
Chapter 1170

Chapter 1170
In the sky near the Lingshu in Langhuan Cave, a void opened up in the sky, sucking both Bo Zejun and the human-faced snake into it.Now the whole scene became quiet, and Lei Kun in the air looked around and couldn't help laughing with ecstasy on his face.

But before he was happy, a voice sounded from behind him: "Daoyou Lei, is it too early to be happy? The matter between us hasn't been settled yet."

Lei Kun suddenly turned around and saw Yi Tianzheng standing beside him at a distance of thirty feet away, and looked over him coldly.Then he spat and said, "You brat didn't expect you to be alive, but you still dare to speak out with half your life."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his left hand and clenched his fist, and the money darts that had fallen everywhere flew back and gathered in his palm. At the same time, he took out an eyeball with a flick of his right hand and said with a sneer: "I have seen your strength a long time ago, Fu Zhaoqing has completely recorded your tricks. You are just a guy who secretly learned the unique skills of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect. Don't think that after killing Ou Jinglong and taking the skills passed down from others, you can run amok. In the spiritual world, I am still from the Palace of Lihuo world."

Yi Tian glanced at the eyeball and twitched the corner of his mouth: "In this case, it seems that I have to show some real skills, or I will really disappoint Fellow Daoist Lei."

Putting away the Taiyuan Sword, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and took out the Zixiao Zhan and gently sacrificed it in his hand. This spiritual weapon has never been used against the enemy since it entered the spirit world.At this time, taking it out in Langhuan Cave is not afraid of being discovered by Qing Tiansi of Taiqing Pavilion.

But when Lei Kun saw Zixiaozhan, his face was full of suspicion, and after staring carefully for a while, he asked in a deep voice: "Why can I find the feeling of the same origin on your spirit weapon? I have a connection with the lineage of Fire Palace?"

Yi Tian was stunned when he said this, and then looked at Lei Kun with a tired face and shook his head in disdain.

This kind of behavior naturally angered the opponent, Lei Kun said angrily: "What do you mean, kid, don't think that you can be sure of winning if you get an ancient treasure. No matter how powerful you are, you may not dare to underestimate me, let alone you." After showing unscrupulous greed, Lei Kun took out his electric hammer, sacrificed Nanming Lihuo with both hands at the same time, and then sent it out repeatedly.

For a time, the sky was full of flames that illuminated a radius of fifty miles, and the twelve money darts were wrapped in Nanming Lihuo and turned into a fire wheel with a diameter of one foot, surrounding Yi Tian from front to back, left, right, up and down.

At the same time, the electric hammer in his hand was suddenly sacrificed, and with howling wind and fire, it hit Yi Tian directly.Seeing that Yi Tian didn't show the slightest timidity about this, Lei Kun who was in the distance couldn't help but his heart trembled, maybe the other party was frightened stupid.

At this time, Yi Tian had already lightly sacrificed Leiyan Ziyan on the Zixiao lamp, and a flickering purple flame flickered on the lamp stand.Compared with the surrounding fire, it really seemed insignificant. Suddenly, Yi Tian reached out and held Zi Xiaozhan in the palm of his left hand, and after forming a seal with his right hand, he typed out the Taoist formula.

The flames on the Zixiao lamp flashed in an instant, and then attached to his body and turned into a true flame armor. At the same time, Nanming Lihuo, which was carried by the Thunder Hammer and the Money Dart, flew towards him.The red and white flame hit the True Flame Armor and disappeared without a trace, while the purple True Flame Armor suddenly ignited the fire as if it had added a new force.

After the Thunder Hammer flew over, Yi Tian stretched out his right hand and flicked it lightly, and another Zi Yan flew out and collided with the Thunder Hammer not far in front of him, causing flame ripples.

It's just that after the sound, the thunder hammer flew back again, and the Nanming Lihuo on it seemed to have been completely stripped off.

Ten breaths later, after the fire extinguished all over the sky, only the purple true flame armor was left, with a hint of sarcasm on his face. After putting the true flame armor back into the purple Xiaozhan, Yi Tian said slowly: "Look at you, you can't even leave the fire." Zongzhibao Zixiaozhan doesn’t even know him right in front of him, yet he dares to utter wild words, you are far behind Chi Wuji.”

"Nonsense, I checked the Zongmen classics and there is no record of Zixiaozhan, who are you?" Lei Kun shouted anxiously.

Yi Tian said disdainfully: "That's because you are not even qualified to look up the secret biography of the sect. A monk like you is not even able to condense Nanming Lihuo to home and still claims to be the number two figure in the transformation stage. I'm not afraid to say it shame."

"How do you know about Nanming Lihuo's condensing? Could it be that your true flame is the condensed real fire? Impossible, master can't lie to me, could it be that the suzerain controlled the Zongmen Xinmi," Lei Kun said incoherently.

Yi Tian learned from the news from his mouth that the Lihuo Palace is not monolithic, and Lei Kun's apprenticeship in front of him is not the direct line of the suzerain, so it's no wonder he didn't know about Zi Xiaozhan.Thinking about it, he can be regarded as pitiful. He thought he had obtained the true biography of Lihuo Palace, but he didn't expect it to be just a show.Presumably, if he confronts Chi Wuji, the other party will realize something.

Gently lifting Zixiaozhan forward, Yi Tian sneered and said, "I'll give you a chance, and I'll run for my life later if I can survive you with only one move, so as not to blame me for being unreasonable."

As soon as the words came out, Lei Kun's fat face trembled, showing a hint of horror, obviously he had sensed the meaning of his words.This move is definitely not easy to take, and the natural power activated by the secret treasure of the sect is extraordinary.

But since Yi Tian praised Haikou, he would not back down, Lei Dian immediately replied in a deep voice: "Okay, let me see how strong the suzerain's direct lineage is." Protecting his whole body, Nanming Lihuo in his hand gathered into a bunch and held it tightly, ready to move.

When Yi Tian saw it, he just smiled and stretched out his hand to gently let go of Zixiaozhan. He controlled it and flew ten feet away, then quickly formed a seal with his hands, and said in his mouth: "Let you try one of the nine transformations from the fire." Yaoli's true power."

After the magic formula was played, a wisp of flame splashed out of the purple sky lamp, floated three feet away in the air, and then turned into a fist-sized purple fireball, which teleported and appeared directly in front of Lei Kun.

The latter hurriedly sacrificed the real flame in his hand and turned it into a fire shield to block in front of him. With a 'bang' sound, the fireball instantly broke the fire shield, or in other words, swallowed the opponent's Nanming Lihuo.

And Lei Kun, who was behind him, saw that something was wrong and hurriedly sacrificed the True Flame Armor to resist the attack of the fireball.

After the sound of "Boom", all the purple fireballs hit Lei Kun and immediately assimilated Nanming Lihuo on him, and then ignited it, and the whole person exploded in the air like this.After ten breaths, he saw that his body could no longer maintain the air, and fell towards the ground without warning.Yi Tian stretched out his hand to take back the ray of true flame, and then looked at the opponent's body. At this time, there was no whole body around him. If it continued to burn, it might be burned to ashes in less than ten breaths.

Turning his head to look at the four baby moistening fruits under the spirit tree in the distance, Yi Tian sighed and felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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