
Chapter 1201

Chapter 1201
In the middle of the air, the four of them were still at loggerheads, Xing Chi wanted to drag them into the water, but Xuan Wu was not stupid and naturally evaded the burden and kicked the burden back to the three of them.

Unexpectedly, Xing Chi was forced to send out a faint move. Seeing that Xuan Wu and Liao Zhi must know each other and seemed to have a relationship, he gritted his teeth and made a sneak attack, but he himself took advantage of the confusion and ran away.

In fact, it was almost the same as what Xingchi had guessed. After the crescent shovel was released, Liao Zhi, who was in the distance, saw something was wrong and hurriedly abandoned Xingchi and wanted to defend Xuanwu.

He is one of the insiders, and he knows that although the person in front of him is not a high-level person, he is an envoy sent by the real Buddha and the spiritual world.In addition to having a letter from the ghost king as proof, if this person falls in the ghost world, it will definitely cause shock to the upper echelons.

As Liao Zhi, he would lose his skin if he didn't die, so he made a choice without thinking about it in an emergency.

It's possible that Chi Chi's sneak attack was quick and accurate. Seeing that the two ghost cultivators were too late, Monk Xuanwu was also shocked. How could he expect such a change.Holding the Zen stick in both hands, he performed the Buddhist body technique together, and a golden light suddenly appeared from his body. Since he couldn't match it, he had to bite the bullet and take it.

With a sound of 'dang', the crescent shovel flew straight to Monk Xuanwu's face and smashed down hard, suddenly a golden light fell from his head and covered his whole body.Then twelve crystal-clear Buddha beads formed a protective ring around him to protect him.

The crescent shovel slammed down on one of the beads and was directly bounced away by the vast Buddha power on it.Liao Zhi in front of him was overjoyed when he saw it, and then hurriedly looked up and shouted: "Since the master He Fang has come, why can't he avoid seeing him?"

Monk Xuanwu also changed his face and looked up to the top of his head, only to see a Huotuotuo in a black robe with a fierce face slowly descending to a short distance in front of him and stabilizing his figure.Then after looking at him for a while, he asked, "Who are you, Senior Brother Yizhen?"

"It's my master," Xuan Wu felt relieved when he heard the dharma name, and then he stepped forward and said, "Disciple Xuan Wu sees Mr. Yi."

When the two ghost cultivators around saw it, they naturally thought it was the Dharma protector secretly sent by the Buddhist sect, and they could tell the truth from the conversation between the two.Then Liao Zhifei stepped forward and said, "Thank you, Master Yi, for your help. If something happens to Xuan Wu in this world, I will be fully responsible."

It is obvious that his cultivation base is higher than that of the opponent, and he shocked them as soon as he made a move, so Liao Zhi was so polite.I knew how powerful he was in the one-on-one conversation with Xuanwu before, so I thought about it and said: "Well, since I have shown up, I will take care of Xuanwu, and as for the matter of Xingchi, I have nothing to do with Daleiguang Temple. Nothing to do, you two can do whatever you want."

After hearing this, Liao Zhi and Liao Zhi glanced at each other, and immediately had a calculation in their hearts.After a while, Yi Tian and Xuan Wu chased after him in the direction Xing Chi escaped.

After the two left, Yi Tian slowly turned his head and stared at Xuan Wu for a while before he asked, "Why did the ghost king's letter with such an important matter fall into your hands? Could it be that the other great supernatural beings in the Daleiguang Temple all Won't you show up?"

But Xuan Wu shook his head and said, "Master told me to be escorted secretly by someone with great supernatural powers, and told me to meditate in Guikuling for seven days to reflect on myself."

'Let you reflect on your own mind' Yi Tian really doubted this in his heart. Those who have mastered supernatural powers in the Buddhist sect can know the future.Monk Yizhen probably practiced this supernatural power, so he said this.

Then he asked, "Since that's the case, did Senior Brother Yizhen mention that I will help you secretly?"

"That's not true. The master retreated to cultivate and comprehend the Zen method of good and evil, and I just listened to his orders in the secret room," Xuan Wu hurriedly replied.

"Zen of Good and Evil, I really didn't expect you to embark on this path, I hope you can pass that level," Yi Tian said with a solemn expression and sighed.

"Why is Master Master sighing? Is there something wrong with the Zen of Good and Evil?" Xuanwu hurriedly asked.

Seeing Yi Tian's eyes flashing like this, but he didn't know how to explain it to him. It can't be said that this is the skill practiced by the powerful precept masters of the previous generation until he fell into the devil's way.

After thinking about it for a while, I just ignored it in silence, and then changed the subject: "Why did the abbot of the Great Leiguang Temple send you this task? You don't know how dangerous it is to go deep into the ghost world alone, and it's not a good idea to restore the hungry ghost way." What an easy task."

After hearing this, Xuanwu said without showing any timidity on his face: "Uncle Shi Rong said, the family teacher was summoned by the patriarch after returning to the temple from the spirit world, and ten years later he took over the post of abbot and became the Daleiguang Temple in 10 years. Since then, he is the second monk to take over as the abbot with the cultivation base of distraction."

"The second one," Yi Tian suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and then asked: "Is the first one called Jie Ding, an ancestor monk?"

"Exactly, uncle, how did you know about the secrets of this temple after you have been away for many years?" Xuanwu replied in surprise.

"How many people know about this?"

Seeing Yi Tian's unkind expression, Xuan Wu immediately realized that there was something strange about this matter, and replied tremblingly: "There are six people including me and uncle."

"Destiny, God's will," Yi Tian waved his hand with a wry smile, then looked up at the sky and said, "I didn't expect Brother Yizhen to go up the road of precepting the master, I hope he can enlighten the way and break the shackles, otherwise it will be another Buddhist sect." catastrophe."

"How do you say this? Uncle Master, please tell me, will my master be okay?" Xuan Wu asked anxiously.

"It's okay to say it's okay, and it's okay to say it's okay," Yi Tian said jokingly.

"Master uncle, please clear up the doubts. If there is an opportunity to solve my master's distressed disciple, I will not hesitate to die," Xuanwu said decisively.

"One flower, one world, one thought to become a Buddha and demon, this is the mirror image that I saw when I met Yizhen in the spiritual world, but we both followed the footsteps of Master Jie Ding," Yi Tian said. He spoke slowly, and then briefly talked about how the same real two under the saffron tree in the magic mist area of ​​the spiritual world deciphered the magic treasure left by the devil prince Qiu Yu.

Xuanwu beside him was stunned for a while, and he nodded in thought after knowing that Yi Tianjiang had finished speaking.

Yi Tian knew that there was so much information in it that it was difficult for Xuanwu to accept it for a while.Just as I guessed, Yizhen should be the person with the most profound understanding of Buddhism among the generation of distracted monks in Daleiguang Temple.

That's why he was sent to the spirit world to look for the traces of the modern patriarch, and he must have gained a lot in the world of one flower and one flower. After returning to the temple, he was summoned by the patriarch of the Mahayana and directly positioned as the master to preside over it.

Presumably one of the conditions for him to take over as the host is to re-understand Master Jie Ding's good and evil Zen, so that the following things can be explained.

After a while, Xuanwu turned around and bowed respectfully to himself, saying: "Since the uncle was able to save the master from the world of flowers, he will definitely prevent the master from falling into the devil's way in the future. The disciple is willing to spend his life Serve my uncle and ask my uncle to help me at Daleiguang Temple."

"The person who can stop your master is not me but you, you can guess from his willingness to let you come to the ghost world alone," Yi Tian replied with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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