
Chapter 1196 Channels

Chapter 1196 Channels
After re-exploring the bottom of Dishui Lake, Yi Tian's face became darker and darker. There is indeed a formation under the bottom of the lake that can control the exit of the vortex at the bottom of the lake.

But if you want to drive it, you must gather the power of three people to control the array disk and activate it to open the vortex exit.

Originally, Mo Yun and Zhou Sen were there to help, so there was always a chance anyway.But now after the death of the two of them, he can't drive it alone. Thinking of this, he can only give up this place as an alternative.

Fei took out the map in the air and checked the marked location again. In the end, he had to go to the Luna Well to try his luck. As for this place, if it really doesn't work, he can think of a solution.

Now there are only Guitong and himself left in this world, presumably with his sanity, as long as his mind is not washed out, he will not take the initiative to seek his own bad luck.

In this way, I can rest assured to explore this world in the remaining time.After thinking about it, he used the escape technique and flew straight towards the direction of Luna Well.

Along the way, I still carefully avoided unnecessary troubles, and after flying at full speed for seven days, I arrived in the valley where the Luna Well was located.

When I came here, I found that there was a stone path in the valley. After walking along the road, I saw a stone pavilion from a distance.

There are many shrubs planted within the two-foot radius of the stone pavilion, and a two-foot-sized deep well is built in the middle.Slowly walked up to the stone pavilion, looked up and glanced over, on it was written the word "Luna Well" in gold seal characters.

This place is a little different from the other two places, at least there is a stone tablet marking the name of this place.

Walking to the side of the well, I stretched my head a little to investigate, and saw that the water surface was seven or eight feet below the mouth of the well. I reached out and took out a jade bottle to control it and slowly fell into the well to get a bottle of well water.But after the jade bottle was filled with well water, it split open directly, and the appearance was exactly the same as when the water was taken from the Silent Spring.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian still felt that he had to go down to the bottom of the well and walk around.After thinking for a while, he put up the protective cover all over his body and jumped deep into the well.

Yi Tian sank all the way along the stone wall beside the well, and after half a quarter of an hour, he felt that he had reached the bottom of the well.Reaching out and taking out a luminous pearl to illuminate the surroundings, Yi Tian found that the bottom of the well he was in was much larger than the entrance.

Looking around, there is a space of about three feet, and there is a passage on the left hand side of him. It seems that the water source in the territory flows from this passage.

Stepping into the passage, Yi Tian could clearly feel the celestial power contained in the well water here through the protective cover, getting stronger and stronger.Thinking in his heart that he was going in the right direction, Yi Tian continued to stride forward along the passage.

After walking for several miles, I suddenly found some bright light shining from above in front of me. I walked up to check it carefully, and my face was overjoyed.I should have found the source of the well water, and then slowly swam towards the exit.

Shaoqing poked his head out and found that he had entered a grotto, and in the middle of the grotto was a fist-sized Lingzhu.This spirit bead is like a water eye, with water vapor constantly separating from it, and then converging into a small stream of water that slowly pours into the pool in front of it.

This water pool is naturally connected to that channel and finally formed the appearance of the well water in the Luna well.

Yi Tian went forward to take out three gas cylinders and filled them with well water one by one. After closing the lids, he found that the walls of the bottles turned from red to yellow to blue, then purple, and finally turned into pitch black.

This is what it looks like after the gas cylinder is full, and not only the immortal energy is collected, but also the spring water is filled, the effect should be even stronger.

After filling all the three gas cylinders in his hand, Yi Tian put them away contentedly.If you are lucky enough to be able to get out of this world, the power of these immortal essences in the hands of this world can be of great use.These things have an irreplaceable role in improving the cultivation level after the advanced integration period, otherwise the five monks in the integration period outside would not try their best to send people in to collect the power of immortality.

Thinking of those five monks in the integration stage, Yi Tian's heart trembled, and the tracking restrictions set by Houtian and the green-haired old monster on him have not been removed.These two imprints did not rule out my difficulty in sleeping and eating, so I found an open space in the grotto and sat down cross-legged to exercise my energy and adjust my breath.

Three days later, when he returned to the state of complete victory, Yi Tian opened his eyes and stretched out his hand to sacrifice a ray of thunder and purple flame, and then gently brought the real flame close to the little finger of his right foot.

The first tracking mark of Roaring Sky trembled violently under the burning of the real flame. Yi Tian hurriedly suppressed it with his luck when he saw it, and then stretched out his right index finger to shrink the real fire of life to the tip of the needle As thick as it is, and then quickly scratch it on the tracking mark.

With a few 'chacha' sounds, the imprint quietly cracked at the place where Lei Yan Ziyan passed by, and Yi Tian saw the situation and directly won the luck award and the imprint shattered.

After finishing the first one, it took more than a quarter of an hour to completely remove the tracking mark of the green-haired old monster.

After finishing these, Yi Tian sighed for a long time, and finally showed a smile on his face.Looking back at the surrounding grottoes, only the water eye in the middle is special, and the rest are not unusual.

After a few laps in the grotto, Yi Tian showed disappointment again on his face. It seemed that there was no void passage here, so the hope of being able to escape from this world suddenly became slim.

Staring blankly at that watery eye, Yi Tian's heart suddenly sank. Since he entered this world, he has been walking on eggshells and trying his best to find an opportunity to escape.But I didn't expect that things backfired, so many things happened in Dishui Lake, and finally failed.

It is not a good feeling to think that I may be trapped in this world and exhaust my lifespan.Sitting cross-legged on the ground and thinking silently for a long time, his face was still frowning, and there was no feasible solution.

After thinking hard for a long time, I raised my head and accidentally saw that there seemed to be a step on the top of the grotto, and there seemed to be a scroll on it.Yi Tian jumped up lightly, then flew forward, reached out and grabbed the jade slip, held it in front of the Ye Mingzhu and illuminated it lightly, and found that the front of the jade slip had the words 'Yuzhen Puppet Art' written on it.

After opening it and reading it carefully, there is actually a complete set of methods for making puppets on it.After reading it carefully, although his complexion didn't improve much, there was a gleam of light in his eyes.After reading it, he put away the jade slip and began to fall into deep thought.

This Jade Real Puppet Art is divided into three parts, and the previous introductions are all about making puppet beasts.The second part is the key to making humanoid puppets, which can even display as much as [-]% of the body's strength after being made.

The last part is the way to build the boundary-breaking warship. Although it is not used now, it can be prepared for refining after the cultivation base refining and combining period.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian showed a smile on his face and said to himself: "It's up to man, this opportunity may be an opportunity to escape from this world, and I didn't know it.

(End of this chapter)

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