
Chapter 1176 Helpless

Chapter 1176 Helpless
In the Four Spirits Formation, Yi Tian encountered the yellow-haired lion Huang Jing and fought fiercely.After Yi Tian used multiple defensive spells and body skills, he barely caught the opponent's Thunderbolt Halberd.

But the numb feeling in his hand could not go away for a long time, and finally he could only use his skills secretly to force out the worm that had eroded into his hand.After the power dissipated, Yi Tian showed a playful look in his eyes, and turned around to see that Huang Jing at this time was not much better than himself.

Surrounded by the sword threads all over the sky, he stretched out his hands and tightly grasped the protector around his head and neck, pouring spiritual power into it continuously.After a while, he saw a faint golden light film covering him again, and those overwhelming sword threads rushed up violently.

After the sword wire hit, it sank into the golden defensive light film again, but this time it lasted for about ten breaths before stopping.After the offensive subsided, the talisman on Huang Jing's head and neck had become dim, and it seemed that it could not be used again.

At this time, Huang Jing's face showed a look of distress and regret. It was obvious that this talisman was his hole card, so he was unwilling to be reconciled to being exhausted by the tricks of a late-stage cultivator.

Before he could make a move, an undetectable sword wire suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the void behind him.It's just that the degree of solidification of this sword thread is far beyond normal, and there are traces of soft golden light in it, which is obviously infused with a lot of Buddhist power.

Huang Jing hadn't quite reacted yet, but his face suddenly changed, as if he had sensed the danger behind him, his figure flashed rapidly, and at the same time, the untraceable sword thread was close at hand.

A ripple appeared in the air not far away, and it was Huang Jing who teleported there.But when he just stood firm, several blood lines appeared on his body.Then Yi Tian in his eyes suddenly divided into two halves, one high and one low, and when he came back to his senses, it was his body that was weakly separated from the left and right sides.

Suddenly a golden aura flew out from Huang Jing's celestial spirit cover and wanted to run away quickly behind him, but a ray of light appeared on the demon baby from the middle of the head to the tail, and the demonic power inside the demon baby went crazy from the light After the overflow, Huang Jing's demon baby's spirit body collapsed and split into two like his body.

Yi Tiancai was relieved at this point, the swordsmanship of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect was worthy of being a sharp killing technique, and under the blessing of his own spirit sword, it was so sharp that even these monsters in the distraction stage could easily break through their defenses.

It's just that the talisman on Huang Jing's head and neck is really amazing, it can forcibly block his two attacks.Flying forward, he took the fallen talisman in his hand and stripped off the remaining set of equipment from Huang Shijing.

Half a moment later, Yi Tian found a barren hill and sat on the ground and began to count the spoils.That talisman is naturally the most important thing. After careful inspection, it is obvious that this thing is the tooth that fell from a certain ancestor-level monster to have such an effect.

As for the leather clothing with obvious rune marks painted on it, it seems to be some kind of spiritual weapon.This leather item should be made from the fur of a high-level Gale Demon Wolf or Demon Leopard.It's just that the method of drawing the talisman on it is too rough, and the rune that I want to use the animal blood to draw directly on it has not been finely processed.

If you give it to yourself to refine it, maybe you can make it into a more advanced defensive spiritual tool.

When he was complacent, suddenly Yi Tian felt like he was being stared at by someone, usually when he felt this way, he couldn't be wrong.

After laying down a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead, he stood up straight away, and at the same time quickly put away the skin care and animal skin tools in his hands, then jumped into the air and wanted to evacuate directly.

Just as he flew into the air and was about to perform the escape technique, suddenly a blue light flashed in front of his eyes, and he saw a monk with the appearance of a fifty-year-old man appearing in front of him, looking at himself with a smile on his face.

The person in front of him was full of yellow hair, wearing a long linen gown, and his body was no different from that of a human race.There is not even half of the demon power coming out of him, and he can't detect its true strength. It is obviously a fully evolved demon clan.

At this time, the heart of fear in Yi Tian's heart arises spontaneously, and he has never felt such a sense of oppression before.It seems that in front of this person, he seems unable to raise the slightest thought of resistance.

It's not impossible but unnecessary, Yi Tian weighed in his heart and knew that the realm was too far behind.

The other party is undoubtedly a monk at the fusion stage, and he is also the ancestor of the Yaozu Houtian that the yellow-haired lion spirit said.But it seemed that the ancestor Houtian in front of him had no intention of making a move, so of course he didn't dare to act rashly.

After a little stalemate on the scene, Yi Tian couldn't help but asked: "Dare to ask senior, but is it Patriarch Houtian?"

"You are so brave, how dare you kill my disciple?" Houtian Patriarch said lightly.

But this sentence rang in Yi Tian's ears, which was like a burst of thunder. It is obvious that the ancestor Houtian had such power by secretly practicing kung fu and adding a little coercion into his words.

But I have also been in the battlefield for a long time, and when I was in a trance for a while, I hurriedly recited the Bodhi Concentration Mantra silently to stabilize my mind.

Later, he also boldly replied: "Huang Jing chased and killed me for no reason. Naturally, I can't stand and let others slaughter me. Besides, Huang Jing's defeat by me is because he is not good at learning."

"That's true," the ancestor Houtian said with a smile after hearing this: "You're right. His cultivation base is stronger than yours, and he also has my amulet, but he died in the end. Your death is indeed worthy of death, but,"

The old ancestor Houtian turned around and stared at Yi Tian and shouted: "You are also very courageous. You say that beating a dog depends on the owner. If you kill Huang Jing, it will be hard to beat, aren't you afraid that you will hate me?"

"I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid," Yi Tian said with lingering fear, "but I know that I may still be useful, otherwise the ancestor would not spend so much time talking nonsense with me."

After hearing this, Patriarch Houtian showed a knowing smile on his face, and looked at Yi Tian with a little admiration in his eyes.Then he said in a gentle tone: "Originally, a few old friends and I agreed to send a disciple to the Fragment Void to fetch some things. Now that Huang Jing is dead, I just need to trouble you to go for it."

"Can I say no?" Yi Tian said with a wry smile: "Presumably, the strength of the other people is basically in the early stage of distraction. If I go in the late stage of transformation like me, I will be cated."

"Don't worry, there are still some days before the deadline, just take this opportunity for you to cultivate in my cave for a while and try to improve your cultivation level to the Great Perfection of the God Transformation, no matter how bad it is, you will have to reach the stable state of the late stage of the God Transformation," said the patriarch Houtian Indiscriminately said.

Knowing that he has no choice now, he had no choice but to nod his head helplessly and said: "If the ancestor Houtian doesn't pursue this matter anymore, Yi Tian will naturally do his best to complete the task, which can be regarded as leaving a way for himself."

(End of this chapter)

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