
Chapter 1175

Chapter 1175
In the depths of the wasteland of the spirit world, Yi Tian was blocked by a lion spirit. In desperation, he had to temporarily find a place with good spiritual power in the depths of the wasteland and set up a four-spirit formation.

In the past, I turned around and ran away when I saw a monster in the distraction stage, but this time it was really inevitable that the other party seemed to have made up its mind to kill me.In this way, Yi Tian is not polite anymore, and stays in the big formation to hide his breath.When he raised his head, he happened to see that the lion spirit had already entered the range of the formation, and then reached out to touch the formation disk in his hand.In an instant, a few phantoms flashed around the location of the formation base.

Within a radius of a hundred miles, the four spirits of Qinglong, Suzaku, White Tiger and Xuanwu appeared at the same time, sealing up the whole world.

In the blink of an eye, the lion spirit in the sky saw no fear on his face when he was surrounded by heavy siege, so he took out a Fang Tian painted halberd and held it in his hand.Then waved and gathered a yellow monster force to attack Yi Tian's hiding place.

Unexpectedly, he found his hiding place in an instant, Yi Tian was also taken aback, and then his figure jumped into the air to avoid the blow.

After confronting each other in the air, Yi Tian shouted: "Where is your origin, why are you still so aggressive after I keep avoiding you repeatedly?"

"Boy, you don't even know me, the Yellow-haired Lion King. In the wilderness, you don't know that I, Huang Jing, is the No. [-] general of the Patriarch Houtian, so you should obediently catch him with your hands," the yellow-haired lion grinned and shouted loudly .

'Ancestor Houtian' Yi Tian was startled when he heard this name. The one who can be called the ancestor in the monster clan is naturally as strong as the spiritual integration period.Huang Jing in front of him was not afraid, but Patriarch Houtian behind him was a big trouble.

I didn't expect such a powerful monster clan to exist in the spirit world, which is obviously unreasonable. Although I have doubts in my heart, I really dare not stop.I saw Huang Jing controlling Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand and dancing again. The spiritual power around him was pulled away and condensed in the front, turning into a yellow electric column and attacking towards his front.

The dragon scale shield in his hand was covered with dents and scars during the battle in Langhuan Cave, and even the rank was dropped, so taking it out for defense at this time did not have much effect.Yi Tian didn't dare to take it head-on, so he took out the Taiyuan Sword and sacrificed his sword moves, and then confronted Huang Jing.

After the sword light soaring into the sky flashed, it condensed into several arm-thin sword lights and then headed towards the opponent's electric pillar. After several sounds of 'bang bang bang', Huang Jing's electric column was swallowed up and then counterattacked.

Now Yi Tian knew in his heart that his moves were three points stronger than usual due to the influence of the formation, while the opponent's deep encirclement moves were weakened by three points after being suppressed by the power of the formation.One by one, I can see that the power of the spells of the two are naturally very different.

Obviously, Huang Jing was also stunned by the scene in front of him. Fortunately, he was also experienced in many battles. After holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, he danced and gathered a protective barrier not far in front of him.

When Yi Tian saw it, he just twitched his mouth and stretched out his five fingers, clenched his fists and spread them out again, saying 'change' in his mouth. 'At the same time, the sword light instantly dispersed and turned into thousands of filaments, and then spread out towards Huang Jing's surroundings, drawing an arc and attacking behind him.

After the dense crisp sound came out, the sword wires hit the protective shield and made a "squeaky" sound. As for the sword wires that passed through the protective shield, they directly attacked Huang Jing's body.Yi Tian saw that Lie Xinxi was about to finish his work, suddenly a dazzling golden light flashed from Huang Jing's body and formed a close-fitting protective film to protect him.

After the sword wires of my own hit the protective film, they were blocked like mud cows entering the sea, and they were all blocked without even a little bit of spray.

After the first move, the two reacted very differently. Yi Tian stared at the talisman on Huang Jing's neck for a while before shouting coldly: "You don't have any skills, if you don't rely on that tooth-shaped talisman I'm afraid they are all decapitated by now."

Huang Jing, who was on the opposite side, had a look of embarrassment and anger on his face at this time, and it was obvious that he had really lost face due to his insensitivity.The talisman was already looking dim at this time, and it was all about whether it could block the next fatal blow for him.

Huang Jing spat and said angrily: "Don't be complacent, I'll let you see the true strength of this seat." After speaking, a flash of light flashed all over his body, his hands, feet and the clothes on his body showed a faint blue light, and then his figure appeared in the air After the sudden flash, only an afterimage is left.

Seeing that his speed had doubled suddenly, Yi Tian's face changed drastically on the spot. Just as he was about to get out of the way, he saw a white light obliquely in front of the right, splitting the surrounding aura space and attacking towards him.

In his mind, he immediately determined that the opponent had used the power of a spiritual weapon to make such an offensive, but he could only bite the bullet and regret this imminent blow.

After thinking about it, he hurriedly sacrificed the Taiyuan sword, then stretched out his hand and shook it to condense the void into a lightsaber, and then moved towards the direction Fang Tian painted the halberd to block. There was a loud bang, and the two spells collided with each other in the air, and their spiritual powers interlaced and attacked each other. After the fierce collision of the two spiritual powers within a short space of five feet, two hurricanes collided fiercely.

But within ten breaths, Yi Tian was gradually suppressed by Huang Jing's side. Obviously, this was due to lack of strength, and the physique of the opponent's monster race was much stronger than that of spiritual cultivation. Yi Tian was completely at a disadvantage in such a close-range hand-to-hand fight. limelight.

All of a sudden, the spiritual energy of the surrounding world surged wildly and directly filled the Taiyuan sword in Yi Tian's hand. Even if the innate physical body was not as good as the opponent, but fortunately he was fighting at home and had the power of the formation to mobilize.

In an instant, the phantom of the white tiger fell directly into the hurricane, and then there was a faint roar of the tiger, and the sword move in Yi Tian's hand was strengthened again, and he was in a stalemate with the opponent at first, and then slowly pressed over.

Under such a sneak attack, Huang Jing couldn't take advantage of it and was suppressed. He also screamed unwillingly at the moment: "You human race spiritual cultivators are such scoundrels. You don't dare to fight with real swords and guns, but rely on the power of formations. If you show off your abilities, you won’t be able to get on the stage.”

Yi Tiancai doesn't talk nonsense with the other party, now he has the upper hand and naturally takes advantage of his illness to kill him, otherwise he will be tired of dealing with it again if he does some hot tricks later.

With the sound of 'Zla', the two of them staggered away after their hand-to-hand combat, Yi Tian hastily raised the Taiyuan Sword in his hand again, and stretched out his hand to use the Yao Linghua Thousand Secret Technique to control the spirit sword to fly out and turn into a sky full of filaments towards the sky Surrounded by Huang Jing's location.

The opponent's face also changed drastically, and he stretched out his hand to concentrate the demonic energy on Fang Tian's painted halberd, forming a solid pillar of electric light.The two shot at almost the same time and poured the spells in their hands onto each other.Yi Tian took out several seeds of Huacheng rattan net, and then put the Dragon Scale Shield in front of him to make a full defensive posture.

The lightning halberd roared and was blocked by the vine net, then paused slightly, then broke through the vine net and pierced the dragon scale shield, the small halberd at the top of the lightning halberd also pierced the dragon scale shield and then attacked Yi Tian's body Come.

After a golden light flashed, the skin around Yi Tian's body turned slightly golden. It was the Buddha Sect's movement technique of Dacheng realm, which immediately increased the defense power by more than several times.The little halberd just pierced the skin, and Yi Tian grabbed it and held it in his hand, unable to move, but the slightest bit of electricity from above still made his hand feel a little numb.

(End of this chapter)

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