
Chapter 1204

Chapter 1204
The broken roads of the Hungry Ghost Path were completely repaired under the blessing of the supreme Buddha power.As the person in charge, Monk Xuanwu naturally took most of the credit, and Yi Tian also gained more or less credit for being by his side.

After the project was repaired that day, the void gap was directly closed, and then the entire Hungry Ghost Road was opened again to restore the operation of the ghost world to its original state.

I thought it was over like this, but there seemed to be a sense in the sky above, and after the thunderous bang, a Buddha's light descended from the sky.In the air, the Buddha's light was divided into two parts, and [-]% of the light shone on Xuanwu, and Yi Tian was lucky enough to get [-]%.

After the Buddha's light poured into his body, Yi Tian felt a faint layer of pure light attached to the body of the Nascent Soul, and the original murderous aura was also dissolved into the invisible at this time.

But my biggest gain is Dao Xin. At this time, my state of mind is obviously much higher than my cultivation base. Even if my cultivation base has been raised to the stage of distraction, I can let go of cultivation and don't care about the state of mind that hinders the progress of my cultivation base.

The two returned in a hurry after finishing the trivial matters in Hungry Ghost Road. Monk Xuanwu was in a hurry to return to the sect, while Yi Tian wanted to go through the gate together to find the way back to the spirit world.

At the same time, I have to fulfill the promise I made to Master Jieding under the Shaluo tree and send the Leiwen wooden fish back to the Arhat Hall of the Great Leiguang Temple.

On the way back, Xuanwu led the way. Yi Tian wanted to take him to fly, but Xuanwu had said beforehand that he could not use other people's traps for this trip, and everything had to be done by himself.

So Yi Tian couldn't help it, so he had to slow down and accompany Xuan Wu all the way to fly slowly towards the gate of the world.

Fortunately, there is someone to accompany Yi Tian along the way, while flying and chatting, it is just a tour in the ghost world.

That day when the two were flying at high altitude, suddenly Yi Tian frowned slightly and stopped to stabilize in the air, turned around and looked into the distance: "It seems that we are being targeted again, it's not good."

"What did Uncle Master find?" Xuan Wu asked hastily.

"The Xingzhi monk probably caused some trouble in the ghost world, and he is flying towards our location with people," Yi Tian said in a deep voice.

"Could it be that the ghost cultivators led by senior Liao Zhi blocked him," Xuan Wu asked tentatively.

"It's not like, their escape speed is very fast, and they seem to be a group when they get together. When did the people of Biluo Dynasty and Xingzhi reach a consensus and form an alliance," Yi Tian said puzzled.

After hearing this, Xuan Wu's expression changed and he said: "I'm afraid it's not from the ghost king's side, but maybe the ghost cultivator of the Huangquan guards. It's troublesome to be targeted by them. We'd better go to the people of the Biluo Dynasty to seek shelter first. "

Yi Tian didn't find it strange to hear the news about the Huangquan guards from Xuan Wu's mouth. Originally, this force was an alien force in the ghost world.And it is unbelievable that the ghost king can allow such an opposing force to exist under his nose.

As for myself, it's better to stay out of the way for now, who knows what the Xingzhi monk will do when he colludes with the guards of Huangquan.

After thinking about it, he hurriedly took out the assault boat, and then directly brought him into it regardless of Xuanwu's opinion. After three breaths, the assault boat directly started, turned around, and flew towards the hinterland controlled by the ghost king.

I thought that by making a concession on my side, the other party would be wary, but in my spiritual thoughts, I saw that Monk Xingchi led a few people and turned around to catch up.

In addition, his escape speed didn't seem to be slow, and one of them suddenly accelerated towards his position and chased him at an extremely fast speed. His speed was actually three points faster than his full force on the assault boat.

Fortunately, the distance between the two sides is more than two thousand miles, and there is no way to block it for a while, but it is bound to be entangled by it if it goes on in the wasteland for a long time.

The opponent's plan is also very obvious, first let this person come and drag the people behind to rush to them, and then they can attack them.After flying nearly a thousand miles, Yi Tian couldn't help but asked: "Nephew, do you have a way to contact the monks under the Ghost King's command? If this continues, we will inevitably be in danger if we are caught up by them."

Monk Xuanwu nodded and said: "I have a communication jade talisman that I can use, but I don't know if I can make it in time."

"A dead horse is a living horse doctor. It is better to have a solution than to be helpless now," Yi Tian said helplessly.

After hearing this, Xuanwu took out the jade slip, untied the last jade page, wrote down the message, activated it and sent it out.

The messenger tube sent the messenger, but the pursuers in front of him had to deal with it. Yi Tianshennian found that the opponent seemed to speed up his escape again. This situation was obviously due to the use of some mysterious magic power or the consumption of some spiritual power-inducing elixir.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian shouted in a deep voice: "Xuanwu, you drive the assault boat, fly at this speed for a few more hours, and you can reach the comprehension town area of ​​Huangquan."

"Uncle, do you want to stay and defend against the enemy?" Xuan Wu replied in surprise.

"Exactly, I have some scruples about taking you. You go first, and it won't be too late to help me after you find the ghost king's reinforcements," Yi Tian demonstrated the control of the assault boat, and then changed hands to let Xuanwu drive the charge Zhou himself opened the hatch and flew out in a flash.

After flying out of the hatch, he stabilized his figure in the air, then took out the Taiyuan sword to hide his figure.

Half an hour later, a black light flew from the sky and flew straight towards where he was, but the flying altitude was slightly higher.Yi Tian saw it clearly from below, and when he entered about thirty li, he reached out and raised his hand to sacrifice the sword move that was ready to go.

Thousands of golden lights suddenly appeared in the void, and then turned into a sword wire cage to directly envelop the opponent in it.

The sound of "Zizi" was loud, and the golden light shot through the black light mercilessly. By the way, he was beaten into a sieve.

Yi Tian also injected a lot of Buddha power into the sword thread, and the golden sword thread will start to purify it directly after piercing through the light.

I only heard a scream and remembered that the light was stopped in the air after a pause.A ghost cultivator in the early stage of transforming gods appeared in the sword thread, but after the many golden light spots on his body shone, his whole body seemed to be drained by spiritual power.After ten breaths, the human figure began to become blurred, as if it had dropped several realms and degenerated into a ghost.

After tidying up the ghost cultivators in front of him, Yi Tian found that the pursuers behind him had also flown within a thousand miles, and there were three mid-transformation monks headed by Monk Xing Chi on the other side.

To be honest, Yi Tian weighed in his heart that even if it was a one-on-three, he would not be afraid at all, and then turned around and flew in another direction.My own idea is also very simple to lure them away and give Xuanwu enough time to evacuate.

Sure enough, the other three followed directly in his direction, so Yi Tian was overjoyed, and continued to fly forward to try to delay time with them.

 Thank you lmxy for your monthly pass, your monthly pass is my motivation.

(End of this chapter)

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