
Chapter 1185 Breaking the Formation

Chapter 1185 Breaking the Formation
Standing on the square in the middle of the array, Yi Tian groaned secretly in the face of the growing Xuanwu phantom.The spiritual pressure fluctuations emanating from this phantom are similar to those of the previous two humanoid puppets.And this is the body of phantom, and I don't know what tricks it will display.

Just as he was thinking about it, the Xuanwu figure suddenly moved, and after three breaths, it raised its head and opened its mouth, spit out several water arrows from its mouth, and rushed towards the direction it occupied.

Yi Tian hurriedly stepped back and took out the black tortoise and dragon scale shield to block in front of him, continuously injecting mana into his hands to control and turn the spiritual weapon into a three-foot-sized frontal to withstand the invasion of those water arrows.

After several water sprays dispersed, Yi Tian found that the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and those water sprays fell to the ground and turned into ice, covering the narrow school field with a thick layer of ice.

Yi Tian glanced at the ice around his feet and quickly spread over, freezing his lower body and wrapping it in the ice.

After one move, he was at a complete disadvantage, and his movements were restricted, Yi Tian's face sank and he had to muster 12 points of energy to deal with this Xuanwu phantom.

After three breaths, there was a low tortoise moaning sound from Xu Ying's mouth, and his figure began to shrink and then slowly walked down from the stone platform.

As the low voice came, the entire stone platform made a 'bang bang' sound rhythmically with Xuanwu phantom.

The xuanwu phantom in front of him actually started to shrink slowly at this time, but it turned from a phantom to a solid one.Yi Tian was not surprised but happy at this time, his face became thoughtful.

It was just a phantom just now and I didn't know how to deal with it, but now I can directly attack the opponent under the phantom.

Suddenly the basalt entity opened its mouth again, spit out a solid water column in the air for three breaths, then cooled and turned into bucket-thick ice beads, shining on the head and under the cover.

At this time, Yi Tian's spiritual power showed great power all over his body, and a purple flame flashed from the bottom of his feet and enveloped everyone.A purple spark suddenly appeared in the blue ice and snow, and then the whole person soared into the air, and the lower body was easily pulled out from the ice.

After the figure leaped out, it flew into the air and dodged the incoming icicles with a few teleports.

After getting out of trouble, Yi Tian didn't rush to deal with the Xuanwu beast at the first time. He just reached out and took out a few seeds to infuse them with spiritual energy, and then ejected towards the opponent's position, submerging into the ice layer.

After a while, there was movement under the ice surface, several arm-thin vine veins sprang out and directly wrapped around the Xuanwu beast's limbs, restraining it temporarily.

At this time, Yi Tian turned around and ran towards the west stone platform without any hesitation, and after flying there, he took down the blue dragon statue that was originally placed on it.Then he went straight to the original position due east, during which Xuanwu Beast spat out several ice spears again angrily, Yi Tian didn't stop him, just dodged along the gap.

This was originally the Four Spirit Formation, but the east and west green dragons and white tigers crossed each other. It is not difficult to break the formation, just put the four spirits back in place.

Coming to the east, on the platform, Yi Tian stretched out his right hand to take the white tiger statue, and put the green dragon in his left hand back in place.

In this way, it is only necessary to return the white tiger to its place, and after a gleam of joy appeared on his face, he glanced at the trapped Xuanwu beast, and he was very proud of himself.After a flash of flames soaring to the south, the phantom of the Suzaku also gradually rose.

Yi Tian shook his head helplessly under his complexion, if he knew this matter would not be so simple, fortunately he is only one step away now.After flying quickly, he immediately returned to the stone platform in the west, and stretched out his hand to push the white tiger jade carving back to its original position.

But there was a scorching hot feeling getting closer behind him, and the ice around him had been burned and melted.Yi Tian had no choice but to sacrifice the black tortoise and dragon scale shield in front of him again. After the sound of "boom", the huge fireballs flying behind him one after another hit accurately and pushed Yi Tianzhen back ten feet away before he could barely stabilize his figure.

Fortunately, this attack was accepted by him, and when he was about to counterattack, suddenly the jade carvings on the four altars lit up at the same time.The phantoms of Qinglong and Baihu also appeared on the right seats, Suzaku and Xuanwu hurried back, and the phantoms of the four spirits echoed each other from afar.

Shaoqing's four phantoms shot out a spiritual light from each of the four phantoms, gathered in the air, and then shone towards the forbidden barrier of the passage.At the same time, the enchantment also fell in response to the sound and revealed the passage behind.

After three breaths, the cyan figure shuttled past, waiting for the opportunity to escape from Yi Tian.

After walking out of the square, the Four Spirit Formation behind him slowly dimmed, and it returned to its previous appearance on the stone platform.

Yi Tian looked at the next four jade carvings, but he didn't take the treasure directly. These four jade carvings are much stronger than his own four spirit array.It's a pity that now is not the time. After turning around and looking at the houses deep in the stone path, he hurriedly withdrew and rushed over.

Not long after I came to this dilapidated courtyard, I realized that it should be the deepest building in the Brahma Lingju. I was afraid that Yi Tian would be sent out again in this formation, and I checked it very carefully.After confirming that there was no formation defense in the courtyard, he strode in and carefully looked at the situation inside.

There is a stone platform in the courtyard, on which there are two scrolls of jade slips with covers written in golden seal script.After scanning Yi Tian's eyes, he found that there were forbidden seals on it, and if he wanted to get the treasure, he had to break through the forbidden defenses.

After carefully looking at it, Yi Tian shook his head and directly gave up the method of cracking it with force.The prohibition and countermeasures above must be extremely powerful, and one's own life will be in danger if one is not careful.

After thinking about it, he took out seven half-foot-long golden needles and used the pupil technique to detect the formation prohibition in front of him.Shaoqing poured spiritual power into the golden needles in his hand and urged them all to buzz.

A stern look flashed in his eyes, and then he stretched out his hand and thrust the golden needle straight into the forbidden node.Then the remaining six gold needles on both hands popped out one after another and hit the restriction accurately.

After a "click", the restriction responded and a gap of one foot in size was broken.Yi Tianshen took out the two pieces of the inside with a movement of control, and then stretched out his hand to take back all the golden needles that had pierced the forbidden nodes.

Half a moment later, after initially reading these two copies, Yu Jiantian showed a knowing smile on his face.Sure enough, the things I found in it were extraordinary.

But this 'Yuzhen Array' is much stronger than all the arrays left in the spirit world.I need to take the time to study the formations recorded in it well, presumably it is not impossible to use the formations to deal with the monks in the fit period.

As for the other jade slip, it is a map with the words 'Panorama of Jade True Spiritual Realm' written on it.Yi Tian secretly rejoiced that with the map, he was a little more sure of getting out of trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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