
Chapter 1191 Sorry

Chapter 1191 Sorry
The sound of "boom" bursting was endless, and at the same time a bright spark burst out in the air, illuminating the whole world.The water in the pool below also seemed to be affected by the hot flames in the air, and the whole pool of water began to boil.

As for the surrounding forests and trees, there was no wind, and wildfires were ignited all over the mountains and plains in a radius of ten miles.Taking advantage of this gap, Yi Tian hurriedly took out several pills, crushed them and poured them directly into the air, then took out Baihua honey wine and poured it into his mouth in big gulps.

After the spirit wine mixed with the power of the elixir entered his stomach, Yi Tian hurriedly used his kung fu to dissipate the power of the spirit wine and the elixir, and after a while he basically recovered all the spiritual power he had consumed.Although it's not in full body condition, it's not too bad.

After all, the spiritual power consumption of the Asura method itself is twice as much as usual, and more than three kinds of magical powers are displayed at the same time, and the spiritual power consumption in the body is pouring out like water breaking a dam.

Fortunately, I have never slackened in my cultivation for so many years. In my daily cultivation, I will try to advance to the next level only after I have refined the true energy in my body to the most condensed state.

After expelling the turbid air from his mouth, Yi Tian glanced at the position where Xue Lin was in the distance. At this time, the smoke cleared and he could vaguely see a figure standing in the air.After careful identification, Xue Lin was wearing a red armor all over his body at this time, and his hands were frontally defending to protect his head.It's just that this set of armor is already burnt and tattered, so it's more suitable than a beggar's suit.

Xuelin stretched out his hand and lifted the protective armor over, revealing his naked body.It's just that there are obvious signs of channeling burns on the flesh, and those are the scars swept by Ziyan.

Shaoqing only heard him ask in a deep voice: "Who are you? Why did you leave the Fire Palace?"

"Why, your Qilin family is not good at controlling fire, but you have nothing to do when you see my skills." Yi Tian provocatively said: "Daoist Xuelin, you are very confident in yourself, but now you don't know why you are timid before the battle .”

"Nonsense, my Qilin family is good at controlling fire. Today I want to see whether my Qilin is really powerful or your Nanming Lihuo is better." From the storage bag in the room, he took out a palm-sized ruby ​​stone.Then began to inject spiritual power into it rapidly, and at the same time, a red flame overflowed from the core of the spar and gathered on the surface of the spar to form a cluster of flames.

Yi Tian's eyelids trembled a few times, and he felt the extremely powerful fire source spiritual power on this flame. This is also the strongest fire system skill that he has seen since he entered the spirit world. It is ridiculous that it turned out to be From the hands of a monster.

Seeing that the other party vowed not to give up, of course he couldn't back down, and put away the many spiritual weapons in his hand, leaving only the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan.The blow just now was just a small trial, since this treasure was refined, it has been kept in the Niwan Palace for warming and has never been really used. Such a great opportunity can be used with all its strength.

After thinking about it, he put away the body of Ashura, put the fan in his right hand, and said in his mouth: "Change." The spirit fan that had been retracted by one foot was full of light again, and then the whole fan vibrated again After being pushed down, the surface of the fan has grown to a size of five feet, and the handle of the fan is also more than two feet long.

In this way, Yi Tian held the fan with both hands and slowly waved the spiritual weapon, and the surrounding air suddenly blew up, and several strong winds gathered around the wind and thunder fan.Then a trace of sparks flickered and ignited quickly in the wind.

After Yi Tian pointed the fan with both hands at the blood lin in the distance and slammed it down fiercely, the astral wind carried purple flames and turned into a spiral fire pillar, flew out from the spiritual fan and rushed towards the blood lin.

Naturally, the opponent would not sit still and stretch out his hand to drive the unicorn bloodstone in his hand, condense the flames into a ball, and transform into a fire dragon form in the air to meet him.

After several sounds of "bang bang bang" in the sky, one red and one purple two fire-type kungfu directly collided with each other, but what surprised Xuelin was that the two people's spells were even on par, and they were at a stalemate with each other.

Immediately, the area below sank deeply under the collision of the two flame magical powers, and the splashed flames fell into the pool water in the middle of the silent place, directly evaporating most of the inside.And the spiritual power of immortality ascending into the sky was sucked by the strong wind around the purple flame, and suddenly it seemed like adding fuel to the fire, the purple true flame suddenly flourished and began to continuously eat away at the opponent's flame dragon.

In just three breaths, Ziyan showed an overwhelming advantage and forced Yanlong to retreat steadily.In the distance, Yi Tian was delighted to see Lie Xin, but he didn't expect that his natal real fire could refine the immortal energy and collect it for his own use.Taking advantage of the situation, he poured all his spiritual power into the fan and slapped it again at the blood Lin.

A more violent pillar of fire aroused from the spiritual fan made Zi Yan, who was already in the upper hand, stronger again, and immediately devoured the opponent's Yanlong and Xuelin directly.

The sound of "Zrazla" in the air was endless, and after the purple flame forced the Yanlong back, he directly ignited the blood lin himself, and saw a fire man appearing in the air, no matter what the blood lin cast, he was unable to extinguish the real flame on his body .

After three breaths, I saw his body rolling to the side in a ball, revealing his original shape, it turned out to be a fire unicorn about three feet in size.It's just that the purple flame on his body didn't decrease at all because of this, on the contrary, the burning purple flame had already roasted him and screamed.

He begged for mercy and said: "Fellow Daoist Yi, please be merciful if I am convinced. After all, we are all on the same boat. If I die, Master will definitely blame you."

"I won't bother you about this matter. After I came into this world, I didn't plan to return from the same way," Yi Tian sneered and replied: "Do you think I can't see their plan, but you still have the heart Do you really think that Qilinzi's strength can save your life, tell you that since you set foot on this boat, there is no turning back, you are too naive."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to make a seal, and then tapped Xue Lin's body a few times, and the real flame of the purple flame immediately began to refine his body.

With a sound of '噗嗤', a red light flew out from Xuelin's forehead, and it was his demon infant spirit body holding a pellet-sized demon pill in both hands and flashing towards the rear rapidly.

After Yi Tian showed a slight sneer on his face, his figure flashed on the spot, leaving only an afterimage, but his real body teleported and stopped in front of the demon baby.He stretched out his hand and pinched it in the palm of his hand, and without waiting for Xuelin to beg for mercy again, he directly refined his demon baby with real flames into a trace of fire power and put it into the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan.

On the contrary, the demon pill became an unowned thing without the control of the demon baby at this time, Yi Tian turned around and glanced at Yixi in his eyes and secretly rejoiced: "It really didn't take much effort to get it, and I advanced to the distraction stage. The main drug that needs to be refined into the six-turn Concentration Pill is the inner alchemy for the distraction-stage monster, and it is an out-and-out fire-type monster, so God helped me."

(End of this chapter)

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