
Chapter 1173

Chapter 1173
Yi Tian wandered around in the main hall of Emperor Xuanzong of the Taiqing Dynasty, but he didn't find any magic weapons left behind.After opening the Divine Sense, I scanned the surrounding area and found that there is not a hidden grid here, only that painting is the most special in the whole hall.

After Yi Tian walked around, his face was full of disappointment. He didn't expect to enter Debaoshan empty-handed, and missed a great opportunity for no reason.So my heart is also a little angry, but there is nothing I can do.

After turning around and going back to the front of the main hall to look at the painting, he bowed his head again and said: "I have searched all over the main hall of Xuanzong and found nothing. If there is anything that the patriarch needs the disciple to do, please let me know."

After speaking, he looked up and looked at the portraits of the three Heavenly Venerates, but there was no change, and then he was about to leave.Suddenly, I felt a chill rising from my back, and then I only felt weak in my limbs, and my forehead suddenly became hot.

At the moment, I wondered in my heart that I had gone through many catastrophes in my cultivation to the late stage of transformation, and my body had been nourished by spiritual power for thousands of years.Don't say it's the discomfort of a cold, and I haven't even had a cough. Why now I just feel weak all over my body like I have a fever.And after practicing the Buddha Sect, the defense of the whole person is naturally greatly strengthened. To put it bluntly, even if it is not tempered, it is very close to this situation.

Could it be that he was really affected after falling in the weak water of Hanoi all the way down, but he obviously checked his body at that time and there was no serious problem.

As the eyelids became heavier and heavier, Yi Tian felt as if he was about to fall asleep, and then his head turned and his body softened, and he fell directly into the hall and fell asleep.

I have been practicing as hard as walking on thin ice all these years, and only in this situation can I feel relaxed.

After a white cloud floated in my mind, I found that I was in a place like a paradise. I looked up and saw that there were green mountains and green waters all around.I was in a valley at this time, and the sound of bronze bells in the distance seemed to guide me to go quickly.

Suddenly there was a boy passing by on a Kui Niu behind him. He lowered his head and called out: "Junior brother is a bit slow, and he will inevitably be punished by the teacher later. I won't wait for you, hurry up and follow me." , so as not to get a big ass," Lin turned around and made a face.

Yi Tian was taken aback, obviously the other party was talking to him, and looked down at his face with shock.At this time, I have become a Taoist boy, just over three feet tall, with a bun and a blue Taoist robe with the word 'Taiqing' written on the cuff.

Seeing that Dao Tong Juechen together just now, Yi Tian had no choice but to spread his legs and run towards the place where the bell rang.Unexpectedly, the rapid ringing of the bell suddenly stopped shortly after.

At this time, Yi Tiancai just saw a thatched hut a hundred feet away, an old man was sitting on it in the courtyard, and two disciples who looked like Taoist boys were sitting there.One of them looked back at himself with an anxious look on his face.

Suddenly a voice came from next to my ear: "Junior Brother Yi, hurry up, or the master will spank his ass."

Hurriedly rushing from the cobblestone path to the courtyard, Yi Tian gasped heavily, bowed to the seat above, and sat down on the last seat.

I saw that the old man just turned his face slightly to look at it, and closed his eyes to rest without saying much.At this time, Yi Tian secretly looked at the surrounding environment, surrounded by aura, surrounded by mountains and rivers, it is a good place for practice.The two Taoist boys in the upper seat are sitting respectfully at this time, looking at the nose, nose, and heart.

As for the master in front of him, he was still silent, but Yi Tian looked at it carefully and couldn't help but exclaimed: "The Supreme Patriarch."

A sudden word broke the quiet atmosphere, and the two senior brothers sitting in front of him looked at it gloatingly.

And the Tianzun in front of him slowly opened his eyes and said: "Why are you making such a noise, there will be visitors from the Buddhist sect soon, so don't lose your courtesy."

After sitting down, the two hurriedly stopped their voices and sat up. Yi Tian also followed suit, but in a hurry, he saw two senior brothers winking, and their mouths seemed to say, "You are miserable." '

Not long after, a resounding sound of the Buddha's horn came from a distance, and then a golden light flashed out and appeared at the door of the thatched cottage.After the golden light faded, the fat-headed and big-eared monk turned to the Venerable Tianzun and said: "Taiqing Tianzun is in front of you, I am very polite."

"The leader of the West has come from afar to flourish, please take your seat," the Taiqing Tianzun who was sitting in front of him said lightly after opening his eyes, and then stretched out his hand and pointed to the vacant seat that had been prepared by him.

The Western Hierarch strolled over and sat down, then looked at the three Taoist boys in front of him.

Yi Tian saw that he seemed to have nothing to hide in front of this person, and he was completely seen.It wasn't until later that his eyes missed it that he felt that sense of oppression disappear.

Only the Western leader said: "I don't know, brother, but which high-ranking apprentice has arranged for it?"

Taiqing Tianzun stretched out his hand and gently stroked his beard and replied: "Everything depends on fate, please choose by yourself."

As soon as the words came out, the three of them sat down with expressions of fear. They didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd, but it was definitely not a good job to see this posture.

I just heard the monk say in confidence: "The three virtuous nephews are interested in my Buddhist sect's secret arts? I think that in my Buddhist teachings, every flower and every world, every mystery is the right way of the sea. After practicing, it will have some magical effects."

The two boys next to him were silent at this moment, as if they were somewhat repelled by this.The Great Heavenly Venerable on the seat said indifferently: "There are thousands of Taoisms and laws, each has its own strengths. You can't take a peek at the leopard, and you can't rest on your laurels."

After hearing this, Yi Tian stood up, turned towards the two tripods, and then asked, "Your Majesty, if you don't understand something, please explain it to me?"

"Let's talk and listen to me."

"What is the original intention of good and evil, and how can one thought become a Buddha and a devil?" Yi Tianzhu asked with doubts in his heart. This is a question that he has been unable to solve after meeting the master of precepts and the devil prince Qiu Yu. I want to hear the opinions of seniors.

Unexpectedly, the great monk had a satisfied smile on his face after hearing this, and did not answer on the spot.He just turned around and said to Taiqing Tianzun: "If the noble disciple is destined to be with my Buddhist sect, then choose him."

Tianzun nodded and then said with a loving look in his eyes: "If you have a Taoist heart, you need perseverance. Let's go for a while, and remember not to forget your original heart."

Then came the voice of the great monk: "It's up to you to experience the Buddha's magic once, and let me know when you come back."

After listening to Yi Tian, ​​he felt as if his body fell into the void space and fell infinitely.I don't know how long it took to fall before touching the bottom in the darkness.

Suddenly, the whole person woke up suddenly, got up and saw that he was still sitting in the main hall of Xuanzong of Taiqing.It's just that the clothes on the back are already soaked, Yi Tian still doesn't know his own experience at this time.He hurriedly stepped forward to bow down again to the three Heavenly Venerates in the conversation, and shouted respectfully: "The disciple kowtows to the Heavenly Venerates."

The picture scroll fell in front of him, and it rolled up automatically after being put away, Yi Tian hurriedly stepped forward to put it away.

 Thanks to Yang Jiayilang for the reward, and thanks to Zhongsukou for the monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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