
Chapter 1188

Chapter 1188
To be honest, the three special marks shown on the jade slips of the map are all separated by a million miles, but it takes about two months to walk around and back, and this still does not count the situation under any unexpected circumstances.

From the map, the nearest place is the place of silence, and there is a jungle with a radius of ten thousand miles around here, and there is a small pool in the center, which is the fountain of silence.

Yi Tian estimated that the distance to go straight to that place is about 80 million miles, and he can reach it in five days based on his current situation.

Yi Tian immediately found a safe open space nearby to recover his spiritual power on the spot after fighting Guitong before.

Seven days later, a blue light flashed across the sky and flew straight towards the location of the Fountain of Silence.The height of Duanguang is more than three hundred feet, deliberately avoiding the possible appearance of ethereal bodies near the ground.

After staying in this world for a long time, Yi Tian realized that the most frightening thing was those ethereal bodies full of immortal energy.These spiritual bodies have not yet derived wisdom, but their strength has reached the middle stage of distraction.

It is definitely impossible to defeat it head-on by yourself, and it takes a lot of trouble to deal with it every time you encounter it.At most, you can only deal with two at the same time, and if there are more, you will have to escape for your life.

Moreover, these spirit bodies also have a characteristic that their own divine sense cannot detect all their movements.In view of this, I didn't dare to take it lightly, and tried to avoid it as much as I could along the way.

It took a long time to fly to the vicinity of the Spring of Silence. After stabilizing his figure in the high altitude, Yi Tian used his pupil technique to check carefully, but the surrounding spirit couldn't detect it clearly.And in the center of the jungle not far away, there is a lake of more than 30 feet, which is completely different from the one marked on the jade slip of the map.

Looking carefully at the lake below, I found that there is a small stone mountain thirty feet high in the middle of the lake. There is a spring on the cliff side of the stone mountain, and a stream of clear spring flows out continuously. .

Presumably this clear spring water is the Spring of Silence, and this lake is also formed by the convergence of spring water.Although there was no problem found in the observation from above, Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless and slowly lowered the cloud head to the vicinity of the cliff wall of the stone mountain, and then reached out to take out a jade bottle to hold some spring water.

Unexpectedly, after the jade bottle was filled with some spiritual springs, there was a crack in the middle with a 'pop'.Yi Tianchuchu didn't care, and hurriedly changed to a new jade bottle, but it still cracked from it.

In this way, I thought secretly in my heart, and carefully looked at the jade bottles in my hand, which were all standard in the spirit world, and the materials were all used without any jerry-building.

After careful inspection, it was concluded that the spirit energy contained in the spring water was so strong that these jade bottles could not bear the stress in it, let alone store the spring water.

When I was distressed, I suddenly remembered that there is still a spiritual weapon in my storage ring that can be used. If I can't use it to hold spring water, I really have nothing to do.

It's just that there is still a Nourishing Baby Fruit stored in the Jingling Bottle, and Yi Tian is also having a headache and doesn't know how to deal with this fruit.It stands to reason that it is safest to take it directly, but it will take a lot of time to refine this fruit.

Now it is not suitable to take it directly under such circumstances, so I had to take out a jade box and put the Nourishing Baby Fruit out of the Jingling bottle, and then put a sealing talisman on the outside.

Then wait for the Jingling bottle under the spring eye to fill up the flowing spring water.After closing the lid of the spirit purification bottle, he waited for a while without seeing any abnormal movement, so he put away the spirit purification bottle with joy in his heart.

Later, I only felt a trace of spiritual power fluctuations in the jade box in which the nourishing baby fruit was stored. After removing the seal talisman outside and opening the box cover, I saw that there seemed to be a trace of spiritual power emanating from the nourishing baby fruit.

Under the complexion changed, Yi Tian secretly thought that something was wrong, it seems that this spiritual fruit cannot be stored in the jade box for a long time, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced when the spiritual power is scattered.But now there is no spirit purification bottle in hand to store this fruit, and it is quite heartbreaking to give it up.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind, and he reached out and took out the gas cylinder to look at it.This bottle is more than one foot high and three inches in diameter, just enough to hold the baby lotion.Without further ado, he directly took out the fruit and put it into the gas cylinder.

Just after packing up the things in his hands, he suddenly noticed some waves appearing on the surface of the lake. Yi Tiansheng was vigilant and hurriedly jumped high into the air and stared at the lake.There were several waves in the lake, and then a head poked out, and then the whole body slowly floated out of the water, facing Yi Tian who was in the air and hissed a few times.

From a closer look, the spirit beasts in the water are in the form of a group of horses, which are similar to ordinary horses, but their bodies are composed of water spirit elements, and they are a group of crystal clear water horses.

It's just that the spiritual fluctuations of those water horses are much stronger than their own. It is estimated that they also have mid-term distraction strength, and it is even more difficult to deal with the advantage of being located in the silent spring.

Yi Tian looked at it and found that the water horse was actually formed by the condensed spirits in the water here, which shows how powerful the immortal power contained in the silent spring is.

Thinking about it, the troubles in front of him always have to be dealt with, and I didn't want to make troubles, so I hurried to the sky to avoid the edge temporarily, but the water horse seemed to be after me after leaping out of the pool.

Needless to say, he must have taken a lot of Silent Spring and must have left some participating spiritual power to make the water horse traceable.But it is not my style to spit out what I eat. Although I am taking the defensive position of retreating, I will inevitably have to do it if I am pressed.

Just as he was thinking about it, a flame flashed across the sky from the corner of his eye, and the situation here seemed to have attracted the other party's attention.After Shaoqing's twilight changed direction, it flew straight towards the Silent Spring.

After Yi Tian's divine thoughts dispersed for three breaths, a thoughtful expression appeared on his face. The person who came was the Xuelin who entered this world together.To be honest, I don't have a good impression of him, but as the spokesperson of Qilinzi, he must be different in strength.

One-on-one rounds may not be able to suppress him, but since he wants to get involved now, it is best.In this way, I have a chance to take advantage of the fire, so I didn't hesitate to use my body skills to swim and fight with those water-spirited horses.

Sure enough, my fight in the air drew Xuelin over, but I saw him fly not far above the Silent Spring and stabilized his figure.Then he carefully looked at the situation in front of him, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

It was obvious that the spirit energy contained in this water essence horse was stronger than the ones he had encountered before.And if it can be subdued and refined, its cultivation will definitely be greatly improved.

The only concern is that the strength of this horse is not simple, and it is difficult to deal with a person who has restraint with his kung fu attribute.Seeing Yi Tian fighting with him, Xuelin shouted: "Boy, let's join forces to deal with this water horse. After the matter is completed, I will take [-]% of the immortal power."

"Okay," Yi Tian replied without thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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