
Chapter 1174

Chapter 1174
After the trip to Langhuan Cave Heaven, the three major sects can be regarded as making a lot of money, especially Taiqing Pavilion actually got two bottles of Langhuan Yuye.As for the other five bottles, they were given to Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, Lihuo Palace, Zixia Sect, Feisheng League, and Loose Cultivator Xi Tianying.

Of course, the second bottle of Taiqing Pavilion was obtained by Qing Lianyun after discussing with Chi Wuji and spending two bottles of Ziyun honey as a topping.As for the monks from other sects, there was no objection to this. To be honest, many casual cultivators at the scene agreed that they agreed secretly.

So this time the distribution was not as violent as imagined. Basically, it was taken away after unanimous approval by the people present.

In this way, the scene became quiet and orderly, and those casual cultivators naturally didn't wait for the big scene of gang fights, so they couldn't fish in troubled waters.

Based on previous experience, every fight will end with some lives lost, but this time it ended peacefully. It has to be said that Yi Tian also put in a lot of effort in the preparation work to usher in such a best-of-both-worlds ending.

After Duanquanya allocated the Lingquan, the disciples of these sects all left in groups, so that those casual cultivators couldn't do anything afterwards.

The only one who could make up his mind was Xi Tianying, but this fierce man left swaggeringly after he took out the saber in his hand and dealt with the attack of two rogue cultivators on the spot.Everyone was so frightened that they didn't dare to go up and follow them. According to the gossip, Xi Tianying easily managed two monks of the same level with just two moves.

Afterwards, even Chi Wuji from Lihuo Palace said: "Among the people he most wants to fight, Xi Tianying is ranked second."

As for who the first person is, they didn't say clearly, but the spirit world fellows naturally have good deeds, and people who have good deeds kept adding fuel and jealousy to compare the rest of the characters on the earth evil list one by one.

Naturally, there were also people who fell in the Langhuan Cave. There were many casual cultivators who couldn't get out, and there were also Zongmen monks.Most of them fell due to encountering high-level monsters in secret realms or fighting among monks.

Among these people, there are many monks from the three sects, but Lei Kun, the number three person in Lihuo Palace, did not come out this time.And when everyone in Lihuo Palace got out and received news from the sect, Lei Kun's natal soul lamp had been extinguished three days ago.

And there is news from Qingtian Pavilion of Taiqing Pavilion, as Lei Kun's master, Luo Yaoyang, a monk in the early stage of Lihuo Palace Fusion, has personally come to find the first Qin Huaige to determine the identity of the murderer.

Hearing this news, Qing Lianyun's heart couldn't help but tighten. With Lei Kun's strength, as long as he doesn't meet any three powerful figures in Langhuan Cave, he can basically walk sideways.

And that day at Duanquanya, basically everyone except Yi Tian should have come, and Qing Lianyun knew in his heart that most of the time it was Yi Tian who did it.Having been together day and night for 20 years, she naturally has a deep understanding of Yi Tian. Even though her cultivation base is only in the middle stage, she may not be an opponent when she really does it.

After returning from Langhuan Cave, the inspection department of Taiqing Pavilion started to move, and began to investigate the materials circulating on the black market in the major cities of the spiritual world.The reason was that Qing Lianyun and Xiang Donghui had received the prescription of Mosha Lingying Pill, so they began to investigate based on this, but all the materials on the prescription were listed as key controls.

In addition to the channels that are available for purchase on the surface of major cities, similar materials that are circulating in the black market will also be controlled.The Taiqing Pavilion also secretly planned with the other two sects in the case to use this as a bait to uproot those Xiaoxiao people who were lurking in the spirit world at once.

And the key person in this matter, Yi Tian, ​​was flying rapidly in the direction of Qingfeng City alone in the wasteland of the spirit world.To put it bluntly, my luck is really not very good. Not long after I came out of the main hall of Emperor Xuanzong of Taiqing in Langhuan Cave, the seven-day period ended.

Because he didn't escape from the exit of the main entrance in time, he was forcibly sent out by the repelling force of Langhuan Cave Heaven.After returning to the spirit world, the whole person was groggy for a long time before he recovered.

After searching the environment I was in, I used the Luo Geng disk to determine the direction, and then roughly found out that I was in the depths of the wilderness, which is a million miles west of Scarlet Rain City.This place is now basically a territory where beasts come and go, and it will take some effort to return to the Zongmen class safely.

After taking out the map, you will still not be able to determine your position from above. If you think about it, you can only take one step. Try to open up your divine sense as much as possible to avoid misrepresenting the territory of high-level monsters and causing unnecessary trouble for yourself.

And the most troublesome ones in the wasteland are those casual cultivators who escape from the world. Most of these people are not weak in cultivation and don't like lively gatherings, so they choose to open up caves again.

If you encounter some old monsters in the fusion stage who are submerged in cultivating, it will not be worth the loss if you sacrifice the flag by yourself.Yi Tian would not naively think that there are only three major sects in the spiritual world with monks in the integration stage.

After flying in the wilderness for several days, Yi Tian successfully avoided the territory of several monsters in the distraction period, and then groped and flew forward slowly, at the same time, he took out the elixir and continued to drink it to restore the consumed spiritual power .

At noon that day, he was flying high in the sky. Suddenly, in his divine sense, he found a wave of spiritual pressure sweeping towards him, and after ten breaths, he locked his movement.At the same time, Yi Tian also noticed the other party's situation, frowned slightly and began to detour.

After all, the other party's spiritual pressure fluctuations are stronger than his own by one level. Although he is not afraid now, it is better to have less than one more thing.

But he wanted to go around the other party out of good intentions, but he clung to him and followed him all the way.

Now Yi Tian was a little annoyed, using all his evasion techniques to fly across the wasteland.Unexpectedly, the person behind also increased his speed and bit him tightly.

After flying in the air for a long time like this, Yi Tian knew that he couldn't go on like this any longer. He would inevitably break into the restricted area of ​​the monster's territory by mistake along the way, explaining that he was not just facing an opponent.

After thinking about it, he visually inspected the surrounding terrain, then flew to a poor mountain and bad water, took out the four spirit array plate and set up a large array.Then he quietly hid in it and waited for the rabbit.

A moment later, Dao Dunguang flew from the sky and broke into the four spirits formation, and then appeared in the air as a monster with a lion's mask.

Yi Tian saw in the big formation that the other party should be a lion whose intensive cultivation base is around the peak of the seventh level, which is about a state between spiritual cultivation and transformation from Dzogchen to the early stage of distraction.

He only heard a roar from the other party's mouth: "Where did the monk dare to trespass on my yellow-haired grandfather's territory and live impatiently?"

It is reasonable to say that he just entered by mistake and there is no need to chase after him so hard, but seeing the other party's appearance, he is determined to be himself.Yi Tian didn't type it out of his mind, even if the other party's cultivation was a level higher, he was not a vegetarian.

Besides, with the blessing of a large formation, it is still uncertain who will win and who will lose under the enemy's light and our darkness.

 Thanks to Yang Jiaichiro for the monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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