
Chapter 1187 Shock Retreat

Chapter 1187 Shock Retreat
Flying all the way in the air, Yi Tian has already got rid of many chaotic spirit bodies that were chasing after him, and several of them were attempted to be solved by Yi Tian on the spot.

When upgrading the stand-in doll in the One-Yuan Qiankun Promise Array before, the array drew a lot of fairy energy and directly attracted the nearby chaotic spirit bodies.

Fortunately, Yi Tian is not a vegetarian, but he got ready and left directly. Anyway, this world is so vast that flying thousands of miles away is just a corner of it.

But along the way, a feeling of uneasiness gradually surfaced in my heart.And this feeling is getting stronger and stronger, as if the crisis is close at hand.

After flying thousands of miles, he came to an open plain area, Yi Tian stabilized his figure in the air, stopped in the air, and began to look at the surrounding environment.

After Shaoqing stretched out his hand to sacrifice the Taiyuan Sword, he waved it in the air, and the invisible sword thread came out at random and sank into the void.After ten breaths, I saw the sound of 'Zi Zi' bursting out in the void outside my mind.

A pitch-black figure flew out of it and then blocked the sword thread with a wave of his hand.After turning around, he looked straight at him and said, "It seems that you have collected a lot of fairy energy, hand it over."

Yi Tian took a closer look, this is exactly the ghost boy, this person has a short stature, surrounded by gloomy and dead air, it goes without saying that he must have practiced ghost or evil skills.

And his strength in the early stage of distraction clearly shows that he wants to overwhelm others with power.

The corner of his mouth twitched, Yi Tian did sneer and replied: "I think you've been chasing me all the way for a long time, but unfortunately you can't be sure of my real strength, so you can only force me to hand over the gas cylinder. But if I'm afraid If you hand over the gas cylinder, then you will definitely make an inch of it and kill them all, right?"

Seeing the thing being poked at the center, Guitong's face turned cold and he shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, today I will kill you and devour your soul." After speaking, he gathered his hands together and sacrificed two groups of pitch-black spiritual power, and then joined together It turned into a ball of black magic light and attacked Yi Tian in the distance.

Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless when he saw that the ghost boy was coming aggressively. After all, the other party was one level higher than himself, and he didn't know the details, so he had to deal with it carefully.

He stretched out his hand and sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword to turn into thousands of sword threads to meet the opponent's magic ball.After hearing the sound of 'Puff', the green sword thread pierced into the magic ball and only slightly restricted its flying speed.And with the injection of the sword wire, the magic ball began to expand.

Seeing this, Yi Tian's face changed and he hurriedly pulled back and pushed Baizhang away. At the same time, after making seals with both hands, he controlled the three-foot-long cyan lightsaber and slashed straight towards the magic ball.

With a bang, the two spells were evenly matched after colliding in the air, but Yi Tian knew that he still lost.The opponent relied solely on magical powers, and he also relied on the power of spiritual weapons to predict that they were evenly matched.

After the Taiyuan sword flew back, his eyes swept over, and he saw that the clear light on the sword seemed to have dimmed a lot after being eroded by the black air.

But Yi Tian's face was not surprised at this time, but he was happy. After seeing the situation of Taiyuanjian, he already knew what to do next.

After a while, the ghost boy's face changed, he opened his mouth and spit out a pitch black round wheel, held it in his hand, poured several streams of red blood spirit into it, and drove towards Yi Tianfei.

The round wheel split into three parts against the wind in the air, and then divided into three parts to outflank Yi Tian's position.

Seeing the change in this move, Yi Tian showed no signs of timidity on his face, and stretched out his hand to sacrifice the Taiyuan Sword again to cast Lingyao Huaqian's sword thread.It's just that this time there is only a thin strand of sword wire with a faint golden light on it.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and took out an alms bowl to hold it in his hand, but he was chanting words and quickly uttered the eight sounds of heaven and thunder.After the eight-character mantra was uttered from the mouth, sound waves formed a defensive space within a range of thirty feet around.

The three magic wheels arrived in no time, but unexpectedly, when the magic wheels flew into the approaching range of Tianlei Bayin, they were suddenly blocked by an invisible force.

Although it can continue to approach Yi Tian, ​​the speed has become extremely slow.After the sound wave swept through the magic wheel, it directly purified the aura on it.

Obviously this is Guitong's natal spiritual weapon. After being continuously purified by the power of Buddha Sect, his face changed suddenly and he manipulated the spiritual weapon with both hands to take it back.

Once he gained the upper hand, Yi Tian would not let the opponent go so cheaply. He stretched out his hand to raise the bowl in his palm and pointed it at the flywheel at the front, saying "close".

Under the urging of the power of Buddha Sect, the alms bowl shot a golden light onto the flywheel, and then an incomparably powerful righteous energy pulled the flywheel straight into the alms bowl.

At the same time, Yi Tian quickly chanted the eight-tone secret method of Tianlei in his mouth, and the acceleration of the sound wave actually stopped the momentum of the other two flywheels.

A pitch-black spiritual power leaked out from the bowl in the palm, and was directly purified by the golden Buddha power to make a violent 'Zi La' sound.

At this time, the ghost boy in the distance still doesn't know that the kung fu of the person in front of him is his nemesis, even if his cultivation level is higher, he can't take advantage of the restrained kung fu.

Guitong remembers shouting: "You Buddhist cultivator pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger," he forcibly manipulated the other two flywheels with his spiritual power to break free from the shackles of Tianlei Bayin's defensive net, and then turned his head with the spiritual weapon then go.

The ghost boy's movement was also weird and disappeared into the sky after a few flashes.Yi Tian put away the alms bowl in his hand and then took out the flywheel, his face showing contempt after his divine thoughts passed by.The entire body of this flywheel is dark gold in color, but the evil spirit of blood inside is extremely strong. It can be seen that it is made of the fusion of hundreds of souls, blood and flesh sacrifices.

In this way, only ghost boys can use ghost weapons, but there are too many causes and effects involved in it, which will inevitably have an indelible impact on the future path.

After seeing Guitong leave, it is expected that he will not dare to go back again, Yi Tian slowly got up and flew thousands of miles, found a quiet hillside, and then fell to the cloud.

Sitting cross-legged on the hillside, Yi Tian took out the alms bowl and black wheel and put them in front of him, then chanted the Bodhi Mantra repeatedly.

The power of Taoist Buddhism was slowly poured into the bowl, and then a beam of golden light was shot out, slowly lifting the black wheel and directly purifying the living soul inside.

After half a day, the foul air on the black wheel was completely purified, and finally returned to a dark golden palm-sized wheel.

Yi Tian cleared away all the soul imprints left by the ghost boy above, and then put his own imprint on it, so that he put this spirit weapon into the storage ring for future use.

After doing this, Yi Tian took out the map and checked it carefully. Shaoqing found several special places marked on the map.They are Luna Well, Dripping Lake and Silent Spring. At first glance, there are only a few clues that may be found to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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