
Chapter 1189

Chapter 1189
Yi Tian and Xue Lin teamed up to cast spells on the water spirit horse in front of them.Yi Tian stretched out his hand to sacrifice the Taiyuan Sword, spread out thousands of sword threads, and then stabbed at the group of water spirit horses.

But what is surprising is that the sword thread pierced straight into the body of the water spirit and passed through without leaving a scar.

As for Xuelin, he was also shocked when he saw it. He didn't expect that Shui Ling in front of him didn't seem to be as easy to deal with as he had intended.Holding two half-foot-long sharp blades in his hands, he drew two red arcs of light in the air and aimed at the body of the water spirit.

The two arcs of light were obviously formed by the condensed fire-attribute skills. Yi Tian couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he saw it.Even though his own skills were restrained, he still wanted to counter the opponent.

Unexpectedly, the water spirit horse in front of it opened its mouth and spit out a water bomb, rolled quickly in the air, and then hit it in the direction of the light arc. With the sound of 'bang', there was a loud noise in the air and at the same time two red and blue sparks were exposed.

At this time, Xuelin sneered disdainfully and said: "You Daoist Yi, don't cheat and play tricks, don't blame me for not being sympathetic."

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Xuelin, I will not disappoint you," Yi Tian also replied coldly.It is obvious that the other party feels that he is doing foreign work, and he is dissatisfied because he does not work hard.

But after the move just now, he had some calculations in his heart, and it was obvious that the water spirit horse was weird.The opponent himself is a body of water and spirit, so he is naturally afraid of the tricks with mutually restraining attributes.A more powerful opponent like this will naturally appear more awkward in terms of attribute restraint.

The sword move I just made secretly contained the metallic nature, which was derived from the sharp power of Lingyao Huaqian.Obviously, under such attributes, cross talk does not pose any threat to Shui Ling's body.

After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand and sacrificed a few nanmu seeds, then jumped in the air and flew around to the right side of the water spirit horse, and then quickly shot those seed bullets out with both hands.

After the sound of 'swish, swish', those Nan Muzi imagined that the watery horse had been dodged by him, but two of the seeds hit the horse's back and belly.

After Yi Tian saw it, he was overjoyed and tapped the two seeds a few times after forming seals with his hands. In an instant, he saw the seeds adsorbed on the body of the water spirit, and then began to absorb the inner spiritual power to grow slender branches.

The water-spirited horse turned its head and spit out several water arrows at Yi Tian, ​​and the temperature dropped suddenly after passing through the air.It didn't take long to see the top of the water arrow condense into ice, and then hundreds of icicles hit him.

After taking out the dragon scale shield, hold it with both hands, inject spiritual power into it, and then block in front of him.It is quite difficult to dodge an attack like this by relying on body skills, so Yi Tian had to come up with this bad strategy and take it.

The noisy sound of "ping, ping, pong, pong" sounded, and those ice prisms slammed and covered Yi Tian's position. After ten breaths, only a huge ice ball swallowed Yi Tian's figure in the air.

With the sound of 'click', the ice ball cracked from the inside to the outside, and several blue lights flashed inside, breaking the ice ball directly.

Yi Tian, ​​who flew out of it, looked at the water spirit horse with a serious face, but he didn't expect the other party to be so capable.But after seeing the appearance of the water spirit horse, the corner of his mouth smiled, the seeds attached to it had grown roots and vines began to bind the water spirit body continuously.At the same time, it is constantly absorbing the aura from its body and growing crazily.

Those vines stretched all the way from its body, and the ends of the branches entangled the water spirit horse's limbs and feet.Now that skinned and watery horse seemed to be at the end of its strength, and it was very strenuous to move.

It's just that Yi Tian was not happy for a long time when he saw that the vines on its body were covered with a thin layer of frost. At this time, the light blade in Xue Lin's hand hit the water spirit horse and sent its body flying a hundred feet away.

It's just that this blow completely split the vines that were originally bound on the water spirit horse. After three breaths, there was only a "crash" sound, and the vines that originally covered the water spirit horse fell down in pieces. Reveal the spirit within.

Yi Tian looked at Mingxi, under the attack of the two, the water spirit body seemed to suffer a lot of damage, and its original power was also absorbed by the nanmu seeds, and the occupation gradually became overwhelming.

After a neighing sound, the water spirit horse broke free from the restraints of the vines and fled towards the sky. It was obvious that it wanted to run away when it saw that the situation was not good.

Yi Tian felt that there was no need to chase after and put away the spirit weapon in his hand, and slowly focused his eyes on Xuelin.

The other party also seemed to be aware of his state, slowly turned around and flew aside, then shouted in a deep voice: "Hand over your gas cylinder."

Knowing that the other party would not have any good intentions early in the morning, Yi Tian was always on guard, but he didn't expect the other party to bully him as soon as he stopped.The corner of his mouth twitched and he said, "Fellow Daoist Xuelin seems to be a bit of a force. If I hand over the gas cylinder, it will become a situation of death and no life."

"Don't think that I don't know what you're thinking. Originally, this virtual world is a place where the weak prey on the strong. I only take your gas bottle to give you enough face. Don't toast or eat fine wine," Xue Lin After saying that, he slowly pushed forward, the double blades in his hands buzzing with spiritual energy.

This is clearly to bully Xiao Yi Tian helplessly shook his head, then stretched out his hand to sacrifice Taiyuan Sword and Dragon Scale Shield and said without any concession: "It is said that among the five people who came in this time, Xue Lin Dao Friends are the most powerful, but I have some doubts about this."

"Oh, it seems that you are not willing to let him go," Xue Lin said with a sneer, "Then you will see the truth."

"Happy to accompany you," Yi Tian said, but figures flashed in the air one after another.

At the same time, the Taiyuan sword in both hands instantly turned into a rain of swords and attacked towards the opponent.

Xue Lin just said disdainfully: "Small tricks," the light blades in both hands flashed a few times, and then formed a blood-colored shield on his chest, blocking all incoming sword threads from the outside.

Then, with both hands together, the two light blades were combined to form a four-blade light knife and thrown out.

The light blade spun rapidly and pierced the surrounding air to form a strong wind whizzing towards him, and Yi Tian's sharp eyes quickly sacrificed a tortoise shell and dragon scale shield in front of him.

Under the loud "Ziz" sound, the huge impact shook Yi Tian and he retreated more than ten feet with his shield before he stood still.

Looking back, there were several scratches left on the dragon scale shield, and he knew the shield's defensive power very well.After merging with that pair of tortoise shells, it became even more perverted. Even spirit weapons of the ordinary level of distraction could not leave marks on it. Unexpectedly, Xuelin's light blade left more than one scratch.

On the other hand, the other party also stared at the dragon scale shield with wide eyes and yelled viciously: "I didn't expect the tortoise shell of the green-haired old monster to be given to you. No wonder you dare to brag about going to Haikou to fight me."

(End of this chapter)

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