
Chapter 1192 Opportunity

Chapter 1192 Opportunity
After repeated battles in the depths of the Silent Spring, the lake here has shrunk to one-third of its original size, and the surrounding jungle trees have become crooked and scattered.

As for the original spring that continues to flow, it will take thousands of years to restore the lake to its original appearance.As for whether it can breed elves like the water spirit horse again, it is still unknown.

A few days later, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged somewhere by the lake, made a seal with his hands and typed out the Dao Shou Dan seal method to firmly control the pill furnace in front of him, then took out a jade bottle and opened the bottle cap, and then reached out to open the furnace to turn on the pill furnace. Lid lifted.

Suddenly, a flame burst out from it, followed by a longan-sized elixir wrapped in a ball of flames and flew out, as if there was a spirituality inside and did not want to be restrained.

But Yi Tian finally killed Xue Lin to obtain its inner alchemy, and worked so hard to refine the sixth-rank Concentration Pill, so naturally he wouldn't let it slip away so easily.

After jumping behind, he hurriedly followed up and flew to the front of the elixir after a few flashes. Before he could turn around, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the elixir in his hand.Yi Tian put it into the jade bottle after the flames on the six-turn Concentration Pill dissipated, put the lid on and put the seal talisman on it and put it away.

After finishing these, he slowly descended from the cloud and strolled back to the alchemy place to put away the alchemy furnace and other materials on the ground.I remember that Patriarch Wu Ye once mentioned that if you want to advance into the gods, you must take the six-turn Concentration Pill.Usually, those disciples in the Lihuo Palace would need to make great achievements in order to apply for a elixir from the suzerain.

As for refining it, it is even more difficult. Simply speaking, the inner alchemy of monster beasts in the transformation stage is a treasure that cannot be found, and it is best to be a monster of fire attribute, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced.

Coupled with the need to invite alchemists above the seventh level to refine it, this alone has discouraged many disciples.Fortunately, under the teachings of Patriarch Wuye back then, he had already put the alchemy technique as the top priority.Over the years, relying on the unique advantages of Xishan Lingzhi Garden, he has privately withheld a lot of medicinal materials to practice his hands.

All the pills on the market have been tried one by one after he found a single prescription, and after killing Murong Feixue, he even learned all the pills in the Taiqing Pavilion Dandian.

Basically, a lot of everything was refined, but most of the human-level elixir was reserved for Hua Yuxin, and some prefecture-level elixir was specially collected by him for later use.

Hundreds of years of painstaking cultivation of alchemy art is finally useful in this world. After thinking about this elixir, Yi Tian finally temporarily suppressed the urge to advance.During this period, if the advanced level is distracted, Qi Tian knows how powerful the power of the God of Overcoming Tribulations will be, and the time bomb in his body will not know what will happen to him this time.

After tidying up, Yi Tian flew into the air and took out the map to search for the next destination. Suddenly, the jade badge tied around his waist moved a little.After reaching out to take it, he found that it was the communication talisman that Mo Yun had left for him before.After scanning the news above, his face became happy. He didn't expect that he had already found a way to get out of this world within three months after he came in.

But this person has a big vengeance with himself, and the ability to sit down and talk with him calmly at the beginning also gave the two parties a personal stake, so they had to let go of their prejudices.

In my heart, I am 12 points vigilant about this person, if the other party really betrays me halfway, I have nothing to do.But after reading the message on the Jade Talisman of Communication, I was still hesitant in my heart.

After thinking for a long time, I still gritted my teeth and sent him a message back, saying that I would go to the appointment.After all, it is better to fight than to be trapped again until the life essence is exhausted.

It didn't take long for the other party's reply to arrive, and at the same time it said that Zhou Sen would also come together.The void node that Mo Yun found this time is a bit strange, and it takes the strength of three people to open up the rift.

After taking out the map, Yi Tian checked and compared the information sent by Mo Yun, and the place he marked turned out to be by the Dishui Lake.Yi Tian thought about it for a while and thought that it was very hopeful to escape from here. Only these three places marked on the Yuzhen Lingjing map were special. If he couldn't find a way out here, he had to go to Luna Well to try his luck.

Accompanied, he jumped into the mid-air and then used the escape technique to rush straight towards the agreed Dishui Lake.From the map, it can be seen that the locations of the three major marks are more than a million miles apart. Even if you go at full speed, you will have to fly for seven or eight days.

Fortunately, I have benefited a lot from the previous battle, and said bluntly that even if I meet Guitong again, I can completely let him stay.Fortunately, Mo Yun also told him not to hurry too much in the message, after all, the time balance is still early.While flying, Yi Tian took out the spiritual wine and drank continuously to replenish the consumed spiritual power, trying to avoid suspicious areas along the way to avoid unnecessary fights.

After flying over the Dishui Lake, Yi Tian found that there was a bonfire shining on the eastern bank. Although there is no difference between day and night in this world, this cluster of bonfires is still very obvious.

After slowly flying forward, he said in the air: "Your Majesty was invited to come here, where is Fellow Daoist Mo?"

"Yi Daoyou arrived first, please come down to talk," the voice did come from the lake below.Shaoqing saw Mo Yun probing from the lake, then went straight to the shore to the bonfire, and beckoned to Yi Tian to go along with him.

Luo Yuntou went there and saw Mo Yun reaching out to hold a five-foot grass carp, throwing it away and roasting it on the bonfire.He also stretched out his hand and said: "Yi Daoyou came by coincidence, why don't you try my grilled fish."

Speaking of which, I also know what his true nature is. It is natural for turtles to eat fish, but it is a bit similar to humans like him to cook and eat.After waving his hand lightly, he asked, "You Daoist Mo sent a message saying that he had found a clue to break through this world, so I hurried here. I have been fasting since I became a cultivator, let alone eating meat and the like." I need to eat, and I appreciate the kindness of fellow Taoists.”

After hearing this, Mo Yun didn't hesitate, he just smiled and took off the grilled fish and began to chew it.It took a long time before he ate the whole fish, and after he was full, he said, "We'll take it out when Zhou Sen comes," he pointed to the Dishui Lake in front of him.

Yi Tian naturally knew what he knew, and guessed in his heart that the virtual world exit he found might be at the bottom of this dripping lake.But it is quite a bit apprehensive to go to the water obviously.On land and in the air, Mo Yun has no advantage at all, but in the water it is his world.If the other party deliberately made things difficult for me at any point, I'm afraid it would be enough to drink a pot.

For now, the only plan is to wait for Zhou Sen to arrive. In a two-on-one situation, even if Mo Yun occupies the geographical position, he may not be able to deal with two people at the same time.

 Thank you for the monthly tickets of Zifeng Broken Heart, Zhongxuekou, Qiqiqiga, and lmxy.

  The word 肀 is pronounced yu, and the character 鱻 is pronounced fresh.Thank you two fellow Taoists for your great support. I am really ashamed that I didn’t know how to read it until I looked it up in the dictionary.

(End of this chapter)

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