaque Ridge inside Yuncui Mountain, and there might be monkey wine.

This is great news for Yi Tian, ​​the Haoqing wine brewed during the Qi refining period is just a shrunken version of the Haoqi Yuntian.

After reaching the foundation building period, Yi Tian has no way to quickly recover the aura.

If you have some spiritual wine on your body, then your chances of winning will be much higher when you face the enemy in the future.Even if you meet a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment, you can consume the opponent to death by replenishing spiritual power.

At that time, the condition for reaching a deal with Liu Piaopiao was that the bottle of Suzaku Pill Stove was exchanged for Monkey Wine, and Liu Piaopiao promised to take Yi Tian to find the group of golden-haired gibbons.

It seems to be a very unfair transaction, but who said that this is what Yi Tian needs most at present, I am willing to buy it with a thousand dollars, and this time Yi Tian has to find the original puree of monkey wine.

After negotiating with Liu Piaopiao for a while, Yi Tian had no choice but to pretend to be blackmailed by her and gave him the Suzaku stove, but before leaving, he warned her not to play tricks, or she would feel better.

Liu Piaopiao wasn't frightened too much, and he was also willing to fight against Yi Tian's words, but he waited for Yi Tian to say through voice transmission as if nothing had happened: "I killed two monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment."

Liu Piaopiao obviously paused for a while, and pouted her mouth obviously, so she stopped talking, as long as everyone understands it in their hearts.

After leaving the Jiuxiao Tower, Yi Tian took the Lingshi in his hand and ran to those small refining shops to purchase what he needed.

After learning from the previous experience in Country Fong, Yi Tian adopted Wu Xing’s method this time, and did not buy too much wherever he went, and bought the materials in the store for three or four times, so as not to cause any panic acquired.

The last time the guards in Country Fong were his own people, so it was okay for Yi Tian to buy and drive up prices randomly, so he finally persuaded him to leave.

It was different in Fanxing City, the ancestor Flying Star couldn't tolerate sand in his eyes, not to mention that he was still dressed as a casual cultivator and went to the city to buy materials, if something happened, he would bear it by himself.

In three days, Yi Tian traveled all over the entire Fanxing City store or small workshops, trying to increase the price by half as much as possible, and would not buy or sell by force.

In short, the price is fair, and people will not be caught.

After that day, Yi Tian also sent a message to Wu Xing, saying that the purchased spirit stones were almost enough, and told him to be careful.

This alchemist's exchange meeting will not participate, and I hope he can make good use of the alchemy furnace.

Unexpectedly, Wu Xing said that since the Jiuxiaolou transaction, people kept coming to him to inquire about the sale of pill furnaces, which annoyed him. ah.

In the end, in order not to be troublesome, Wu Xing said that he met a strange craftsman on the road, and after accepting his favor, he took him to Jiuxiao Tower to trade, but who would believe it.

Afterwards, Nangong Qianyun of the Xuanling Sect and Zhu Chen of the Qihuangmen also said the same thing. As for the Witch of the Seven Shades, they didn't dare to ask her, so the matter had to be let go in the end.

As for Wu Xing, since that day, other alchemists have been looking for him to learn alchemy from time to time. Of course, the main purpose is to let him start alchemy on the spot.

But the effect is also surprisingly good, five times out of ten times the Condensation Pill is full, and more than half of them can reach the top grade.

It caused those alchemists to be very jealous when they saw him, and they often asked him to borrow the alchemy furnace to use it, but in the end they all used it with his company.

After waiting on the hillside for less than an hour, he saw a group of green flames rushing towards him in the distance, and the speed could almost catch up with Yi Tian's wind escape technique.After circling a circle over the hillside, he landed directly and stood three feet in front of Yi Tian.

When the green flame completely disappeared, Liu Piaopiao in a white shirt was seen standing in it.

Just looking at her figure, she was exquisite and graceful, with a girlish bun on her head, and half a mask on her face, only showing half of her delicate face.If you don't count the half of the disfigured face, she is definitely the most beautiful woman Yi Tian has ever seen.

Yi Tian, ​​who was in front of him, looked a little crazy. Fortunately, he was in his 30s, and the city was always a little bit. After three breaths, he adjusted his state and said casually: "Well, you are finally here. Does it still look good?"

Unexpectedly, Liu Piaopiao laughed out loud after hearing this, just now Yi Tian's embarrassing appearance was seen in his eyes, and when he heard Yi Tian praised her for the first time, he couldn't help being proud.

Then after turning around in a circle, I asked: "Am I really good-looking today?"
Yi Tianxia replied consciously: "Yes", and then knew that he had lost his composure, and hurriedly coughed a few times to cover up his embarrassment.

After the whole atmosphere was maintained for ten breaths, it was Yi Tian who spoke first and said, "It's getting late, let's go find the group of golden-haired gibbons first." I glanced at him a few times.

"Okay, then I'll lead the way." Liu Piaopiao looked at Yi Tian with a smile on his face and said, "You can watch it if you want, and you're as shy as those little brats."

After speaking, the imperial weapon flew into the air, Yi Tian didn't show weakness, he paused, and a ray of flame ignited his whole body to follow.

If it is in the night sky, you can find two groups of flames, one green and one red, speeding through the air.

During the flight, Liu Piaopiao seemed to be testing Yi Tian's cultivation base, and he used all his strength to use Nether Dungeon along the way, and slowly accelerated.

But Yi Tian always followed her five feet behind her, neither near nor far, no matter how Liu Piaopiao speeded up or slowed down, Yi Tian kept that distance.

After flying for more than an hour, the two of them came to a lush valley. After the two of them landed, Liu Piaopiao gave Yi Tian a blank look, and murmured softly: "Can't you let the girl?" Seeing Yi Tian made a face.

Then I heard a vague echo: "Understood, let me let you next time."

Liu Piaopiao smiled at Yi Tian and pointed to the valley in front of him and said: "The macaque ridge is ahead, and the monkey nest is on the mountainside. After a while, you can find a way to lure the monkey king away, so the monkeys will come out." Alright, I'll take the opportunity to go in and get the wine."

Unexpectedly, Yi Tian smiled and said: "It's better for us to go in together and have a caretaker. The monkey cave is very dirty. I'm afraid it's not good for you, a girl, to make it dirty in it. As for how to attract the monkeys, I will do it myself." There is a way."

After speaking, Yi Tian took out a few barrels of wine from the storage bag, poured a bottle of Spirit Beast Drunk into the wine respectively, and then the two of them came to the bottom of the valley and opened the lids of the wine barrels.

Liu Piaopiao pouted and pointed to the monkey cave, didn't the monkeys come out yet? Yi Tian smiled slightly, took out a few sticks of three-foot-long incense sticks from his hand and stuck them on several wine barrels.

A fireball rose in his hand, and after flying out in an arc, all the incense was ignited, and then the fragrant wine began to emit.

Yi Tian hurriedly pulled Liu Piaopiao's imperial weapon into the air, and looked down at the monkey cave where hundreds of spirit monkeys suddenly rushed to the wine barrels under the valley, and then they scrambled to divide the wine.

Almost every monkey drank a few sips, and the biggest golden-haired gibbon monkey king even drank half a barrel of wine.

Yi Tian who stood in mid-air laughed a few times and counted, but he couldn't even count ten, and the monkeys below basically fell down.

After a burst of excitement, Yi Tian pointed down the cave, indicating that the two of them could go in, but found that Liu Piaopiao behind was standing still.

After calling a few times, Liu Piaopiao finally came to his senses, and then the two of them sneaked in quietly.

In fact, the whole Monkey Cave is not very big, but there are many small caves inside. Once inside, Yi Tian was dumbfounded. This is simply a maze.

Liu Piaopiao on the side smiled, and took out a bottle from the spirit beast bag, and there was a bee lying there motionless.

Yi Tian looked puzzled, and saw Liu Piaopiao lift the cover, and after three breaths, the bee flew out suddenly, and then flew towards a medium-sized cave.

He only heard the sound of "Follow up", and Liu Piaopiao chased the bee all the way, and Yi Tian followed closely behind.

Looking at the bees, Yi Tiancai nodded thoughtfully. It turned out that the bees used their talent to gather honey to find the storage place for the monkey wine.

It took the two of them a quarter of an hour to arrive at a ten-foot-large pool. Liu Piaopiao was overjoyed to see it, and hurriedly took out two wine bottles engraved with spirit patterns from the storage bag.

Put down the two wine bottles and fill them up separately, and Yi Tian saw that the sink had dropped by as much as three inches.

Seeing Liu Piaopiao's contented look for a while, Yi Tian knew that there was monkey wine in the pool, but what was the head of the monkey wine?

Yi Tian stood by the pool and looked at the pool with a puzzled face, suddenly felt that Liu Piaopiao had pulled off his sleeve, turned around and saw her blushing and said: "I'm done, you Are you going or not?"

Look at Liu Piaopiao's appearance, half of his face is like a red apple, Yi Tian has never seen him like this before, so he joked: "Did you drink too much wine and your face turned red?"

Then I heard Liu Piaopiao turn around and say: "I want you to take care of it".

After a wry smile, Yi Tian also asked: "There are so many monkey wine pools, why do you only take so much?"

Liu Piaopiao said to Yi Tian with the appearance of an old god: "You don't know that, monkey wine is actually a collection of spirit fruits collected by spirit monkeys and then diluted with open-air rainwater. It took years to form this pool of wine.

Although the storage bottle was only three inches long, it weighed nearly fifty catties, equivalent to the accumulation of the spirit monkeys in two years. The bottom of this pool is full of years of wine lees, and it is easy to get drunk after drinking. "

After listening to Liu Piaopiao's words, Yi Tiancai realized that the head of the monkey wine was the distiller's grains deposited under the pond.

Although it’s not good to drink it directly, isn’t it good to use it to make wine? The aura in the distiller’s grains below is definitely stronger than that of the wine above.

Immediately, he took out a flying sword and two jade boxes from the storage bracelet, walked to the edge of the pool, used the sword to gently dig out a large piece of crystal clear wine lees, and then divided them in half and put them in the jade boxes. in the box.

This portion can be used at least twice, as long as the ingredients are sufficient, it is appropriate to brew [-] catties of Haoqi Yuntian each time.

With Liu Piaopiao's puzzled face, Yi Tian packed the jade box and signaled for the two to leave.

The effect of the drunken spirit beast can last almost an hour, and if you don't leave, you will be besieged by monkeys.

The two returned in a hurry along the same route, except for the cave and the imperial weapon was flying in the air. They saw the monkeys in the valley slowly waking up, and then jumped back to their nests one after another.

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(End of this chapter)

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