
Chapter 1163 Langhuan Cave Sky Episode

Chapter 1163 Langhuan Cave Sky Episode
The warship from the Lihuo Palace outside the Langhuan Cave slowly landed and stopped in the air in an open space on one side.After Shaoqing's cabin door opened, ten monks dressed in Zongmen costumes flew out of it, the first one was a female nun.All the people present looked sideways and showed a little strangeness in their eyes, but they quickly restrained themselves.

The backstage was Ji Xuanyuan, the number one integrated monk in the spiritual world, and everyone present naturally didn't dare to cause trouble.

In the crowd following behind Ji Xingzhu, there was a young man in his 20s with a serious expression on his face. Even if the spiritual pressure fluctuations around him were well restrained, he was instantly recognized by everyone. It was Li Huo Gong Shao. Palace Master Chi Wuji himself.

After the people from Lihuo Palace flew forward to stabilize their figures, the monks from the other two sects would naturally come forward to greet them.After all, the three sects of the spiritual world were originally one family, and even if they have been divided into sects for tens of thousands of years, the disciples of the younger sects will always treat each other with courtesy when they meet.

Jian Shaoqing and Qing Lianyun are the leaders of the two sects, so at this time, they naturally do their part to act as a front.

Yi Tian glanced at the brothers around him, Xiang Donghui, Hua Yulin and Cui Fuling all followed.They naturally knew each other, but they didn't know each other at all.After thinking about it, he simply retreated to the side and turned around to look around, only to see that the leaders of the small and medium sects around him also seized the opportunity to go forward to make friends.

The leaders are naturally Han Zhenting from the Zixia Sect and Yin Xuchao from the Feisheng League. For them, making friends with the three major sects is naturally to leave a way for themselves. It's almost an agreement.

After all, if there are disciples among the three sects who use power to overwhelm others, they have to take care of their face, so that everyone's affairs will not be too extreme.

Ji Xingzhu's cultivation base has just reached the late stage of Huashen, but her smoothness and sophistication in dealing with people are naturally obvious to all.In addition to chatting and laughing happily with the two leading monks who came forward, they also exchanged pleasantries with Han Zhenting and others.

He even flew to Xi Tianying alone to say hello to him, and the latter naturally returned the greeting in a hurry.Although Xi Tianying looked at Chi Wuji provocatively, Ji Xingzhu still had to give her face.

At this time, another cultivator in the late stage of Huashen came out of Lihuo Palace and chatted with Jian Shaoqing and others. From his introduction, he seemed to be Lei Kun, an inner disciple of Lihuo Palace.It looked like the No. [-] figure in Lihuo Palace, but Ji Xingzhu in the distance flew back slowly without changing his expression, but there was a flash of disdain in his eyes.

Yi Tian has been locking his mind on Ji Xingzhu, and after noticing some slight changes, he began to look at the appearance of the people in Lihuo Palace.On the surface, these ten people are all together, but after careful identification, it is not difficult to see that Ji Xingzhu and Chi Wuji are completely separated from the other eight people.

Chi Wuji seems to be unruly and unruly, and he is incompatible with the brothers around him, and it is not difficult to detect it with a little effort.As for the other eight people, they seemed to be in a group led by Lei Kun, but they didn't dare to make mistakes considering Ji Xingzhu's background and Chi Wuji's strength.

After Lei Kun chatted with the monks for a while, everyone was about to go back, when suddenly Chi Wuji moved, and the figure flew forward slowly, and then flew past the crowd and directly in front of himself.

At this time, everyone around also showed surprise on their faces, and many people showed gloating looks on their faces, wanting to see the next good show.

Yi Tian frowned slightly and turned around to look at the other party, only to see a trace of suspicion flashed in Chi Wuji's eyes when he looked at him.Then he said, "Have we met?"

"No," Yi Tian directly vetoed.

"Dalin Temple," Chi Wuji said calmly.

Yi Tian said without changing his expression: "I haven't been there before." The ability to tell nonsense with eyes open has long been perfected, and even Qing Lianyun in the distance secretly admired it.

"Excuse me, Fellow Daoist Yi," Chi Wuji said, then turned around and returned to the crowd.

Although it was only three sentences short, it was the only thing Chi Wuji said after he arrived, and it was with an unknown monk.

But even so, all the leading 'big brothers' present looked sideways at Yi Tian.Among them, people like Xi Tianying, Jian Shaoqing and others naturally knew it well.And those meddlers among the casual cultivators naturally kept Yi Tian's appearance firmly in their hearts.

The person who can make Chi Wuji think about him must have something extraordinary, even though he is only a mid-stage cultivator.

Seeing this, Qing Lianyun hurriedly led the people behind him to surround him, and instantly pulled Yi Tian into the crowd.

A little later, I saw ripples appearing in the void in front of me, and then spread towards the surroundings.After a while, a [-]-foot void gate was formed. On the top of the gate, there was a plaque with the word 'Langhuan' written on it.

Then Ji Xingzhu flew forward and reached out to take out the Zhiyan Token, and lightly injected spiritual power into it to activate it.The restriction on the void gate seemed to be sensed, and a white light was shot out to cover her whole body.Immediately, Ji Xingzhu turned into a spiritual light and flew directly into the void gate.

Seeing this, everyone around rushed forward to try to activate the Burning Token in their hands, and was swallowed by the light gate in an instant.Seeing that there are fewer and fewer monks around, Yi Tian is also ready to leave.

It's just that after scanning with the divine sense, I found that the spiritual power fluctuations on a casual cultivator seemed to be unstable. When I looked closely, it was a casual cultivator wearing a cloak and a mask.Be careful to keep his figure in mind secretly, this person gives him an extremely uneasy feeling, more so than Chi Wuji and others.

After he left, Yi Tian was also about to step forward to enter, and suddenly found that almost all the monks from the Fire Palace had left, leaving Chi Wuji alone there.

He secretly said bad luck in his heart, it seemed that this guy was going to stalk him to death.After slowly stabilizing his figure, he turned around and took a look at the other party, only to see his figure flashing past and coming to him.

Then they crossed lightly, but said in his mouth: "You are very special."

This was Chi Wuji's fourth sentence after he arrived, but all of them were directed towards himself.Although he didn't show any hostility, Yi Tian knew in his heart that he was the one who was really missed by others.

Coming and going is not indecent, but Yi Tian muttered softly: "Under the saffron tree, the Zen method of good and evil, one thought of Buddha and devil, is worthy of one's heart." The words were quiet enough for Chi Wuji in front of him to hear, He paused slightly, and said again: "You have been taught," and then went directly to the main entrance to activate the token and flew in.

At this time, Yi Tian turned around and followed Chi Wuji and activated the Burning Flame Token in his hand, only to feel that the prohibition and the token outside Langhuan Cave had sensed a white light, and then he sucked in the prohibition as if being pulled by a powerful suction force among.

After the white light flickered, I felt dizzy for a while, and finally came back to my senses and looked around and found that I was in a dense forest at this time.Let go of your divine sense and investigate and find that there is no one in a radius of five hundred miles.Extending the divine sense until it was [-] miles away, I found a casual figure.

When you are a newcomer, everyone will not mess around as soon as they come up, and they are relatively restrained with each other.After ten breaths, Yi Tian used the escape technique to fly into the air, took out the map and began to confirm his position.

(End of this chapter)

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