
Chapter 1182

Chapter 1182
In the depths of the wilderness, Qilinzi, Patriarch Roaring Heaven, Old Monster Lubusy, Ghost Mother Rakshasa, and Three-faced Taoist, five fit monks gathered in the air and arranged them in five-element formations, and then sent out the spiritual power in their hands respectively.

Later, it represented the five kinds of spiritual powers of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth gathered together and poured into the void in front of him.After ten breaths, the sound of "咔咚咚" came. The door to the interface was forcibly opened above the void, and then the closed door was slowly opened to reveal an entrance about three feet in size.

Qi Linzi shouted in a deep voice: "What are you waiting for, go in quickly, this door can only last for a stick of incense."

After hearing the news, Yi Tian and the five people on the ground hurriedly manifested their auras, and then turned into Taoist lights and rushed in from the gap for the last time.

After the last person entered, the five joint monks stopped together, and the gap in the void was closed in response.

After the five people finished their work and fell to the clouds, the old monster with green hat spoke first: "Ghost mother is willing to spend her money this time. You have spent nearly 2000 years of hard work on cultivating this ghost boy. It seems a pity to just use it up like this." .”

Unexpectedly, the ghost mother Raksha said with disdain on her face: "A mere ghost boy is nothing to worry about. Compared with Brother Qilin who even uses me for his own heirs, it's nothing more than a big deal."

"Speaking of this, I have some doubts about Brother Houtian's agent. You won't just randomly find a late-stage spiritual cultivator to come and wait for me," the three-faced Taoist said in a strange way.

The patriarch Houtian twitched his face at this time and said one after another: "Everyone doesn't know something, and this person's background should not be underestimated. He entered the inner sect of the Taiqing Pavilion 200 years ago and became a disciple. At that time, he had only cultivated in the early stage of becoming a god."

"Impossible," the ghost mother Rakshasa interjected, "There are records in the spirit world that it takes about 500 years from the early stage of refining to the late stage."

"There are no absolutes in everything. It was time for me to realize the potential of this person so I will cultivate him at all costs." Houtian said with a sneer: "It is not polite to say that his strength is not inferior to your ghost boy. And I also gave him the emerald fangs and brother Lumao's black shell."

After hearing this, the three-faced Taoist changed his face and said: "Dao Youdao is really willing to spend all his money. Even giving him such an important thing seems to be extremely optimistic about this person." Then he turned and glanced at the green hat old monster. Thinking about something.

On the other hand, Lumao said angrily when he saw him: "This kid is not bad. He killed the person I chose on the spot in the last competition. In my opinion, his strength is almost as strong as that of Brother Qilin's son Xuelin." Didn't know that."

"Okay, if you continue arguing, you're just talking about unimportant things," Qilinzi interrupted, obviously the conversations about him just now touched his sore feet.

After a pause, Qilinzi said: "It doesn't matter how strong they are, as long as they take out a sufficient amount of immortal energy from within. And their bodies have also become storage immortals unconsciously within this year. The container of Yuanli, have you forgotten the last time?"

"Why don't you remember," the ghost mother Raksha said coquettishly, "Then I have to thank Brother Houtian and Brother Qilin for killing the disciples who came out of them so that I can get a share of the pie."

Houtian's face became gloomy when she said that, indeed this was the situation set up by the five of them.Send the elite disciples to the gap in the void to find the power of the immortal essence, and after bringing them out, they will kill and extract the original spirit by themselves.These disciples who have been inside for more than a year will unknowingly absorb a sufficient amount of immortal energy, and the collected and stored in the container are barely enough for five people to share equally.

However, the murderous spirits were still shot by the respective fit monks themselves, so it was a pleasure.But the ghost mother Luosha mentioned that these obviously hurt the sore feet of Qilinzi and Houtian Patriarch, no wonder it made them both look unhappy.

But the green-haired old monster joked at this time: "Everyone, don't forget our original intention. How difficult it is to advance to the Mahayana. If we don't have these immortal powers, I'm afraid we won't be able to pierce that layer of heaven and achieve great things in our entire life." Those who don't stick to small details should not be emotional."

As soon as these words came out, Qilinzi and Houtian's expressions immediately softened, and the divine light in their eyes became extremely cold. In front of Dao Dao, everything else can be discarded, who cares about such a trivial matter as betraying his disciples.

At the same time, Yi Tian and others who entered the fragments of the fairy world came in from the entrance and came to a huge gate.The five of them looked at each other to stay vigilant, and after a while, the blood lin's feet flew into the air, and after performing evasion, he chose a direction and flew away.

As for the ghost boy, he snorted coldly, chose the opposite direction, and flew away directly. They seemed to have no interest in the other three and only thought about their own mission.

After they left, Yi Tian turned to look at the disciple of the green-haired old monster, and saw him slowly coming forward and said: "Under Moyun, would fellow Daoist Yi and fellow Daoist Zhou want us to have a chat?"

The disciple of the three-faced Taoist was originally surnamed Zhou, and he slowly walked forward and said: "I met fellow Taoist Yi next week, Sen, I don't know what advice fellow Taoist Mo Yun has?"

The three of them stopped at a distance of three or four feet from each other, and then Mo Yun said again: "You two don't know that we only have one year to live now, and we will definitely die after we leave here."

"How do you say that?" Zhou Sen asked with a tense expression.

Yi Tian didn't take it seriously and said: "I can roughly guess the result, this operation is really not as simple as expected."

Mo Yun said with a dejected expression: "The purpose of collecting immortal energy this time is to find an opportunity for the fit monks to advance to Mahayana."

"This is expected, and I have heard a little bit about it," Zhou Sen replied.

"But you two know that our body is also a container for storing immortal energy," Mo Yun said one after another, "I accidentally found this matter from the handbook of the green-haired old thief."

"I believe you in this matter," Yi Tian interjected, "There are not many reasons for you to let go of your prejudices and cooperate with me, so I believe your words."

Mo Yun's eyes lit up and said, "Are you sure?"

Yi Tian nodded slightly and said: "The Mo Sniper I killed at the beginning should have a lot to do with you, but you can let go of your prejudices, which means that there is indeed a more serious situation than this time. According to my inference, only when your life is received You will have to join forces with me after extreme threats."

Mo Yun's eyes dimmed and he continued: "That's true. Logically speaking, I hate you more than the sky, because you killed my elder brother. But reason tells me that the three of us must cooperate sincerely if we want to survive."

"What kind of cooperation method?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Find another way. If you are lucky enough to escape from birth, go away and never come back, unless you can cultivate enough to be strong enough to deal with these five combined monks," Mo Yun said.

(End of this chapter)

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