
Chapter 1197 fluke

Chapter 1197 fluke
He stayed in the cave under the Luna Well for nearly a year and a half, during which Yi Tian kept drinking the clear water flowing out of the water eye to refine it.

The celestial power contained in the clear water is one-third stronger than that of the outside world, and another year of practice plus the power of this spring water is worth a hundred years of hard work in the cave of the sect of the spiritual world.

Now the true essence in my body has refined the immortal energy and then compressed it again, which has raised the cultivation base of the late stage of transformation to a solid state.Even the first six changes of Lihuo Nine Changes, the secret method of Lihuo Palace, have been strengthened again.

The original Yaoli and other ultimate moves are naturally easy to do, and the sixth level of the fire alchemy body has also been practiced in a decent manner.But later, I also found some similarities and differences with those mentioned in the secret art of the sect. Originally, after refining to the peak of the sixth level, the Nascent Soul and the flesh body were completely fused through the sacrifice of the true flame, and the surface of the skin would suddenly turn slightly red.

This is all due to the coloring effect of Nanming Lihuo itself, but when he looked down at his body, the skin color was slightly purple.Needless to say, this is the effect brought about by the natal real fire, Thunder Flame, Purple Flame.

It's just that I'm still a little uncertain. After all, my Nanming Lihuo mixed with the Thunder Tribulation Fire left on the seal turned into the true flame of my life, which is slightly different from the Zongmen's records.

Reluctantly, there was no proper opportunity to test the power of Lihuo Nine Changes, so Yi Tian thought of that ghost boy.If there is still a chance to encounter it, we must not miss the opportunity to try it out.

After finishing his work, Yi Tian stood up slowly and stared at the water eyes in front of him for a long time, finally sighed, shook his head, turned around, put up the protective cover, and jumped into the pool lightly.

The original intention of looking for myself is to put away this treasure together, but after thinking about it, if I do so, it will definitely break the delicate balance of this world.And my purpose is just to find an opportunity to escape, and there is no need to put myself in an unknown realm for the sake of immediate benefits.

After coming out of Yueshen Well, Yi Tian chose the direction of Jiayun and flew towards Dishui Lake. It seems that the last way out is still on the vortex at the bottom of the lake.It's just that I have to try to drive the large array in the center of the lake to forcibly open the exit of the vortex. It sounds like the agency's idea seems unimaginable, but with the puppet technique, under simultaneous control, maybe one person can complete the work of three people.

After more than a year, when I returned to the sky above Dishui Lake, I found that the situation here has not changed much since the last war.The traces of the fights around are still there, and the gravel open space left by the shore after being destroyed by the magic power is also vivid. Many big trees were blown down and uprooted by the strong wind and scattered in all directions.The only difference is that the water level of the lake at this time seems to be more than a foot lower than last time.

Presumably, the ghost boy didn't dare to provoke again after suffering two losses in his hands, but for the sake of precaution, Yi Tian first took out the four spirit formation plate and set up a defensive formation within a hundred miles around Dishui Lake.

Then he raised his protective cover to protect himself, and then dived into the Dishui Lake from mid-air headfirst.This time I can be regarded as my second dive, so I am familiar with it.After taking out several luminous pearls and holding them in his hands, they illuminated the water area of ​​thirty feet around him.

Slowly dived to the edge of the formation nodes around the vortex mouth at the bottom of the lake, and then left a night pearl in each of the three places to illuminate the formation.Yi Tiancai turned around and floated to the surface of the water after drawing down all the patterns on the top one by one.

After returning to the shore and choosing a free place, Yi Tian took out the engraved jade slips of the three formations and put them together for analysis.At first glance, these three places are located with the exit of the vortex as the center, and they are divided into three groups of heaven, earth and man.

I remembered that I had seen a similar formation in the Yuzhen formation talisman, took out the jade slip and spread it in my hand, quickly found the record page of that formation, and carefully figured it out.

The three-talent formation recorded in this jade slip is different from what I learned in the spirit world.After carefully reading the jade slips, I compared the two formations in my mind, and found that the jade slips in my hand were clearly recorded more concisely, but there were more changes.

As for what I have learned, which seems complicated but actually has only one or two out of ten changes in efficacy.Although I don't know why this happened, one thing is certain is that there is indeed a big three talent formation under the Dishui Lake, and its effect is to lock the vortex exit at the bottom of the lake.

According to the records in the Yuzhen Formation talisman, the Dasancai Formation can lock the void nodes in the virtual world to prevent the flow of immortal energy from passing away.

Seeing here, Yi Tian's heart is full of enthusiasm, he finally found the right direction, and the vortex under the lake is naturally a shortcut to escape.

It’s just that if you want to drive this formation, three people must work together to activate the formation plate nodes at the same time. Thinking of this, Yi Tian put his consciousness into the storage ring to check the two psionic cores and a group of puppet parts collected before.

Fortunately, I collected all these materials intentionally, and now I took out each part one by one and placed them in front of me.Then he took out the jade slip of puppetry and began to read the second chapter on humanoid puppets.

Half a month later, there was a "click" sound from time to time on the shore of Dishui Lake, and Yi Tian tried to control two humanoid puppets at the same time to imitate his movements.At this time, the humanoid puppets have been repaired, but there is not enough material, and the time is too short to reassemble them.

Fortunately, relying on the secret technique left in the puppet art, he can control these two humanoid puppets at the same time without much effort.

This time, in addition to activating the array nodes at the same time, it also needs to work underwater, which is something Yi Tian has some scruples about.Don't look at the fact that these puppets are easy to control now, but they don't know what will happen when they reach the bottom of the lake.

An idea is an idea, and after doing it, we still have to return to actual operation.After Yi Tian manipulated the two puppets with ease, he thought about how to get out of this world.

After putting away the two humanoid puppets and putting them aside, he sat cross-legged on the shore and meditated to recover.

A few days later, when Yi Tian opened his eyes, he felt that he had recovered to his full body state, and then he manipulated the two-bedroom puppet in front of him to walk towards Dishui Lake.

After setting up the protective cover, he led the two humanoid puppets and jumped into the water directly. The slightly green protective cover on the puppet's body isolated the lake water.

After falling to the bottom of the lake, Yi Tian arranged two puppets to stand in the sky according to the positions of the nodes of the three talents formation, and he himself stood in the human position.Stretch out your hand and slowly inject spiritual power into the formation disk nodes in front of you, and the two puppets stretch out their hands under the control of their own spiritual thoughts to activate the formation disks in the two directions like a gourd.

After the exit of the vortex in the middle of the lake made another 'click' sound, the gap in the center opened to a size of about one and a half feet.With joy on Yi Tian's face, he hurriedly took out the prepared spirit stones and poured them into the array in front of him to maintain the spiritual power of opening the gap.

On the other hand, he withdrew and turned into a blue light and rushed straight towards the gap, and jumped through the gap of the whirlpool in three breaths.

 Thank you Wanbei Taoist for the monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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