
Chapter 1200 hit

Chapter 1200 hit
Near Ghost Crying Ridge, Yi Tian was looking for an opportunity to get close to the Buddhist monk to find out the news of the interface door, but he didn't expect that a monk from the Biluo Dynasty's transformation stage would appear on the way.And the other party obviously came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, but the reason was the disaster caused by the idiotism of the Hinayana monk.

Monk Xuan Wu could only helplessly shake his head after listening to the other party's questioning, then he stood up and said: "Senior Liao, this junior was ordered by the abbot to come all the way to the Ghost Realm to block the gap in the embankment of the Hungry Ghost Road. , As for the actions of Senior Xingzhi, I naturally cannot agree with them. Please pay attention to this injustice and debt."

What he said was neither humble nor overbearing, Xuan Wu could be so calm in the face of monks who were one level higher, but Yi Tian, ​​who was peeping from the side, thought highly of him.At least it was him who had already planned how to get away, but he seemed to have something to do in doing so, but he didn't know what Xuanwu's support was.

Unexpectedly, Liao Zhi, the ghost cultivator, changed his face several times after hearing this, and then he stared and discerned: "The gap in the embankment of the Hungry Ghost Road can be so easily blocked. The world invites great powers to assist, but it will not only send you, a little buddha-stage monk, to assist."

Seeing that the other party didn't believe him, Xuan Wu didn't make any distinctions, but slowly took out a jade slip letter, held it in his hand, and showed it: "Facts speak louder than words, senior Liao Zhi should recognize the ghost king's handwriting and seal."

After the letter was gently unfolded in Xuanwu's hand, a gushing spiritual pressure directly shocked Liao Zhi who was in midair.I saw his expression turned serious, he cupped his fists and bowed respectfully to the jade slip letter.

After Xuanwu put away the jade slips in his hand, Liao Zhi said again: "Since nephew Xuanwu is the envoy sent by the Buddhist and spiritual world this time, why isn't there even a follower by his side? I don't know if the monk agreed to come to help with you?"

"The abbot presided over the task of instructing the hungry ghosts in the ghost world. Only poor monks are responsible for it. When there is a crisis, there will be noble people to help. As for the old man who is not on the same road as me, what he has done is the poor monk's business. "Xuanwu replied respectfully.

After hearing this, Liao Zhi's expression became a little better. The person in front of him was a helper invited by the ghost king, so he couldn't offend him.It would be a troublesome matter to be involved with that monk, but now that everyone has explained the matter clearly, it will be clear.At least he has a decision in his mind how to deal with the next thing.

Shaoqing Guixiu Liao Zhi said goodbye to Monk Xuanwu and flew towards the sky, it seemed that he was looking for trouble with that monk, and Xuanwu sat cross-legged again and closed his eyes to meditate.

Yi Tian felt that he was a bit overbearing, if he was sitting cross-legged and meditating alone in the wild mountains and mountains of another world, he would never be so negligent.

Half a day later, Xuanwu took out a string of Buddha beads and gently fiddled with it in his palm, staring at it for a while, with a knowing smile on his face.Then he stood up slowly with the bracelet on his hand, took the Zen staff behind him and raised himself up to fly into the air.

After finally catching Ren Yitian, he didn't want to lose him, so he hurriedly concealed his breath, jumped up to a hundred feet above Xuanwu's head, and followed quietly.

To be honest, Yi Tian felt a little aggrieved, he was sneaking up and following him now, as if he had become monk Xuanwu's bodyguard.

It's just that it's not appropriate to reveal your identity directly now, since the other party is ordered to come, then you can follow along all the way, at best, you can help out when necessary.Speaking of making a move, Yi Tianfei was thinking about what kind of identity he should appear in so as not to arouse the resentment of ghost cultivators.It is naturally the most inappropriate to appear in the real body. It is unjustifiable for me to appear in the ghost world for no reason, and it is not teleported through the gate of the world, which will even arouse suspicion.

After thinking about it, he took out the monk's robe from the storage ring and hurriedly changed it on his body, and then performed the Thousand Faces Technique to turn himself into a shawl emitting Kututuo.Fortunately, I had specially refined the Buddhist religious utensils before, so I took out the alms bowl and the glazed beads and held them in my hands.

Along the way, he followed Monk Xuanwu and flew for two days, but there was no sign of him stopping.Suddenly, three flashes of spiritual light flashed in the distance, and then violent spiritual pressure fluctuations came from there.

Yi Tian's eyelids trembled and he knew that someone was fighting there. Judging from the intensity of the spiritual pressure fluctuation, it should be a monk at the stage of transformation.

Seeing this scene, Monk Xuanwu also knew that the situation was not good and planned to take a detour, but the other three seemed to be locked on him by divine sense.Then Sanda Dunguang flew towards this side in a hurry, and it was naturally appropriate to catch up with the buddha-infant monk at the speed of a monk at the transformation stage.

Half a moment later, when Dunguang flew in, he divided into two groups, and lined up on both sides of Monk Xuanwu.The man on the left with five inches of golden light on his body was holding two crescent shovels with a fierce face, but when he saw Xuan Wu, he shouted: "The little monk came just in time, come join me to fight these ghosts!" build."

The two people on the opposite side are all cultivators at the stage of transforming gods, and the one at the head is Liao Zhi, a ghost cultivator whom he has seen before, but at this moment he said with a sneer: "Monk Xingzhi, you made a wrong calculation, and came here under the guise of transcendence." I collect ghosts from the ghost world, I see you are a bald donkey with a guilty conscience and want to drag people into the water." One sentence revealed all his bad deeds.

After hearing this, Xuan Wu stabilized his figure in the air, then turned to the two sides and said: "Your grievances have nothing to do with the little monk, I have to hurry to repair the way of the hungry ghost, please make it easier for me."

Liao Zhi naturally knew the origin of Xuanwu, he lowered his head and spoke to the deputy behind him, then turned around and said: "Since the little master doesn't care about this matter, it's just right, we won't disturb your schedule, please leave on your own." go."

Unexpectedly, Xing Chi hurriedly yelled: "Why do you monks of Daleiguang Temple act like this? Could it be that the abbot in charge of your temple taught you this way? Don't forget that the ancestors of Daleiguang Temple have teachings without distinction , Purdue sentient beings."

It is obvious that Xuan Wu is not good to leave after he said so, Xing Chi only said this because he saw Xuan Wu's weakness.As for Liao Zhi, he also showed displeasure on his face, and shouted: "Xing Chi, don't use morality to kidnap little master Xuanwu and put him in a dilemma."

"What I'm telling is the truth, I believe you can ask him directly," Xing Chi saw that Liao Zhi could tell the name of Xuan Wu, so he naturally knew him.In this way, he wanted to bind Monk Xuanwu with him in the name of morality, and he seemed to feel that Liao Zhi was a little bit cautious.

After a while, Xuan Wu saw that he was at an impasse and had no choice but to say: "Although senior Xingchi is a master of Tantric Buddhism, what he does must be able to stand on the stage. I don't know what the senior Xingchi did that should not be done. Incurred the encirclement and suppression of the seniors in the ghost world?"

One sentence brought the ball back again. His situation is difficult to handle, but it is always the best policy to spread things out and convince others with reasoning.But he was at a loss for words when he saw the deeds, after all, what he did was really unworthy of the stage, but under the flash of light in his eyes, he suddenly shot out the crescent shovel and turned it into a golden light to go straight to Xuanwu.But the deity withdrew and fled to the side.

(End of this chapter)

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