
Chapter 1171

Chapter 1171
After solving Lei Kun, Yi Tian didn't show any joy at all. Judging from the other party's performance, he really didn't know about the Zixiaozhan in Lihuo Palace, otherwise he should have reacted when he took out this suzerain token.

I really don't know what Ji Xuanyuan did. The suzerain's keepsake of Lihuo Palace was hidden so well that he didn't even know that he accepted his disciples.Presumably Chi Wuji, as the sect's young lord, should know something about this, and when he meets him, find an opportunity to find out about it.

In a blink of an eye, he looked down and looked at the surrounding situation on the ground. The snake nest below had been burned to the ground by Lei Kun's Nanming Lihuo.The monsters that hadn't escaped from the snake's nest were all cooked, and those who escaped had already run thousands of miles away.

Yi Tian's divine thoughts scanned and searched that there were no living creatures within a radius of five hundred miles below the root of the number, and then slowly fell to the cloud head.When he came to the Runying fruit and looked at it carefully, the four fruits were hanging on the end of the vine.The body of the fruit is crystal clear and exudes a faint fragrance, and around the fruit is also exuded a colorful glow.

All the medicinal materials of heaven and earth spirit treasures will show whimsy, and they are also particular about picking, so we must not mess around with them.

Taking out the Yu Jiantian given by Qing Lianyun, he calmed down and read it carefully. When picking the baby-moisturizing fruit, he should gently cut it down along the vines, and then hold it out of thin air.It is not allowed to put it in a jade box, as this object will be polluted when it encounters soil, and its spiritual effect will be greatly reduced.

It cannot be loaded in wooden containers, so cloth bags like silkworms cannot be used.It can be done with a metal container, but it is best to use it within ten years, otherwise the effect will not be good.

The best way to store it is to eat it directly, but Yi Tian hesitated a little, wondering if his Nascent Soul could withstand the huge spiritual impact of the Runying Fruit.

After thinking for a while, he first took out the formation disk and set up defenses for a hundred miles around, then reached out and took out the Jingling bottle and Taiyuan sword.Gently swipe on the top of the baby nourishing fruit on the far left, and the fruit fell down with a 'plop' sound, and was picked up by the Jingling bottle placed below by Yi Tian.

After putting away the Jingling bottle, Yi Tian stepped forward, stretched out his right hand again and swung the Taiyuan sword to pick off the second Nourishing Baby Fruit, and caught the fruit with his left hand.I gently put it in front of my nose and asked, only to feel a cool smell emanating from it.

After putting away the Taiyuan Sword, he looked at Runyingguo in a blink of an eye, found an open space under the tree and sat down cross-legged.After getting rid of the distracting thoughts in his heart for a while, he picked up the cabinet and put it to his mouth and bit it lightly.

The nourishing baby fruit melted in the mouth and turned into a cool spiritual force flowing into the stomach, and after eating the whole fruit, he didn't notice any reaction.When I was wondering, I suddenly felt a great spiritual force in my stomach flowing directly through my body along the meridians.

After the tree breathed, all of them gathered in the Niwan Palace, and more than half of the spiritual power was absorbed by the purple seal on the top of the head.

And the rest of the spiritual power flowed to the Nascent Soul itself and was automatically absorbed. Yi Tian could find that his original power burst out suddenly and enriched the Nascent Soul by three points.After dissolving all this spiritual power, he looked inside at his Nascent Soul in the Niwan Palace, and indeed stared three points more than before.

It's a pity that most of the spiritual power of the Runying Fruit was absorbed by the seal, and he only got three points of the profit.If it can be fully absorbed, I am afraid that the strength can make great progress.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian stood up and took a look at the remaining two baby moistening fruits hanging on the tree. The corner of his mouth twitched, showing a smile of information.

After most of the day, Yi Tian had already taken three Nourishing Fruits, and at the same time let the seal absorb enough spiritual power.As for his own Nascent Soul spirit body, it seems that he has also grown up a lot, and his gaze is far higher than before.And Yi Tian was surprised to find that his cultivation base had unknowingly been promoted to the state of the late stage of transformation.

Originally, I stepped into the late stage with one foot at the peak of the middle stage, and I also gained something after this fight.Coupled with the effect of Runyingguo, I broke through the barrier and achieved the later stage in one fell swoop.

After taking out the timing hourglass, Yi Tian made a rough calculation, and now it is estimated that everyone on the Duanquan Cliff is also very happy to fight.He took out his identity jade card and wrote down a summons message on it to inform Qing Lianyun that he would not interfere this time.

Let them deal with the rest, anyway, my income this time has far exceeded expectations.

Leaving the bottom of the spirit tree, Yi Tian flew into the air in a blink of an eye, then took out the sundial Luo Geng to measure his position again.After confirming his position, he hurriedly flew directly towards the entrance.

Thinking that if the time is up, if you don't escape from the exit, you will be randomly teleported to a certain place in the spirit world.This is definitely not what I want to encounter. If I teleport to the three forbidden areas, I will be blamed.The best thing to do is the next best thing, even if you fall into the depths of the wilderness, you have to spend a lot of effort if you want to catch up with the sect.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to escape safely, and it is still possible to arrive before the end of time with the current cultivation base of the late stage of transformation.

For this reason, Yi Tian didn't need an assault boat; secondly, he ran straight towards the exit with his own escapism.

Tens of thousands of miles away, but an hour has passed, Yi Tian looked at the dark storm layer in front of him in the air, gritted his teeth in his heart, and then fell into it.

The strong wind in the storm layer blew like a sharp knife, making his own protective cover shake violently. Yi Tian couldn't maintain the high-speed flight, and could only maintain the strength of the protective cover after reducing the escape speed.

When I came here, I was driving an assault boat, and it took a lot of my spiritual power to maintain a smooth driving.On the return journey, the condition of one person was not too exhausted, but then problems also came. After traveling through the howling wind for a while, Yi Tian found that he seemed to be lost.

After flying for more than two hours, he didn't get out of the gang wind zone. Looking at the strong wind howling around, Yi Tian couldn't do anything worth falling down slowly, trying to get out of the gang wind zone by getting close to the ground.

But what I didn't expect was that there was no land below, but a rushing river that couldn't be seen at a glance.A steady stream of spiritual energy rises from the river and gathers in the air to form the gang wind belt.

Suddenly a ten-foot-high wave hit Yi Tian, ​​who couldn't dodge in time and was directly drawn into Hanoi.After adjusting his lower body shape, Yi Tian was about to fly from the river, when he suddenly felt a huge suction force appearing below.He dragged himself into Hanoi all at once, and after three breaths, the whole riverside returned to its original state again, except that there was a stone tablet beside the river engraved with "thousands of miles of weak water," four golden scripts.

At this time, a group of monks had arrived near Duanquanya, Qing Lianyun suddenly noticed that the jade plaque on his waist had been sensed, took it out and scanned it with his divine sense, and immediately frowned and shook his head.

Xiang Donghui, who was on the side, asked: "It's almost time, the seven springs have started to discharge water separately, and the boy hasn't arrived yet, how can we help?"

"He won't come anymore, I'm going to find Runyingguo," Qing Lianyun straightened his expression and said, "Get ready to do it, the agreements reached before Yi Tian are still valid, Jian Shaoqing and Xi Tianying will both keep their promises Letter to give us appropriate assistance."

(End of this chapter)

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