
Chapter 1199 News

Chapter 1199 News
Fengyong City is a small town of comprehension near the wilderness of the ghost world, and a monk in the ghost stage sits in it.

The ghost cultivators who come and go are all ghost-level monks, and few high-level monks pass by.Many ghost-infant monks don't deliberately stay even after passing by, and most of them just pass by all the way.

On that day, Youdao's invisible fluctuations of spiritual power passed the main gate of Fengyong City, and then quietly floated into the city.This wave of spiritual power restrained his own spiritual pressure, and after entering Fengyong City, he rushed towards the City Lord's Mansion.

The person fluctuating in spiritual power is naturally Yi Tian himself who came from the wasteland. Of course, he dare not go to those big ghost cities, for fear of encountering the elite monks of the Biluo Dynasty.

And this Fengyong City is naturally nothing to worry about. Ever since I learned from the ghost cultivators in the wasteland that there is such a place to go, I rushed here in a hurry.

Thinking that he still needs to try to find the door of the interface, Yi Tian could only hold back and search around for news.As for those low-level ghost cultivators, they couldn't find useful information from their mouths, so they simply pointed their ideas at the Lord of Fengyong City.

It's no problem to deal with a Nascent Soul cultivator with his strength that has stepped into the distraction stage with one foot.After putting on the cloak of Yinling, he restrained all the fluctuations of his spiritual pressure, and then relied on the extremely Yin energy on the cloak of Yinling to completely integrate himself into the ghost world.

Now even if I just stand on the street like this, as long as I don't meet those ghost Xiu Xiu face to face, I won't be noticed.Even if you pass by each other, you won't be discovered by your own advanced cultivation base.

In the city I entered, I didn't dare to rely on my spiritual thoughts to search for the target, but fortunately, the architectural style in the ghost city made it easy for me to find the hiding place of the city lord.

After arriving outside the largest palace in the city, Yi Tian walked around the palace wall and found that there was a defensive formation here.If you break in rashly, you will naturally be noticed. Fortunately, these small things can't be difficult.Quietly detour around the inaccessible place by the palace gate wall, then take out the broken formation awl, hold it in your hand, quickly activate it, aim at the formation node in front of you, and stab it lightly.

After three breaths, a two-foot gap was opened, and a figure flashed through it.After arriving in it, go straight to the room where the city lord is.

As soon as he walked outside the city lord's room, he heard conversations coming from the room, and quietly walked into the room from one side, Yi Tian found two monks in the ghost stage in the room.

The chubby ghost sitting on the main seat wore an official hat on his head and an official robe on his body with an extremely solid aura. It is estimated that he has reached the late ghost baby stage and should be the city lord here.And in front of him was a tall, thin ghost wearing an ordinary long gown and no official hat on his head, and his breath was almost like that of a ghost baby in its early days.

Only the city lord Ghost Xiu asked: "Where is the monk who came out of that gate now? Has he converted my ghost clan people?"

"Monk, Duhua, Jiemen," Yi Tian stood aside and listened with joy on his face. He didn't expect that his luck was really not bad, and he was lucky when he came.

Then I heard the thin ghost ghost reply: "My lord, that buddha-stage cultivator is fine, and he didn't intentionally come to the place where our clan gathers to find fault after wandering around Guikuling. Otherwise, the low-ranking monks in his hand who are looking around for the Buddhist sect's spiritual weapon will be directly transformed by him whenever they meet."

"The buddha-infant cultivator should belong to the Mahayana sect. Let him go. He won't pose any threat to our family. But the buddha cultivator at the transformation stage should belong to the Hinayana sect. I will report his affairs to the upper hand. It would be bad luck for my royal family master to find him."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was overjoyed, even if he slowly exited the city lord's room, he searched around after coming to the outside world, and found a map of the ghost world in the study of the city lord's mansion not long after.Fortunately, this map was always on the wall, and after Yi Tianshen scanned it, he memorized all the terrain marks on it.

Reaching out to take the jade slips, he quickly started to carve, and within twenty breaths of effort, the map was engraved.After doing this, he quietly broke out from the weakest point of the ban on the back door of the City Lord's Mansion.

After coming to the outside world, I didn't have any thoughts of sightseeing anymore, so I swaggered out from the main gate of Fengyong City and jumped into the air.Then he took out the jade slip map to find the location of Ghost Crying Ridge and flew straight there.

Seventy percent of the area on this map has been marked, and the remaining thirty percent is still blank.The key is that the location of the boundary gate is not clearly marked on it, so I have to ask someone for it.

As for the person who inquired, it was naturally the buddha-infant monk of the Mahayana sect, but he was suspicious of the intention of these two people to sneak into the ghost world.

The extreme yin energy in this world is of no use to Buddhist cultivation, and they must have a purpose to come here with such a cultivation base to take risks.

Fortunately, Ghost Crying Ridge is located at the junction of the control areas of the Biluo Dynasty and Huangquan Guard, so it can be regarded as a two-way area.It seems that the place chosen by this buddha-infant monk has really worked hard.

It took a long time to fly all the way to the sky above Guikuling, Yi Tian didn't dare to use his spiritual sense to probe for fear of being noticed by the other party and causing unnecessary trouble.

After thinking about it, he slowly descended to the flying height and slowly searched for the buddha monk in the midair of Guikuling.

Not long after flying in the air, I saw a Buddha's light shining in the mountains and forests in the distance.Yi Tian cast his pupil technique, looking overjoyed on his face, and secretly said: "It really didn't take much effort. '

Just as he was about to fly forward, he suddenly noticed a black light in the sky flying towards here.It was obvious that the other party's target was also the buddha-infant cultivator, Yi Tian was taken aback for a moment when he saw it, and decided to make a decision before making a move, to see how the situation would develop.

The figure quietly lowered and flew around from the side, and then came to a distance of hundreds of feet behind the buddha monk.Then he slowly fell down and walked towards the position where he was sitting in meditation.

Ten breaths later, the light from the sky also rushed to the sky above the head, and behind the figure was a ghost cultivator in the early stage of transformation.After he fell to the ground, he shouted to the monk: "Monk Xuanwu, what are you doing wandering around in this world? What crime should you Buddhist monks have for breaking the boundary for no reason and disturbing our people?"

The monk sitting cross-legged on the ground opened his eyes with a slight smile on his face and said, "It turns out that it is Senior Liao Zhi of the Biluo Dynasty. From now on, I have not transformed the people of the ghost clan, and I have not broken the order of the ghost world. The teacher ordered me to come here for something, and I will leave as soon as possible, and I will never do anything harmful to the ghost clan."

"Say one thing and do another. Didn't that Xingzhi monk transformed many juniors of our family in this world? How do you explain this?" The ghost cultivator named Liao Zhi replied.

(End of this chapter)

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