
Chapter 1169 Situation in Langhuan Cave

Chapter 1169 Situation in Langhuan Cave

The three surrounded the snake in the air near the spirit tree and beat the snake. It was thought that it was easy to catch, but unexpectedly, they kicked the iron plate.After the human-faced snake set up a thunder array in the air and detonated it, it could wait for an opportunity to attack. Yi Tian was attacked by it in the air, and his whole body fell down like a cannonball.

With a "bang", his body fell out of a huge pit, and Yi Tian immediately adjusted his body shape and dodged to fly a hundred feet away.Looking back, the second shot of the human-faced snake fell into the air and split the ground behind him with a mile-long gap.

Before he could stand still, he suddenly heard the sound of "Xi Xi Suo Suo" nearby, Yi Tian was shocked and hurriedly flew into the air and dodged to the side.

Looking back, I saw that there were hundreds of poisonous snakes swimming around on the ground. It was obvious that there was a huge snake nest below.Bo Zejun and Lei Kun in the air were also knocked back by the series of thunderstorms at this time, but fortunately they were not targeted by the human-faced snake.

It's just that when they saw the situation below, they also had expressions of fear on their faces. Fortunately, they didn't let the cloud head fall easily and landed on the ground.The poisonous snakes below are difficult to deal with, let alone this human-faced snake.

But after thinking about it, the spells in the hands of the two of them didn't stop. Just now, Yi Tian attracted most of the snake's attention, so that the two of them could also free up their hands to accumulate power and cast powerful spells.

Lei Kun reached out and took out a dozen money darts, and after practicing the skills in his mouth, he spit out a ball of true flames and set the money darts on fire.Then he stretched out his hand and sent out twelve money darts with Nanming Lihuo inside them.

After the sound of 'swish', those fire balls greeted the body of the human-faced snake, and after being crossed by the money dart, they directly left black and scorched marks on the white snake scales.

There was even one that was wiped near the seven-inch wound, and the stench of scorched flesh and blood dissipated immediately.

As for Bo Zejun, he reached out and took out a pitch-black halberd, waved it in his hand, and gathered a large amount of demon essence.Later, after forming a one-foot-sized magic light ball on the top of the halberd, it was controlled to blast towards the human-faced snake.

Under the two-phase attack, the human-faced snake rushes left and right, but its huge body cannot avoid the fate of being hit. In the long run, it can only rely on its own snake scale defense to resist the attack.And Bo and Lei are naturally good at fighting and controlling the magic in their hands to greet Qicun's vital point.The Nanming Lihuo sacrificed on Lei Kun's twelve money darts was also well practiced, and once it crossed the snake's body, it would leave no deep or shallow marks.

Moreover, under his control, the human-faced snake's defenses were gradually disrupted, so that Bo Zejun's Mosha Yinlei had the opportunity to directly hit the opponent's vitals and reverse scales.

At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was on the side, also manipulated the Taiyuan sword in his hand and raised it again, and then encircled and suppressed it from the side.Everyone didn't give each other a death blow, but used attrition tactics to keep making the masked snake exhausted, thereby suppressing its arrogance.

As for Lei Kun's money dart, several pieces were swept away by the tail of the human-faced snake, and after falling down, clusters of forest fires were set ablaze the snake nests below.

Not long after, under the scorching fire of Nanming Lihuo, the smell of scorched snake meat wafted out. The human-faced snake was furious when it saw it: "You guys are not greedy enough to besiege me and cut off my family's livelihood. Today I really can't stop dying." After speaking, he opened his mouth and spit out a bloody inner alchemy the size of a baby's fist, and the spiritual pressure surged and suppressed all three of them.

A gut of this size mixed with bloody resentment is not just a result of eating so many monsters or absorbing their blood.Standing hundreds of feet away, Yi Tian could smell a faint smell of blood emanating from the demon pill.

After the human-faced snake spit out the demon core, its aura was shattered, and after staring at the three of them, the bloody demon core suddenly turned into a red light and flashed out.

His primary attack target was himself, Yi Tian said inwardly that he was unlucky, this was persimmon's picky trick.But it's also good that I just want to see how strong this monster is when it is desperate.

After retracting the Taiyuan sword in his hand, he flicked lightly, and a sword thread interweaved to form a net defense not far in front of him. The blood-colored demon pill flew in and smashed in, and then smashed the sword net back tens of feet. Later, when the sword net was shattered, the demon core attacked Yi Tian himself again.

Seeing that the potential dragon scale shield was sacrificed again to block in front of him, Yi Tian injected spiritual power quickly and resisted the opponent's attack.It's just that under the strong impact of the demon core, it directly shook itself from the cloud head and fell into a sea of ​​flames below.

The human-faced snake took a deep breath and recalled the Yaodan and said to the other two: "It's your turn next."

Lei Kun's eyelids trembled and he said, "If you fall into my Nanming Lihuo, I'm afraid you won't be able to survive. Instructor Chi Wuji thinks highly of you. Fellow Daoist Bo, let's attack together, or everyone will confess here."

"That's right," Bo Zejun replied with a look of fear on his face, but the halberd in his hand was constantly condensing the power of the magic source and turning it into a more powerful evil thunder.

"It was the biggest mistake for you to suppress your cultivation and come here as a distracted cultivator," the snake with a human face said with a sad smile, "As long as your strength exceeds the defined range here, you will not be able to get out of it, and you will still be dead. "

After hearing this, Bo Zejun said in a deep voice: "So what, but you don't need to use the strength of the distraction stage to deal with you, let's see the trick." After speaking, he shook the halberd in his hand and three evil thunders came out, and then moved towards the human-faced snake Surrounded him.

This time, the blood-colored demon core of the human-faced snake emitted a bewitching light again, and he took it back into his mouth. At the same time, the snake's spiritual power shot out and suddenly doubled in size.In an instant, the human-faced snake flew up in the air, and his goal was to rush in the direction of Bo Zejun.

Three pitch-black thunderballs arrived unexpectedly, but the human-faced snake didn't move at all, allowing it to hit its body and dragging its body around.Bo Zejun doesn't know what the opponent is thinking at this time, this is an intention to exchange injuries for injuries and fight at close quarters.

It's a pity that the human-faced snake was too fast, and within three breaths, it had already entangled itself, jumped in from Bo Zejun's halberd, and entangled his arms and upper body directly.The human-faced snake flicked past, then opened its bloody mouth and bit Bo Zejun's head.

A bright white silver light flashed, and then purple blood splashed out, and at the same time, Bo Zejun's painful cry of crying for his father and mother was heard.

The neck of the human-faced snake was pierced by the halberd, and blood flowed down, but it contained a lot of toxins, and Bo Zejun's body began to rot immediately after sticking to it.

The mouth of the human-faced snake bites Bo Zejun's forehead, and the poisonous traces from the teeth marks make it impossible for Yuanying to escape from the body.Suddenly, an incomparably powerful spiritual force emerged from Bo Zejun's body, and that strength had already exceeded the limit of the Great Perfection in the Transformation Stage, and directly reached the state of the Distraction Stage.

Just as Lei Kun was stunned, a gap suddenly appeared above the void to illuminate the human-faced snake and Bo Zejun, and sucked one person and one snake in with a 'swish' sound.

(End of this chapter)

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