
Chapter 1183 Xianju

Chapter 1183 Xianju
Faced with the joint efforts of the five fit monks, Yi Tian muttered softly after hearing this and shook his head helplessly.This is not a joke, just saying that Patriarch Houtian is not an easy person.

Even if I am lucky enough to step into the fusion stage in the future, I must practice to the middle stage before I dare to face the sky.What's more, the other four people are not easy to provoke, and that Qilinzi is a person that Houtian is very afraid of. If you want to deal with him, you really have to use some means.

Zhou Sen said with a serious face: "Don't care about anything else, what should we do now? Although it has been a year, how does the time flow in this fairyland fragment domain compare with the outside world?"

"You two don't need to worry at this time," Mo Yun said with certainty, "I checked that the time here is more than half of the time passed by the outside world, so we can take it here for about three years."

"Having said that, the two of you are still too optimistic," Yi Tian interrupted suddenly: "I have already been scolded by the tracking mark on my body, and it will take some time to get rid of it. If I'm not wrong, you guys The two are similar. And the time is still very tight to find other ways out in the depths of this world."

This statement revealed that both Mo Yun and Zhou Sen's complexions tightened, and their faces were dull, and they both sighed.Later, Mo Yun took out three communication jade slips and said: "These three jade tablets are in a set, and they are perfect for communication. The three of us each take one and search the world in our respective directions to see if there are any." A good opportunity to get out."

At this time, facing the unknown realm, it is always faster for three people to search together than one person. Even if the exit is found, one person alone may not be able to really escape.Naturally joining forces is the best strategy, Yi Tian walked up to get a piece without hesitation after listening to it, then turned to Mo Yun and said, "Your Excellency is really a character, those who achieve great things don't care about small things, our past events are also pure accidents , I hope this time we can forget the past and work together.”

Mo Yun didn't even think about it, so he replied directly: "The situation forced me to know the situation that fellow Taoist was in at that time. If we are not in harmony this time, I'm afraid we will explain it here. Let the past let the wind pass by."

After Yi Tian went to the Jade Talisman of Communication, he chose a direction, and then his figure flashed by and flew straight there.

Afterwards, Zhou Sen also came forward to take the jade talisman and said, "You haven't let go of all the obsessions in your heart, but at this moment and here, you still focus on the overall situation. If you die, you will lose everything, and only living is meaningful."

A gloomy look flashed in Mo Yun's eyes when he heard the words, and he replied: "I know what I'm doing, we're running out of time, let's act quickly, and try to avoid the ghost boy and Xue Lin."

Three days later, two streaks of aura, one yellow and one green, suddenly appeared in an inconspicuous place in this world.When they flew into the air, they were directly defeated by a blue sword light.

At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged below, retracted the Taiyuan sword, and then opened his mouth to exhale foul air.But there was a look of joy on his face and he said to himself: "Finally, these two troublesome tracking marks have been cleared away. I didn't expect to have to use my housekeeping skills to get rid of it. The roaring sky and the green hair His methods are really strong enough, but unfortunately his hole cards are not weak."

After speaking, he slowly stood up and looked around. This place is also thousands of miles away from the entrance. Fortunately, he searched the surrounding area before and there was no danger, so he chose to cast a spell here to remove the mark.

Looking back, Yi Tian also thought about Mo Yun's proposal. It is true that he was aware of the difficulty of this trip, and it would be a dead end if he went out after collecting the fairy energy in a regular manner.

If he could find another exit, there might still be a way out, but it was extremely difficult to say and do at this time.Facing this world, I have no idea at all.In this way, I can only bite the bullet and search for it. If I think about it, I will fly into the air and then fly towards the depths of this world.

After half a month, Yi Tian found that he had flown nearly 80 to [-] miles away, and the celestial power around him seemed to be much stronger than that at the entrance.Overjoyed in his heart, he secretly thought that he came to the wrong place, took out the gas extraction bottle and slowly sucked the celestial energy from all around into it.

After less than half an hour, I put the cap on the bottle, held it in my hand and looked at the outer wall of the bottle, and there were layers of orange marks, which looked like I had collected about two layers.

When he was triumphant, he suddenly felt a hint of danger approaching extremely fast behind his back, and without thinking about it, he put away the gas cylinder and teleported a hundred feet away.

Looking back, I saw that my original position was directly penetrated by three white spider threads, and at the same time, three colorful spiders the size of a millstone appeared not far away.

Unexpectedly, there are such creatures in this alien world, Yi Tian looked closely at the three-colored spider's eyes, which seemed to contain traces of magic energy.But they are not as explosive and crazy as demonized monsters, they are completely sane.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian hurriedly used the escape technique and ran away, don't fight with such monsters, he has limited time now and must not waste his spiritual power wantonly.

Fortunately, I just invaded their territory, and after flying three thousand miles away, I felt relieved to find that those spiders hadn't followed.

But at this time, Yi Tian also had a heart of jealousy. Thinking about this time, since the fragments of the fairy world contain not weak immortal power, there must be some things that have fallen from the fairy world.For example, the spider demon I met just now was able to bypass his own divine sense detection. It seems that the detection of spiritual sense alone may not be effective if this continues.

After that, he hid his figure in the air before stepping forward again.This time, I didn't dare to be as ostentatious as before. After restraining the breath in my body, I flew all the way to the sky and sacrificed my pupil technique to scan the boundary below with my eyes.

After a while, I came across a dilapidated building, which looked like a relic that was artificially built and then destroyed.

After slowly falling from the clouds, I came here, only to see that there is a relic that looks like a mountain gate.There is also a broken stone tablet on one side, on which the words "Vatican Lingju" are written in scribbled gold seal characters.

Yi Tian looked at it and became suspicious, it seemed that this place seemed to be a residence.However, there are only three unoccupied residences. Looking at the extent of damage here, it is estimated that the owner of the Brahma Lingju almost destroyed it after the war with others.After slowly walking forward to investigate, Yi Tian walked towards the depths of the ruins with great interest.

Not long after, he went straight up the path down the mountain and came to a dilapidated residence. After lightly releasing his divine sense, he scanned the fifty-mile radius and found no suspicious signs of biological activity.

So he breathed a sigh of relief and strode forward to prepare to explore the ruins in front of him.Suddenly, he glanced over and saw some words written on the broken stone wall next to him, so he turned around and walked over there to see what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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