
Chapter 1202 Communication

Chapter 1202 Communication
After chatting with the little monk Xuanwu, I realized that this time Daleiguang Temple sent him to come to the Ghost Festival alone to repair the hungry ghost way, which was also a test for him.There is also a profound meaning in making an exception to be promoted to abbot based on the practice of Yizhen monk.

As for his apprentices, they are naturally proficient in Buddhism, and the most important thing to restore the hungry ghost path is to rely on the blessing of the supreme Buddha power of the Buddha School.

Based on this point of Xuanwu, he was selected to perform this task, and Yi Tian, ​​as a bystander, naturally knew it well.It's just that the little monk Xuanwu himself is the true intention of the abbot Yizhen who is a fan of the authorities.

It's just that I feel a little uncomfortable that my own appearance is actually caught by the truth, and I can naturally see my whereabouts with the Buddhist esoteric magical powers.Just like Qin Huaige, the head of the Qingtian Division of the Taiqing Pavilion, it's just that Yizhen also has something extraordinary that he can do it with the cultivation base of the distraction period.

Based on this alone, it can be seen that his high talent is really rare, so he was selected as the abbot of Daleiguang Temple in another generation based on this.

Don't talk about those things in the world of Buddha and spirit, just look at me and the little monk Xuanwu are flying all the way to the direction of the Hungry Ghost Dao, talking and chatting on the way.I have a deeper understanding of the situation in the ghost world and the Buddha spirit world.

It turns out that although the ghost king of the Biluo Dynasty is a Mahayana cultivation base, his strength belongs to the middle and lower in the Nine Realms.The reason is that the special existence and exercises in the ghost world belong to the Yin and cold category, and are firmly restrained by the Mahayana monks in the upper three worlds and the Buddhist and spiritual world.

Even if the ghost king's cultivation reaches the late stage of Mahayana, he can't make up for the defects in the attributes of the upper martial arts when facing monks in the middle stage of Mahayana in the spirit world.

Fortunately, the resources in this world are scarce, and it is not suitable for living people to cultivate, so the other worlds keep a respectful distance from the ghost world, and become the only paradise in the lower three worlds.

As for the Nether Realm and the Hell Realm, which are both the lower three realms, this is not the case. The Mahayana monks who are in charge of them are all masters of foreign races.It's just that there are many races in these two worlds, and they are fighting for resources all day long, so few outsiders go there.

After learning about the situation in the Lower Three Realms, Yi Tian turned the topic to the Demon Realm again. After all, the Master of Precepts suddenly fell from the pure land of the Buddha Spirit Realm to the Demon Realm.

Such a 180-degree change has always puzzled Yi Tian. When he mentioned this, Xuanwu replied with a straight expression: "Uncle Qizheng, actually when I learned about this from the master." Mi Xinshi was also taken aback, and afterward I went to the Sutra Library of the Zongmen to check the manuscripts left by the predecessors, but they didn't even record it."

"No record doesn't mean it doesn't exist?" Yi Tian thought for a while and asked again: "Then do you know what is the treasure of the Luohan Hall in Daleiguang Temple?"

"I know this, the black iron wooden fish in the hands of the first seat is a heaven-level spiritual weapon, I have seen it at the once-in-a-thousand-year puja," Xuan Wu said.

"Xuan Tie Mu Yu," Yi Tian just smiled helplessly after hearing this, it seems that the head of the Arhat Hall who succeeded him later was also unwilling.After losing the Leiwen wooden fish, he re-refined the same type of spiritual weapon as a town treasure.

After thinking about it, he changed the subject and directly brought it to the matter of restoring the Hungry Ghost Dao, saying: "Senior Brother Yizhen must have a deep meaning in sending you here this time. I wonder if you have any ideas in your heart after you arrive at the Hungry Ghost Dao. I am afraid that my understanding of Buddha's power may not be as good as yours."

After hearing this, Xuanwu hurriedly replied respectfully: "Uncle Master is absurd, I just read a little more Buddhist scriptures."

"My nephew is too humble. I think your bone age is less than a thousand years old, but the power of the Buddhist sect on your body is obviously stronger than ordinary Buddhist monks. Even those monks who have practiced for thousands of years may not be as strong as you," Yi Tian After thinking about it, he asked again: "If I'm not mistaken, you are practicing the most profound reincarnation method in the Mahayana sect, and you have been reincarnated for more than six lives to have the accumulation of Buddha power."

Xuanwu's face was shocked and he hurriedly said in a low voice: "Uncle Master is really powerful. This disciple is a reincarnated cultivator of the seventh generation. The previous six generations all practiced in Daleiguang Temple."

"That is inevitable," Yi Tianda said meaningfully: "And I can conclude that Brother Yizhen must be your master in the previous life, and he is also the one who went to the mortal world to guide you into Buddhism in this life."

"Uncle Master is really powerful, that's true," Xuan Wu's eyes flickered at this time, and even his gaze changed.

"It's just that if your method of reincarnation can be repeated nine times, it will be even more incredible. I'm afraid that you will become the most feared Buddhist monk in the devil world. Even if you are the devil's holy prince It may not be your opponent," said Yi Tian, ​​a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, then he turned around and stared at Xuan Wu, and said: "Your background is not simple, it seems that this time you and I meet is also a secret ordained."

"If the disciple is not clear, please ask Master Uncle to explain it," Xuan Wu asked.

In fact, this is just a guess in my mind. Since the little monk Xuanwu practiced the law of reincarnation, where did the other five lives except the sixth one practice?As far as I know, this method of reincarnation is one of the most profound exercises in Da Lei Guang Temple.

Apart from Buddhist monks, I can't think of anyone who can give up a lifetime of cultivation and escape directly into reincarnation.In the first life of this technique, you have to practice it until you reach the body-fit stage, and then you can sit and dissolve. As for the subsequent lives, you only need to use the first level of the previous one to perform the secret magic power.

In the sixth world, it is only necessary to cultivate to the mid-stage of transforming gods, while in the seventh world, it is enough to enter the divine weapon sooner.Those who can have great perseverance to practice this mysterious supernatural power must have a close relationship with the master of precepts back then.

After all, after the ninth reincarnation, the growth of cultivation base is nine times faster than that of ordinary Buddhist monks.Coupled with the Buddhist power accumulated in previous lives, he might be able to break through the Mahayana entrance in one fell swoop and become the fifth Mahayana monk of Daleiguang Temple.

The biggest advantage of a monk who has successfully cultivated using this secret technique is that he can fall into a demon without falling. It seems that this person should have known about the fall from the demon of the master of precepts before the sixth life, or he was also one of the witnesses back then.

Thinking of the silence on Yi Tian's face here, Xuan Wu didn't know what was going on, so he kept silent and focused on his way.Later, I saw a dark mountain peak in the air far away, and there was a winding walkway in the mountain full of crowded people.

Xuanwu stretched out his hand and pointed: "We have arrived at the Hungry Ghost Road on Youquan Road, and it is full of mortals who are blocked."

After Yi Tian's divine thoughts passed, he said lightly: "Quickly find out where the Hungry Ghost Dao is damaged, and after repairing it, it can restore the normal order here, which is not in vain for the kind invitation of the Ghost King."

"Yes, disciple understands, please wait for Master Uncle to allow disciple to inquire about the damage to the Hungry Ghost Dao," Xuanwu replied.

(End of this chapter)

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