
Chapter 1167

Chapter 1167
After seeing the Runying fruit tree from a distance, Yi Tian hurriedly flew towards the location of the spirit tree without stopping.Along the way, I opened the map jade slips and carefully surveyed the terrain. This is basically the edge of the map.

After performing the pupil technique, he found that there was still space on the other side of the spirit tree, but it was no longer recorded in the jade slip map.

Yi Tian is naturally not afraid of the unknown, opportunities and dangers coexist, but he is certainly not afraid.After flying seven or eight thousand miles, he found that he had already entered the range of the canopy of the spirit tree.At the same time, the divine sense swept down the ground, as if some monsters lived here.

Although the strength is mostly not strong at the fifth level, but there is a drum in his heart. From this point of view, there should be even more powerful monsters guarding the depths of the spirit tree.In this way, it may not be easy for him to pick the baby nourishing fruit.

After restraining the spiritual pressure fluctuations around his body, Yi Tian hid his figure in the high sky, and then quietly approached the middle of the spiritual number tree trunk.

It didn't take a moment to fly over the last thousand miles or so, and when he came to the trunk of the spirit tree and performed the pupil technique, his face became extremely uncomfortable for a short time.

A five-foot-long gray boa constrictor was sleeping soundly coiled at the root of the tree. The spiritual pressure fluctuations around him were completely restrained and only revealed within a ten-foot-long range.

This python is the strongest monster I have ever seen except Mengxin, and its head has been repaired into a human shape. It is obvious that there is no place in the secret realm here that can be sensed by Lei Jie like the outside world, so this python is also Did not survive the catastrophe.But being able to cultivate a human face under such circumstances shows that his cultivation should not be underestimated. After carefully distinguishing the appearance of the strength from the peak of the seventh level to the beginning of the eighth level, it is no wonder that I did not find any clues when I scanned it with my divine sense before.

Now Yi Tian didn't dare to extend his divine sense easily for fear of provoking him.He looked up and saw that there were four fruits on the head of the human-faced snake under the trunk of the spirit tree. From its appearance, it was undoubtedly the Nourishing Baby Fruit.

Since ancient times, heaven, material and earth treasures have been guarded by monsters, and this place is no exception.If you want to get the result, you can only deal with this snake first, at least Yi can try to outsmart him if he can't beat him.

But thinking that Fu Zhaoqing and Bo Zejun made an appointment to come here to get the fruit, if he did it rashly now, he might be taking advantage of others.After thinking about it, I decided to wait and see before talking, and then the figure quietly disappeared in the air and waited.

Sure enough, three hours later, two rays of light flashed across the sky and flew towards here. Yi Tian was startled immediately. He didn't expect that Bo Zejun had an accomplice. I really don't know how strong his assistant is.

This time the estimate was not enough, I didn't expect that I would fall into the limelight in an instant, but I looked at the human-faced snake in the distance in front of me and calculated that I still had a chance to fish in troubled waters.

Not long after, the two rays of light flew from a distance and stopped at a distance of three miles away from them. They also stared at the human-faced snake carefully, and their faces were ashen.

However, Yi Tian found that he had a little impression of the appearance of the two of them, one was a casual cultivator wearing a bamboo hat.This person himself had been paying attention when he entered the Langhuan Cave, because the fluctuation of spiritual pressure around his body was extremely strange, which aroused his attention.

The other person turned out to be Lei Kun, the number three figure in Lihuo Palace.

Seeing them fly to the rear, Lei Kun bit the bullet and said: "Friend Bo, what should we do? Didn't you say that there will be a helper coming too? I'm afraid we can't deal with that face with the three of us." snake."

Bo Zejun didn't reply directly. After taking off the bamboo hat, he revealed his true face, which was that of a 30-year-old monk. However, after a flash of spiritual energy all over his body, his figure flew past, and then he stretched out his hand and grabbed it fiercely into the void. Said loudly: "You guys hide your head and show your tail, do you think you can hide it from this old man?"

With a crisp sound of "pa", after the two spells slammed in the air, Bo Zejun stood at the position where Yi Tian had just concealed his figure, and at this time Yi Tian pushed a hundred feet away and looked at the two of them vigilantly.Unexpectedly, this old monster was really powerful. He discovered his whereabouts as soon as he arrived here.

As for Lei Kun who was on the side, he shouted in surprise: "Why are you?"

"What nonsense are you talking about with him? Let's deal with him first," Bo Zejun said coldly, obviously he was already determined to not let him go.

His figure flashed to intercept the back route, while Lei Kun slowly circled around from the other side, forming an encirclement and blocking his own retreat route.

With a thought in Yi Tian's mind, he realized that the two of them were indeed old Jianghu, and this continuous fight and beating forced him to retreat in the direction of the snake with a human face.

In this way, they are bound to be the first to be blocked by the human-faced snake, and they can take advantage of the situation.Seeing that Bo Ze's army was playing such a plan to kill two birds with one stone, Yi Tian also felt bad luck in his heart.

Originally, I wanted to hide and reap the benefits of being a fisherman, but I didn't expect to be put in danger now.

Immediately, he calmed down and said: "Bo Zejun, you and Fu Zhaoqing have been involved in refining the Mosha Lingying Pill. The three major sects will definitely issue an order to kill you. Fellow Daoist Lei, as a cultivator of the Lihuo Palace, here With treacherous people, I am afraid that it will be difficult to justify the news when it reaches the Lingshi."

Before Bo Zejun could speak, Lei Kun said angrily: "The old guy will only favor that kid Chi Wuji. In terms of strength, I, Lei Kun, is not as good as him. This fellow Yi Daoist is able to enter Chi Wuji's eyes, That alone pissed me off enough.”

Bo Zejun who was at the side also said: "Boy, I will give you a way out. As long as you lead that snake away, I will not pursue whether you live or die."

"You live so kindly?" Yi Tian sneered: "I'm afraid that human-faced snake is enough to deal with the three of us, but you are right, this is my only way of life."

After speaking, his figure flashed towards the position of the human-faced snake, and at the same time, he stretched out his hands and ejected several ghost-faced flower seeds towards the root of the spirit tree.

A few sounds of '嗖嗖嗖' woke up the sleeping human-faced python, and saw his coiled body with the human-faced snake's head raised high and said: "Where did the monk come from who dared to spy on the spirit species?" Yibao, you are all going to die."

After finishing speaking, the whole body jumped out and flew into the air, and the man spit out purple poison from his mouth, covering the three miles in front of him.

Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless when he saw it, opened the defensive cover, sacrificed the dragon scale shield in front of him, and plunged into the poisonous mist.The two behind them didn't have time to turn around, so they had to cast their spells and sneak in one after another.

In the poisonous fog, Yi Tian flew for a while holding the dragon scale shield, and suddenly found a black figure leaping towards him.Unable to retreat and retreat, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and raise the shield in front of him.

With a 'bang' sound, a bucket-thick snake tail swung Yi Tianlian and his shield ten feet away.

(End of this chapter)

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