
Chapter 1166 Langhuan Cave Sky Selection

Chapter 1166 Langhuan Cave Sky Selection
Fu Zhaoqing was killed in Langhuan Cave, but Yitian was not happy at all.From the items he left behind, they found a recipe for refining the Mosha Lingying Pill and a Jade Slip of Communication.

After carefully checking the pill, Fang Yitian found that it described in detail the refining method and efficacy of Mosha Lingying Pill.It turned out that this was a elixir specially used by the demons to raise demon slaves, and the other name was Manudan.

As the name suggests, once it is taken, it will be marked with the mark of a demon slave, and it is completely through the forced overdrawing of the potential to improve the cultivation base.The result is often a sudden increase in strength like a flash in the pan. If you can break through to the next level, your own lifespan can be greatly improved, and the amount of Manudan can be added.

In the long run, this thing is just like the five stone powder in the world, and after taking it, you can't get rid of it for a lifetime.In the end, it was easily absorbed by those demons directly and became part of the supply.

As for Chao Yi seizing Murong Zhenghong's home, that's the next best thing to do. Only demon monks will do this when their bodies are completely destroyed and there is no other way.

And many precious materials for refining elixirs can also be found in the spirit world, only the magic essence used as elixir is more difficult to find.

Fortunately, after the last catastrophe in the spirit world, it is obvious that there are many relics of demon caves left. Large quantities may not be feasible, but more or less can always be obtained.

After reading this recipe, Yitian picked it up, and handed it to Xiang Donghui afterwards, presumably he will follow the ingredients of this recipe to find the hidden demon remnants.

As for the other copy of Yu Jiantian, he opened it and read it through, and then his face showed a cloudy look.This is a message left by a man named Bo Zejun. He is going to go to the depths of the Langhuan Cave to find the Numbing Fruit Tree.

Originally, Yi Tian thought that he was going to pick the baby-running fruit, but his face became more and more excited when he saw the final message of Yujian.It is mentioned above that there is a virtual gate near the Runying fruit tree, where the secret of Langhuan Cave is hidden.

This time, Fu Zhaoqing obviously agreed to the appointment of Bo Zejun to go there to explore together.I didn't expect to be bumped into here by myself and just settle it, but it's good to know that the only people at this time are myself and that Bo Zejun.

After thinking about it, Yi Tianhao made up his mind to choose the most important of the two benefits, and he finally came across such an opportunity.Taking out the Jade Talisman of Communication, he was about to send a message to Qing Lianyun to inform her of her itinerary change, but after finishing writing the message, Yi Tian thought again and again and still did not activate it to send it out.

He casually took back the Jade Talisman of Communication in his palm, took out the sundial and log root plate to measure his position, and then raised the assault boat and flew straight towards the direction of the Runying Fruit Tree 40 miles away.

Not notifying Qing Lianyun now saves a lot of trouble. In her mind, if she changes her itinerary, she will definitely follow her, and it won't be too late to notify her when she gets there.And what I am most afraid of is exposing my true strength, and I can play freely without any scruples when no one is around, even if I encounter a strong enemy but cannot run, it is always no problem.

Three days later, an ordinary assault boat galloped through the air, and I still met many monks during the first day of the trip.In order to seize the time, Yi Tian simply avoided avoiding and passing over the high altitude, and at the same time opened the defensive cover of the assault boat.No matter how these monks attack, they don't fight back. Fortunately, most of the monks just keep vigilant and don't deliberately make enemies.

A few casual cultivators who were self-conscious about their abilities flew out of the attack range before they even had time to launch the assault boat after casting their spells.

The continuous flying made Yi Tian feel that his spiritual energy was exhausted, so he took out some elixir and put it in his mouth.At the same time, Yungong turned the pills into open sources and continuously replenished his own spiritual power.

He took out the map and Luo Geng on the console to check his location from time to time.The three-day flight almost arrived within a thousand-mile radius of the Runying Fruit Tree.

But on the map, Yi Tian found that there is a ring-shaped area marked in this interval.Before he could distinguish carefully, he suddenly felt the whole assault boat vibrate violently, he hurriedly slowed down the speed to stabilize the flying boat, then stretched out his divine sense, and carefully adjusted the situation around him.

After ten breaths, Yi Tian's face became extremely serious, and he had entered an area of ​​spiritual disorder.The wind from the outside whizzed by, making the assault boat tremble non-stop.It was so easy to realize that the circular circle marked on the map should be the Gangfeng Belt.

The range is about a thousand miles away. If you want to get close to the Runying Fruit Tree, you must first break through this level.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian had no choice but to control the assault boat to bite the bullet and cut horizontally into the gang wind belt.Accompanied by the violent shaking of the hull, Yi Tian found that the consumption of spiritual power in his body was more than double that of the previous situation.

Fortunately, with his deep cultivation and constant supply of pills, he could finally maintain the balance of spiritual energy in his body.It usually takes only a short while to fly over a thousand miles, but at this time it took nearly an hour to reach the edge of the Gangfeng Belt.

Fortunately, the power of the gang wind weakened during the last part of the journey, which also allowed Yi Tian to free up his hands to quickly replenish the consumed spiritual power.

I don't know what will happen next, but Yi Tian knows in his heart that he must be fully prepared.After getting out of the gang wind belt, he felt relieved. After opening the hatch and putting away the assault boat, Yi Tian lowered his head to the clouds and chose an area rich in spiritual power deep in the jungle below to set up a simple formation.

Then he restrained his breath and found a safe place to sit cross-legged, exercise his breath, adjust his breath and recover his spiritual power.Three hours later, Yi Tian opened his eyes and swept away the previous decline. After taking a bottle of Baihua Honey Wine, his state quickly recovered, and now he has adjusted to the best state.

Standing up, he jumped into the air lightly, and then looked towards the destination.After driving for nearly nine thousand miles, you can see a towering pillar in the sky in the distance.After careful identification, it was the Runying Fruit Tree. I didn't expect this tree to be so big, a bit like the Jianmu God Tree I had seen in Tianlan Continent.

But it is precisely with such a sacred tree that it can bear such heaven-defying spiritual treasures as the Numbing Fruit.Shaoqing Yitian opened up his spiritual sense to the maximum extent and found no trace of anyone within a range of three thousand miles.

In this case, I was the first to take the lead, so I didn't hesitate to restrain my breath and fly high above the sky towards the direction of the sacred tree.

Little did they know that at this time, various forces arrived at Duanquanya one after another, and Duan Yi and others from Scarlet Rain Sword Sect were the first to arrive.They also knew that the jade bottles prepared in advance were placed at the seven springs of Duanquanya to fetch water.

Then the Sanxiumen who arrived later were just watching each other in groups of three or four from a distance, and it was useless to go up even if the spring water hadn't come out at this time.

Not long after, there were several spiritual lights flashing in the sky everywhere, needless to say, other people from all walks of life arrived one after another.It's just that there is no shadow of Yi Tian among the people in Taiqing Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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