
Chapter 1194 Chaos

Chapter 1194 Chaos
Seeing that the gap in the vortex at the bottom of the lake gradually expanded to one and a half feet, Yi Tian's brows were beaming with joy, it seemed that the opportunity to get out of trouble was at hand.But after thinking about it, it seemed a little too smooth, and the uneasy feeling in my heart immediately resurfaced.In a blink of an eye, he looked at Mo Yun's location not far away, and suddenly found that he had disappeared, and then turned his head and glanced at Zhou Sen's location, but there was no one there.

Naturally, there was something wrong in their hearts, and it seemed that the two of them had agreed to take the knife first.After retracting his hands and casting the spell, he hurriedly took out the dragon scale shield and sacrificed it, then blocked it in front of him.

Just after finishing the defense, there was a sound of torrents in the water, and several water arrows rushed towards his position from the left and right sides.

Without even thinking about it, Yi Tian hurriedly kicked his feet and used the escape technique underwater to get away and dodge.Before, I had a lot of doubts about the situation of launching into the water. After all, this is not my home field, and water warfare is not my specialty. The power of spells will naturally be greatly reduced by the restrictions of the surrounding environment.

For now, the only way to do it is to surface first, but with the insights of Mo Yun and Zhou Sen, they will never let themselves succeed so easily.

As expected, Zhou Sen had already floated up to the middle layer of the water at this time. If he wanted to float up to the surface, he had to break through his handle.

As for Mo Yun, he had long since disappeared, and all the night pearls at his place had been put away, so at the bottom of the water, only his night pearls were still shining, like a living target.

"Bang bang bang" several times, the spell in the waves hit the protection of the dragon scale shield accurately, and then the light in the water faded, and the protective shield was directly broken, hitting the body of the deity.After three breaths, he took out the light and sank down weakly.

Mo Yun, who was in the distance, looked overjoyed at this time, and logically speaking, even a monk like Zhou Sen would not be able to get away with such a sneak attack.And in the water, his home spells are more powerful than those on land and air.

Mo Yun was still very confident in his tactics, and after such a sneak attack, the situation of the battle was pushed in his favor in an instant.Looking up at Zhou Sen who was in the middle of the water, he also slowly dived down and came to him not far away and said through a voice transmission: "Congratulations, Fellow Daoist Mo, for getting revenge, do you need us to make up another move to stop it?" Endless troubles?"

"That's natural," Mo Yun replied directly without thinking: "After all, the other party is also an existence at the peak of the transformation stage. If we attack together, he must be seriously injured even if he is not dead in his current state."

After finishing speaking, he took out a trident from his hand, sacrificed a jet of water, and prepared to shoot, and Zhou Sen, who was on the other side, also took out a spirit sword and sacrificed it, stabbing at Yi Tian who fell near the bottom of the lake.

'Wow!' The water jet in Mo Yun's hand turned into a double-thick water dragon, swam out from the tip of the trident, circled in the water twice, and then hit Zhou Sen who was not far away.

The roaring water dragon swallowed Zhou Sen's figure in an instant, and a happy smile appeared on Mo Yun's face after the hit. It seemed that he had completely won the calculation this time.

It's just that the happy face lasted less than ten breaths before it stopped dumbly, and then Mo Yun showed an incredulous expression and exclaimed: "Why are you?"

The water dragon in front of him hit Zhou Sen and knocked him thirty feet away, but a faint black light flashed in the white water column surrounding Zhou Sen.After a while, a figure with five short statures swam out of Zhou Sen's fleshy skin.This person turned out to be the ghost boy who fled after fighting with Yi Tian before. Don't think that Zhou Sen was killed by him earlier than that.

If this move really hit Zhou Sen, it might not be really effective, but Guitong seemed to have a good defense, and the move in the water was not affected by the environment.

At this time, Guitong glanced at Mo Yun with disdain and opened his mouth to transmit a sound: "I didn't expect you to be a little narrow-minded, but it's a pity that the last thing you should do is to deal with that kid. No one can restrain me now Now, even in the water, the power of your moves is nothing more than this."

After talking about taking off the disguise, he took out a rattle-shaped spiritual weapon, held it in his hand and shook it non-stop. The rattle seemed to be the same as a toy used by mortals to coax children, but as the sound continued to spread, A wave of waves was stirred up underwater and rushed towards the direction where Mo Yun was.

Moreover, the voice that came out was slightly low and muffled, as if it was hitting Mo Yun's heart. After three breaths, his mind was in a turmoil, and his magical powers were not as sharp as before.

Mo Yun's extraordinary strength in the water didn't seem to be very effective in front of Guitong.Those waves of water are not as weak as Mo Yun's previous water dragon spells, and they are superimposed in the water to form a water prison that traps Mo Yun in a space within five feet.

After a short rest, a white light flickered in the water prison several times in succession, and where the white light went, it actually split a hole in the invisible water prison.At the same time, a black shadow sprang out from the opening.

But not too far away, there was another red and black magic electric shock. Besides, the electric light didn't seem to receive any hindrance, and at the same time, it carried the remaining power of the water wave and hit Mo Yun directly.

After the sound of '呲呲' in the water, it directly hit Mo Yun's body towards the lake, and after more than ten breaths, Mo Yun endured the erosion of the magic thunder all over his body and jumped out of the water.Not long after, the ghost boy who was behind him followed closely and flew into the air.

The two held each other for a while and didn't talk too much. After the spiritual weapon in their hands was sacrificed, the two spiritual lights, one black and one basket, called together again.

It was obvious that Guitong was able to get rid of Zhou Sen. His strength was naturally stronger than that of Mo Yun of the same class, and he managed to suppress Zhou Sen without thinking or intention.

Even in such a favorable environment in the water, Mo Yun could not gain the upper hand, and after several moves in the air, he was obviously at a disadvantage.After a long time, Guitong also gradually increased his attack strength, beating Mo Yun to the point where he was tired of defending, and he might be exhausted to death in a short while.

Just as the sky was overwhelmingly overwhelming, suddenly thousands of light spots flashed from under the water. Gui Tong had seen this before, and with a startled face, he hurriedly pulled his hands away a hundred feet away.

But Mo Yun was so busy defending against the opponent's attack that he didn't notice this change, and it was too late when he realized it.Those cyan light spots flew out of the water and supported Mo Yun from bottom to top, and his body was crumbling under the erosion of the sword rain.

After one attack, the spiritual pressure fluctuation on Mo Yun's body suddenly weakened a lot, only about [-]% of the usual level.Before he recovered his breath, there was another movement in the depths of Dishui Lake. This time, ripples appeared on the surface of the lake, followed by several resounding Buddha's chant. Immediately after the ghost boy was purified.

At this time, the ghost boy looked like he was facing a formidable enemy, he lowered his head and swept away with his divine sense, only to see a figure rising rapidly from the water, quickly surfaced and then revealing his true face, it was Yi Tian who was attacked underwater just now.

(End of this chapter)

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