
Chapter 1168

Chapter 1168
After stabilizing his figure in the air, Yi Tian hurriedly flew aside with his shield on, but the snake with a human face started to attack indiscriminately.Here, he opened his mouth and spit out a stream of purple liquid, which was divided into two halves in the air and attacked towards Bo Zejun and Lei Kun respectively.

With his strength, which is about in the early stage of distraction, he seems to be able to deal with the three monks of the transformation stage with ease.It's just that after the venom pill exploded two purple sparks in the air, Bo Zejun and Lei Kun broke through directly.

Yi Tian looked carefully at the side, and Bo Zejun was worthy of being a monk who practiced magic arts. Zhou's dark brown magic evil spirit gathered together and formed a protective cover to block all the venom.As for Lei Kun's condition is slightly worse than his, the whole body is sacrificed to the true flame armor, and the venom of future crimes is directly burned away.

Immediately, the two of them fought back immediately, cast out the spells in their hands, and flew into the thick purple fog, only hearing the sound of "boom boom" in an instant, the purple fog in front of them was dispelled.

Now, the three people and one monster in the air confronted each other in a tripartite situation.Yi Tian's visual inspection seems to be the weakest side, but it has become his advantage at this time.

Most of the human-faced snake's spiritual thoughts were locked on the other two people, but it just ignored him and gave him a little spiritual thought to take care of him.As for Bo Zejun and Lei Kun, they didn't have a temper with him either. After the fight just now, they didn't expect that they could withstand a frontal blow.

At this time, the two of them also looked at themselves squarely, but there was nothing they could do about themselves.After thinking about it, Bo Zejun said: "Boy, I didn't expect you to have a hand. Now we are still short of one person. If you cooperate with us in three-on-one, you may be able to deal with this snake."

Bo Zejun's words are undoubtedly the most beneficial to everyone at the moment, and if he really wants to pick a baby nourishing fruit, he must first deal with the human-faced snake.

If I leave rashly, the two of them are not fools, so naturally they won't be entangled here.While wanting to profit, but at the same time avoiding being plotted against, Yi Tian showed a hesitant expression on his face.

After thinking about it for a while, he still made up his mind and said, "Okay, but I will pick a Nourishing Baby Fruit first."

Before Bo Zejun replied, Lei Kun interjected and said, "The boy asked you to cooperate to flatter you, don't push yourself."

"Then you two do it, I won't accompany you," Yi Tian said disdainfully after hearing this.

"Slow, just according to your words, the fruit depends on one's ability," Bo Zejun said decisively.

Such a short-lived alliance was temporarily formed, and Yi Tian slowly flew forward to get close to the two of them and kept a relatively safe position: "How to fight next?"

"Boy, you can attract his attention. Lei Kun and I will attack on both sides," Bo Zejun said without thinking.

Knowing that this guy has no good intentions, Yi Tian curled his lips and didn't argue with him, then flew up from the side, took out the Taiyuan Sword, sacrificed it, turned into thousands of sword threads, and covered the human-faced snake's head .

"Lingyaohuaqian, the disciples of Taiqing Pavilion have learned the skills of Fei Yujianzong, which is really special," Bo Zejun said in his mouth, and his hands didn't stop.Now that everyone has agreed that he can't do foreign work, he took out three black golden wheels, sacrificed the magic essence and attached them to the Superman-faced snake to attack.

As for Lei Kun, he stretched out his hand and took out a broken sword, sacrificed Nanming Lihuo Festival to form a real fire sword on it, and then controlled it to cut towards the tail of the snake with a human face.

With the joint efforts of the three of them, it was really equal to that human-faced snake for a while. Yi Tian's sword thread swept across the human-faced snake, leaving only traces, and even the snake scales could not be broken.But in this way, the fierceness of the opponent was aroused. I saw the snake with a human face circled in the air and then coiled its body into a ball.

So Yi Tian pushed back in a hurry, but the man spit out a purple thunder from the mouth of the face.Cut through the void and cover his head.After three breaths, the whole body felt a little numb. Yi Tian secretly thought that something was wrong. He had perfected his physical skills and the blessing of the Buddhist sect's secret technique. It turned out to be so powerful.

After recovering for a while, you can find that the purple thunder actually contains traces of toxin, no wonder it can paralyze your whole body.After thinking about it, use all your strength to mobilize the spiritual power in your body and then run your physical defense to the extreme.Immediately, a faint golden light appeared on the skin of his body, which blocked the purple thunder from outside, and Yi Tian himself did not dare to ask Da Chao to flee away from the attack range of the human-faced snake.

At the same time, the Taiyuan sword in his hand took back thousands of filaments and reassembled them into a three-foot lightsaber, piercing towards the seven-inch soft rib of the human-faced snake's neck.

With a sound of '嗖', the golden light formed by the Taiyuan sword flew in an arc and directly slashed across the flanks of the human-faced snake. A thin scar was seen on his snake scales, and a line of blood leaked out. This is the first time that the human-faced snake has been injured since the fight.

Although it only cut through the epidermis, that position is the seven inches of the snake where his deathbed is.Immediately, the human-faced snake shrank its head and neck to cover the seven-inch wound, and at the same time spit out several purple thunders from its mouth again and began to attack indiscriminately.

All of a sudden, lightning balls of all sizes were scattered in the air for ten miles, and all around them cut off his back in an instant.If you want to protrude, it will definitely detonate one of them, and then a series of chain reactions will occur.

Bo Zejun and Lei Kun in the distance were also frightened, the power of this thunder ball is obvious to all.Now there are hundreds of them all at once, which is really fatal.

The two of them didn't dare to act rashly for a while, but opened up their own defensive spells to the maximum, and then lightly used the evasion technique to slowly fade away from the gaps between the thunderballs.

But how could the human-faced snake give up such a good opportunity, and after the demonic energy on its body swelled up, it shouted anxiously: "Let you spiritual practitioners who don't know what to do and what to do, have a taste of my anger."

After flicking the snake's tail, it directly threw a lightning ball over, and the lightning ball burst into the void in an instant.This time, it was as if a magic explosion thunder had been ignited, and bright purple sparks suddenly appeared in the air.

Faced with such a crazy move, Yi Tian had no choice but to take out the dragon scale shield and put it in front of him, then opened the shield to the maximum and defended it with all his strength.

With a bang, a purple thunder exploded nearby and spread the poisonous gas, polluting the area on this side.Immediately after a series of chain reactions, the range of hundreds of miles in the air was turned into a forbidden zone for explosions.

Yi Tian only felt that the deafening noise around him and the blasting thunder ball and the shock wave made him dizzy.Just as he was about to recover, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his back.

After forcibly cheering up and opening the protective cover to the maximum, I only felt that my back was hit hard, and my body lost its center of gravity and flew away to the ground.Turning around, the corner of his eyes held back, and it turned out that the human-faced snake came forward again, and the snake's tail slammed down and slammed down his back.

(End of this chapter)

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