
Chapter 1184 In-depth

Chapter 1184 In-depth
In this world, Yi Tian walked all the way and saw all the written records written in golden seal script, and it was the same on the stone wall in front of him.

Fortunately, I got the jade slips with golden seal script from Qing Lianyun before, and I also spent a lot of effort to study these scripts.In contrast, the other four people may not have had such encounters as me, so it seems that I have a better chance to get a glimpse of the secrets of this world.

Slowly reading the golden script on the stone wall, Yi Tian couldn't help but sighed at the ruins in front of him.From the text on the stone wall, we know that the owner of this 'Vatican Lingju' should be a magician teacher.

And it can be regarded as a small celebrity, as for why the residence was destroyed, it is temporarily impossible to know the reason.

After taking out the jade slips and writing down the words in front of him one by one, Yi Tian started to walk towards the depths of the dilapidated ruins.

With previous experience, I didn't dare to be careless. I took out the Taiyuan Sword Sacrifice in my hand, and then slowly released my divine sense to envelop a hundred miles around here.

After walking along the path on the ground for a short time, I suddenly saw another stone wall not far in front of me with golden seal characters.

After briskly walking forward, Yi Tian hurriedly looked up and read it, and after three breaths, his face changed greatly and he said secretly: "It's not good, there's trouble."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the surrounding scene had changed, and he seemed to have strayed into the remaining formation of Fanlingju.The ruins that were originally dilapidated were restored to their original appearance in a blink of an eye.

Yi Tian looked at himself and was standing at the entrance of the formation on the east side of Fanlingju, and turned around to see that the gate of the formation was closed.There is no way to retreat, so the only way is to go forward bravely, and at this time, the detection of spiritual sense is only limited to thirty or forty feet in front of him, which is obviously restrained by the power of the big formation.

After thinking about it, without hesitation, he took out the tortoise shell and dragon scale shield and sacrificed it in his left hand, and took the fang Taiyuan sword in his right hand and walked straight down.

In Shaoqing's spiritual thoughts, he seemed to find a fork in the road in front of him, so he walked forward and Yi Tian made a careful distinction and chose the road on the right.To be honest, the choice at this time can only be based on feeling, and the way of breaking the formation in my hand may not be useful here.If you act rashly and activate the backlash of the big formation, it will be enough to drink a pot by yourself.

After walking for hundreds of feet, I glanced over and found two humanoid puppets, a boy and a girl, standing upright not far away.When he walked into a distance of twenty feet, the humanoid puppet suddenly had a blue light in its eyes.The boy's body moved slowly, and at the same time a powerful wave of spiritual pressure came from his body.

Cold sweat dripped from Yi Tian's forehead, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on the puppet in front of him were as strong as in the mid-stage of distraction, and he suddenly said in his mind: "It can only be outsmarted, but not low in ability."

After thinking about it, he put away the shield, reached out and took out several ghost-faced flower seeds, grabbed them in the palm of his hand, quickly injected spiritual power, sacrificed them, and ejected them towards the surroundings of the passage.

The ghost-faced flower seeds submerged into the soil at the corner of the wall in an instant and then grew up quickly. What I didn't expect was that the vines that grew out of these ghost-faced flower seeds were more than twice as thick as those outside.Seeing Lieqi, Yi Tian wanted to test how powerful his spells could be after being mixed with fairy energy.

With a twitch at the corner of his mouth, Yin Fa said to the boy puppet rushing up: "Entangle", stretched out six or seven arm-thick vine veins in an instant, entangled the puppet's limbs, and trapped him firmly. Can't move half a minute.Under the message, suddenly the girl puppet behind him also moved.

Both hands swung golden light blades, like two sharp knives, directly cutting on the vines that restrained the boy.

One of the "click" sounds was cut off, and the other was cut off by more than half.The boy's puppet's right hand came out suddenly, and then he began to frantically pull the rest of the vines around his body.At the same time, Yi Tian pushed back a few feet away, stretched out his hand to seal quickly, and tapped the ground a few times, and then more vines came out from the ground to tie the boy puppet firmly.

As for the girl puppet, it seems that the light blade in her hands is extremely sharp, waving it so that no vines around can get close.

Yi Tian didn't panic, remembering the Taiyuan Sword Dao in his hand, and said "rise", and instantly used the trick of condensing the virtual into reality, and greeted the girl puppet.

In such a narrow space, the opponent can only attack melee, and I do use remote control techniques to maximize my strengths and avoid weaknesses, even if my cultivation level is extremely low, but even if my puppet's cultivation level is not as high as my own, it is useless.

With a "bang", the Taiyuan sword turned into a sword thread and hit the girl's body directly, directly blasting the spiritual energy center in her chest.

The scattered puppet structure was scattered all over the place, and Yi Tian glanced over and found that there seemed to be a fist-sized spar shining brightly in the spiritual energy center.

As for her two hands, there are two runes of golden script. It is estimated that the light blade was sent out by relying on the psionic spar to transmit energy to the runes in both hands.

If the girl puppet has such a mechanism, compared to the boy puppet, it should have a similar trump card.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw the entangled vines seemed to be forcibly pushed away from the inside, Yi Tian sneered and pointed at the buds at the end of the vines without giving him a chance to turn around.

With a sound of 'bang', the three-foot-sized flower buds opened to reveal the flower core of the ghost face flower. After a few flower stems went deep, they tied the hands and feet of the boy puppet from the gap, and then forcibly pulled him inside.

With the sound of 'click', Zhang Xu's flower buds closed and swallowed the puppet boy, and then saw the bucket-thick flower buds shaking violently.

As time went by, the shaking became smaller and smaller, until half an hour later, the flower bud seemed to be deflated.Yi Tian cast the spell again this time to open the bud and take out the boy's puppet structure.

Except for the psionic spar core in the inner core, none of the other puppets' structures are complete.

After looking at it, Yi Tian shook his head helplessly, then walked forward and put away the two psychic crystals together with the girl's hands skeleton assembly.

Then put the rest of the components together. Even if these things are broken up, their materials are much better than those in the spirit world. They may come in handy after they are collected.

After tidying up the battlefield, Yi Tian continued to explore in the passage swaggeringly.Passing by the gate guarded by puppets of boys and girls just now, we came to an empty square.

According to the visual inspection, there is a radius of [-] feet, and there are four statues of four spirits in the size of half a foot on the four high platforms.It's just that the positions of Baihu and Qinglong were reversed.

Going forward is a passage sealed by the spiritual light. Visually, to break this seal, you must start with the statue of the four spirits on this square.

The sound of "Ka Ka" came from behind, Yi Tianyi turned around and found that the passage he had come in had been blocked at some point, but the sound came from the northern Xuanwu statue.A phantom flashed past, and the xuanwu phantom immediately became as big as a foot.

Yi Tian suddenly tightened his face and said helplessly: "It's troublesome."

(End of this chapter)

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