
Chapter 1172

Chapter 1172
I don't know how long it took Yi Tian to wake up slowly, stood up suddenly and found that he was already floating in the flat water channel.The river here seemed to be less turbulent than the place where it fell into the water before. After sweeping with his spiritual sense, he found that he was on the edge of the big river, close to the shallows on the shore.

Looking up at the sky, he was already out of the range of the wind belt, surrounded by lush shrublands on both banks, and the powerful spiritual pressure emitted by him frightened the nearby monsters to the point of running away.

Taking out the hourglass and holding back a glance, Yi Tiancai realized that he had been in a coma for most of the day, and estimated that it was almost the sixth day since he came in.At most, there will be more than a day before I will be forcibly repelled by the power of this world and sent out.

Now even with full flight, it is impossible to reach the exit within the set time. Instead of this, it is better to save some energy and search around to see if there are any new discoveries.

After performing the cleansing technique, he washed himself first and changed into a clean set of clothes again. After changing the Zongmen clothes, Yi Tian returned to the appearance of a casual cultivator.Then the figure jumped into the air, took out the Luo Geng plate and began to measure the direction.

But after three breaths, Yi Tian frowned and found that Luo Gengpan's middle needles were spinning in circles in a disorderly manner here, and they couldn't be used at all.After putting away the Luo Geng pan, he took out the orbital instrument, but unfortunately it cannot work without the guidance of the sun, moon and stars.

At this moment, I lost my way and turned into a headless chicken, unable to move an inch in Langhuan Cave.

Slowly descending the cloud head, standing on the bank of thousands of miles of weak water, Yi Tian pondered, Shaoqing shifted his gaze to the Ruoshui River, his eyes lit up, and he said to himself: "If you really care about it, you will be chaotic. If you can't find the direction, it's better to go along the river." Let's take a look at where the river leads to, maybe there will be unexpected discoveries. '

After thinking about it, he used the escape technique to fly into the mid-air and then flew forward in the direction of Qianli Ruoshui River.

After flying for a while, I suddenly found that there seemed to be a building thousands of miles away. After using the pupil technique to check, it turned out to be a temple ruin.Overjoyed in his heart, he hurriedly displayed his spiritual power and prepared to fly away at full speed.

But as soon as he flew into a distance of about a thousand miles, he felt that his body sank as if his weight had more than doubled.This feeling becomes more obvious as you fly forward, I'm afraid that if you keep flying, you may not be able to get there.

After thinking about it, he dropped Yuntou and stepped on the ground with both feet, and found that his weight had returned to the original state.After savoring it carefully, it is obvious that it is necessary to go to the relic temple by walking by yourself.

Immediately, the corner of his mouth twitched and he took big strides forward along the river bank, trying to restrain the spiritual power of his body along the way and only relying on the strength of his original body to keep walking quickly.

Fortunately, the physical body of a cultivator who has been nourished by spiritual power for a long time is naturally more than a hundred times stronger than ordinary people. Even if he travels thousands of miles, he can reach it in only two or three hours.

It was only when we reached the final passage leading to the temple that the scene around us changed. It looked like a Taoist ruins, and there seemed to be dilapidated buildings all around that had been baptized by the Great War.It originally occupied an area of ​​more than ten slopes, but now only the main hall in the middle is still alive, but a corner of the northwest end of the hall seems to have been destroyed.

Slowly walking up from the avenue in front of the main hall, Yi Tian looked around at the remnants of the ruins on both sides and couldn't help but secretly marveled in his heart. These buildings obviously have experienced tens of thousands of years.The material is black gold sandstone, a rare building material in the spirit world, and all the buildings here are built with this as the main material. It is conceivable that the people who were here at that time must have all-hands and eyes.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian couldn't help but laugh, this place is obviously not part of the spirit world.As Qing Lianyun said before, it is very likely that the interface fragments stripped from somewhere in the fairy world were inadvertently connected with the spirit world and became a secret place.

The black gold sand and stones accumulated here are worth a lot, but Yi Tian is a little excited in his heart, wondering if there will be any heaven-defying existence in the main hall.

Walking all the way until the gate of the main hall, Yi Tiancai stopped, looked up and saw a vertical plaque hanging above the main gate of the main hall, with the words 'Taiqing Xuanzong' written on it.

Those who can be named after the word 'Taiqing' are of course authentic Taoist sects, like the Taiqing Pavilion or the Feiyu Sword Sect where I am, and the Lihuo Palace were all a family tens of thousands of years ago.

From the Zongmen classics, it was found that the original three sects were all under the name of the Taiqing Pavilion, and the Lihuo Palace was composed of two parts, the Qi Palace and the Pill Palace.As for the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, it was split from the Discipline Hall of the original sect.

I just don't know what is the connection between the 'Taiqing Xuanzong' here and my own Taiqing Pavilion.After walking up quickly, an invisible barrier suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking himself out.

Yi Tian was taken aback for a moment in his heart, maybe it is necessary to use strong force to break the restriction here, and he used the pupil technique to carefully inspect the restriction in front of him, then shook his head helplessly.The prohibition node here is easy to find, but I dare not use ordinary methods to break it. I must know that the prohibition here may not be able to catch the backlash.

After staring outside the restriction for a long time, Yi Tian suddenly found that the seal in the Niwan Palace seemed to have sensed, and then a flash of inspiration flashed, and the seal flew out of his forehead and gently covered the restriction in front of him.There was a two-foot-sized gap in the invisible restriction, and Yi Tian saw the opportunity and rushed through it.

After reaching the restriction, the seal hovered in front of his forehead for a while, and then flew back to Niwan Palace.These Yi Tian's faces showed joy, and it was obvious that Xuanzong of the Taiqing here had a close relationship with the seal.Stride into the main hall, and the secondary scroll comes into view.

This painting is two feet wide and four feet long floating in the middle of the hall, Yi Tian glanced at it and immediately became shocked.Then he walked forward quickly and knelt down on the ground in front of the painting.He said respectfully: "Yi Tian, ​​a disciple of Xuanzong of the Taiqing, has seen the three heavenly lords of Taiqing, Shangqing and Yuqing."

These words unexpectedly came out of my mouth without thinking through my own brain, and I went forward to kneel down three times and kowtow nine times in one go.

After the gift was completed, Yi Tian realized that he had already known the person in the painting subconsciously.Looking up, the appearance of the three Tianzun in the painting is vividly portrayed, as if the three of them will come out of the painting anytime and anywhere.

After waiting for a long time, there was no movement, Yi Tian showed a look of disappointment on his face, but there was nothing he could do.He stood up and bowed to the portraits of the three Heavenly Venerates again, and then slowly walked around to check.Little did he know that Taiqing Tianzun's eyelids in the middle of the painting after he left blinked, and a gratified smile appeared on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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