
Chapter 1195 The Fisherman

Chapter 1195 The Fisherman
A figure slowly appeared from the Dishui Lake, Yi Tian was attacked by Mo Yun just now and hastily suppressed the spiritual pressure fluctuations, then dived into the bottom of the Dishui Lake to wait for an opportunity.But what he never expected was that Mo Yun didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue after the blow, but turned the spearhead to Zhou Sen directly.

Originally thought that Mo Yun, who was an aquarium monster in the water, would be better. As for Zhou Sen, he could consume most of the opponent's spiritual power in order to benefit himself.

In fact, he didn't expect that the real Zhou Sen would have long since fallen, replaced by that ghost boy.As a result, the balance of victory and defeat was naturally tilted again, and there was still a little gap between Mo Yun's strength and the opponent's.Even in such a favorable environment underwater, he jumped out of the water in a panic after being beaten by the ghost boy.

Such Yi Tian restrained his breath and slowly swam up, taking advantage of the gap between the two of them fighting, suddenly cast a sharp move and gave a heavy blow from the water.It's a pity that the full power was not exhausted after one move, the demon boy seemed to be very alert, and he discovered his sword silk as soon as it emerged from the water.

Under the sudden dodge, the ghost boy avoided this ready-to-go ultimate move, but Mo Yun had no time to clone himself after being in a series of emergencies, and had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow up when the sword silk came.

After a sound of 'ding ding dong dong', a blue-black light and shadow appeared.But it was a tortoise shell that Mo Yun sacrificed at some point to protect him.

Yi Tian visually judged that this object should be about the same level as the tortoise shell in his hand, no wonder he could attack immediately.It's just that this tortoise shell has not been refined, but it is defended by its innate material nature. Compared with my own tortoise shell and dragon scale shield, it is still not close.

On the scene, it returned to the state of three legs, but at this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was waiting for an opportunity at the bottom of the water, became the strongest party.As for Mo Yun, who lost his geographical advantage and was hit by two people one after another, he obviously fell into the limelight.

The most erratic person on the scene was Gui Tong, who obviously suffered a lot of secret losses after fighting with him before, and now attacked Mo Yun sneakily.In such a situation, it is foolish to want to join forces to deal with him again.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian grinned and said: "The two of you played happily, and I will forget about it. But the blow just now from Fellow Daoist Mo was not up to par. I didn't expect that you couldn't take advantage of it at home. It was really disappointing for me.”

But after all, when he stretched out his hand, he still took out the bowl and held it in his palm, but most of the spiritual thoughts locked on the ghost boy.If the two in front of them join forces, at most he can be evenly divided with him, not to mention that he still has his hole cards that he has not used.

Guitong's strength is obviously higher than that of Mo Yun, if it is normal, it is natural that the persimmon has to be picky.But now it is obvious that his Buddhist practice has a restraining effect on him, so naturally it is the best strategy to deter him first.

Saying the mantra non-stop into the mouth, the light waves of Tianlei Bayin scattered indiscriminately and passed the position where the ghost boy was.

Gui Tong had suffered a lot in the previous fight, now that he tried this technique again, he naturally had a choice in his mind.Reluctantly glancing at the ink cloud in the distance, he said angrily, "You're lucky," he said, turned around, chose a direction, and left.

His skills were restrained too much, especially after this encounter, he found that Tianlei Bayin's supernatural power of purification was stronger than that of the last fight.There is no doubt that this is a situation that will only appear after Yi Tian's cultivation base has been improved. Although both of them have improved their cultivation bases, it is obvious that the weaker cultivation base has more advantages, and the improvement is also greater.

Yi Tian also heaved a sigh of relief after the ghost retreated. If his attitude just now softened a bit, the two in front of him would join forces without hesitation.

After walking like this, he is naturally more sure about Mo Yun. After putting away the bowl, Yi Tian turned around and looked at Mo Yun who was not far away. I thought you would put aside your prejudices and find a way out together. But I didn’t expect you to be so impatient and do it.”

"The hatred of killing a brother is irreconcilable. I didn't expect that Yi Daoyou was so able to bear my heavy blow under the water and still be intact," Mo Yun said bitterly, "I wish I could get rid of you and hurry up!" .”

"It's a pity that you are blinded by hatred, so what if your strength compares with the Blood Lin's," Yi Tian said with a disdainful smile. After raising the Taiyuan Sword in his hand, his left hand stretched out several ghost-faced flower seeds to restrain and hit the opponent's Defense turtle shell.

The flower seeds drilled directly through the gaps in the tortoise's shell, and then took root and sprouted out. After three breaths, several long vines grew out of it, wrapped around the back of the tortoise's shell, and entangled Mo Yun tightly. .

Yi Tian saw that the opponent was trapped for a moment, and the sword in his hand was condensed, then he drew an arc around Mo Yun's back and stabbed fiercely.Immediately after a blood column rushed out, the ghost-faced flower vines were dyed red.This also inspired the bloodthirsty nature of Ghost Face Flower, the flower bud on the top opened with a 'bang' and then covered Mo Yun's head, covering half of his body.

Just when Yi Tian felt that the winning ticket was in his hands, he suddenly felt uneasy for no reason, and in a blink of an eye, the ghost-faced bud that swallowed half of Mo Yun's body actually emitted bursts of strong spiritual pressure fluctuations.And the buds swelled up along with Mo Yun's body.

After seeing this, I still don't know that this is the prelude to the other party's eagerness to jump over the wall and want to explode the Nascent Soul.Without even thinking about it, he pulled away and dodged away, and several teleported figures flew thirty miles away.

Before turning around, he felt a huge spiritual force sweeping from behind, and hurriedly sacrificed the dragon scale shield to block in front of him, Yi Tian continued to retreat for several miles before stopping.

After stabilizing his figure, he looked back and saw that there was a wave of spiritual power left by the self-detonation above the Dishui Lake, while the lake below was overflowed by the aftermath of the self-destruction, and the wetlands on the surrounding banks were all overwhelmed. turned into a swamp.

After the aftermath of the self-explosion slowly calmed down, Yi Tian dared to turn around and fly back. With a spiritual mind, he looked at the Dishui Lake below, and found that Mo Yun's items were scattered on the lake.

As for the tortoise shell he used just now, it was ejected into the depression on the shore by the shock, and everything else was secondary. need something.

Soon, the gas cylinder was found somewhere on the surface of the Dishui Lake. The color on it seemed to have turned purple, and it was estimated that [-]% of the amount had been collected.

Yi Tian flew to the lake to pick up the gas cylinder and many other objects, and then returned to the shore to collect the turtle shell.So far, he has become the biggest winner of this station, but there is no joy on his face.Because when I was hiding at the bottom of the water just now, I discovered that the vortex outlet at the bottom of the water only lasted for ten breaths and then quickly shrank again.

Being unable to escape from this imaginary world is nothing in the end, and I don't want to exhaust my lifespan here and finally escape into reincarnation.

(End of this chapter)

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