
Chapter 1164

Chapter 1164
In this Langhuan cave, Yi Tian found that the concentration of aura here was several times stronger than that of the outside world, but there seemed to be an invisible pressure entangled around him.Needless to say, this should be the suppression in Langhuan Cave Heaven. If the strength of spiritual power breaks through to the stage of distraction, it is bound to be forcibly repelled from this world.

Yi Tianfei held a Luo Geng disk in his hand to measure his position in mid-air. There was no sun, moon and stars in Langhuan Cave, so he couldn't rely on the sundial to time the time. Fortunately, he came out this time with an hourglass.I took it out and put it in my hand and looked at it carefully for seven days. If it didn't protrude from the main entrance, but was forcibly repelled by the power of the interface, I might be sent to somewhere in the spirit world.

Facing many hidden dangers in the spirit world, it would be best if he could leave smoothly.

It took a long time for Yi Tian to find out his location, which was probably on the eastern edge of Langhuan Cave.It is about a hundred thousand miles away from the Duanquan Cliff where the water is fetched, so I thought about it and whispered evil, but I didn't expect my luck to be not so bad.It would take four or five days to get there even by flying towards it.

I really don't know that when I arrive at Duanquanya, it will almost be over there.After taking out the assault boat, Yi Tian shook his head helplessly and jumped in, then flew straight towards Duanquan Cliff under control.

Fortunately, after the assault boat was re-sacrificed by himself, its escape speed also increased a lot. It flew in the air along the way, Yi Tian opened up his divine sense to the maximum, and monitored the area with a radius of more than 2000 miles.

But when encountering some monks who were searching for treasures or hunting monsters, Yi Tian would take it easy, either raise the altitude and fly over his head, or deviate from the direction to miss the opponent's position.

Along the way, Yi Tian also maintained restraint and tried not to waste his time in conflicts with others.

But after flying for nearly a day and a night, he suddenly found that there was a strong spiritual pressure fluctuation thousands of miles ahead.After careful inspection with divine sense, it turned out that there were three monks fighting.I didn't want to cause more trouble, so I drove the assault boat to make a detour, but one of them locked his position in an instant and rushed straight over.

It was obvious that these people were relying on him, Yi Tian was furious and steered the assault boat to turn around. To be honest, the most precious thing he had now was time.In case of delay and missed the time to fetch water, it is really not worth the loss.

But the leader's escape speed is not slow, and seems to have used some secret method to rush towards him, and the escape speed is approaching the assault boat, and the distance is still shrinking.

Yi Tian didn't get angry immediately, and estimated that he would be caught up in about half an hour.He simply gritted his teeth and stopped the assault boat, then flew out of the cabin, put away the vehicle and waited in the air. Rather than passively playing cat and mouse, he would take the initiative to attack and see what happened.

A moment later, three halos flashed across the sky and then rushed towards him, and stopped not far in front of him after a while.When someone appeared, it turned out to be Yu Xiong, one of the Pojunshan brothers.

After the two met, Yu Xiong was also very happy, and hurriedly shouted: "Friend Yi Daoist, help, these two are the three most wanted evil cultivators."

"Evil cultivator," Yi Tian's face tightened when he heard this, he didn't expect to encounter such a thing, so he couldn't let it go.After carefully looking at Yu Xiong's condition, he saw that he had three wounds on his body, and traces of black demonic energy slowly floated from the wounds, obviously he was injured by the demon's kung fu.

In an instant, the two people following behind rushed to them. After seeing Yi Tian's face clearly, they froze in the air for a while, and then they discussed a few words in private and then slowly surrounded them.

In such a situation, if the two of them leave here, they will naturally face endless pursuit in the future. If they stay here to surround and kill the two of them, they may not be able to live a better life in the future.

Yi Tian visually inspected that the two people on the opposite side are both late-stage cultivators dressed as casual cultivators, and the one on the left is a burly man with a bit of spiritual power emerging from his seven orifices from time to time, holding a broad-bladed battle ax in both hands, and the other One person still had a strong smell of medicine, so he was either an alchemist or a spiritual planter.

I can't help but think that with the strength of Po Junshan Yu Xiong Zhanxiu, he wouldn't be forced to this by the two of them.Could it be that these two are stronger than Zhan Xiu?

Only listening to Yu Xiong's voice transmission: "That burly man has a strange body, as if his physical defense is extremely strong, his whole body is copper-skinned and iron-framed, and his sword skills are difficult to hurt. The other one I know is Fu Zhaoqing, who is an alchemist."

"Fu Zhaoqing," Yi Tian's pupils froze when he heard this. This person is Murong Zhenghong's real old friend, and the Mosha Lingying Pill was created by him.In this way, Yi Tian realized that Yu Xiongshang, who was a war repairer, was reasonable in their hands.

The news of these Pojunshan battle repairers is also not very well-informed. I'm afraid Yu Xiong didn't know Fu Zhaoqing's true identity, so he waited for an opportunity to succeed.But in the face of such a powerful enemy, he had to expose his hole cards, and with Yu Xiong around, he was naturally restrained.

After thinking about it, he replied directly via voice transmission: "Brother Yu, after I make a move in a while, you go first, I have my own plan to escape."

Yu Xiong showed a bit of surprise on his face and hurriedly said: "You Daoist Yi is so righteous, how can I, Brother Po Junshan, retreat in front of the battle, and where will I put my face when I see Brother Xi in the future?"

"If I tell you to go, you can go. The wound on your body is polluted by the evil spirit. If you don't deal with it quickly, you may hurt your life. And if you stay here, once you use your skills and cast spells to speed up the circulation of the evil spirit in your body, you may not be able to escape this time. It's a hole in the sky," Yi Tian threatened.

So Yu Xiong's arrogance weakened, and then he nodded.At the moment of life and death, anyone would make the most correct choice. Yi Tian raised his hand and took out a few thunderbolts, which were instantly activated and shot towards the two people in front of him.Fu Zhaoqing yelled "No," and then drew back quickly.

Yi Tian also teleported back fifty miles away. At the same time, after several thunderbolts detonated, a series of sparks exploded in the air with deafening sounds resounding through the world.

Yu Xiong, on the other hand, took advantage of the aftermath of the Zhentianlei explosion and ran away in the opposite direction, and disappeared into the sky in a short time.

Yi Tian took out the communication talisman, briefly wrote down the situation here, and then activated it to send it out, reminding Xi Tianying to take good care of Yu Xiong.

After the smoke cleared in the air, Fu Zhaoqing and the burly monk flew forward, one left and one right, sandwiching Yi Tian in the middle.Then he said with a fierce smile: "You kid, you dare to wait here when you are about to die. You don't know the heights of heaven and earth."

"Fu Zhaoqing, you are just a wild man raised by that bitch Murong Zhenghong. Don't think that everything will be fine if you trick Yu Xiong with a voodoo. In my eyes, your voodoo skills are nothing more than heresy," Yi Tianleng echoed.

"How do you know the way of Gu people?" Fu Zhaoqing said in surprise.

"I know your hole cards, and it's time to show you mine," Yi Tian shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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