
Chapter 1205 Dangerous Situation

Chapter 1205 Dangerous Situation
Monk Xingchi led the two ghost cultivators to separate and encircle Yi Tian within a radius of [-] miles, and then the encirclement gradually narrowed and surrounded him.

Yi Tian simply didn't waste his energy and just stayed where the three of them arrived, but he took out the Taiyuan Sword and the glazed Buddhist beads in his hand and prepared them to go.

Not long after, I saw Xing Chifei came forward to look at it, and then shouted loudly: "It's you who turned your head three times and four times to fight against this Buddha, after I clean you up, go and clean up little monk Xuanwu."

"Why is this, Fellow Daoist Xingzhi, you colluded with the guards of Huangquan to rob and kill the distinguished guests of the ghost king halfway. If someone under the ghost king's command finds out, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of this world," Yi Tian replied coldly.

It so happened that two ghost cultivators came up from behind, and after hearing this, the fat ghost cultivator on the right said disdainfully, "You foreign cultivator doesn't know the rules of the ghost world. matter. As long as you are in the wilderness, you cannot get the protection of the ghost king."

Xing Chi's face trembled and he said casually: "What are you talking about with him, let's do it." After speaking, he took out a Jie knife and swung several golden lights towards Yi Tian.

And the two people behind them also sacrificed their special spiritual weapons and waited for an opportunity to attack Yi Tian's back.

Facing the three people teaming up, Yi Tian just smiled faintly, took out the dragon scale shield and raised it to protect his whole body.Xingchi's sword light was directly bounced off the shield, and the spells of the other two couldn't pose any threat to him.

Yao thought that among the fragments of the fairy world, he even beheaded a few monks at the early stage of scoring gods, so why would he care about the siege of the three mid-stage monks in front of him.

Taking advantage of their round of attack, Yi Tian and the glazed Buddhist beads that had been condensed in his hands a long time ago greeted the fat ghost Xiu behind him, and a colorful glow directly covered him and restricted his movement space.Then, the rain of swords all over the sky invaded and beat him into a sieve in an instant. Yi Tian also used ruthless hands this time to try to succeed in the first battle, so he mixed a lot of golden light and Buddha power into the sword silk.

Under one blow, the ghost cultivator was actually decadent, and the yin energy on his body was purified by the Buddha's power, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations of the whole body fell directly from the stage of transforming gods to the stage of ghost infants.At this time, the originally solid body gradually became blurred, and the aura of Guixiu's body fell into the appearance of Guidan Qi with a strange cry.

After three breaths, the chubby ghost cultivator hurriedly turned around and ran away, his appearance was also very funny.Yi Tian glanced over and didn't chase after him. He glanced over the remaining two people and saw Xing Chi's eyes flickering a few times. It was obvious that he also had the intention of retreating.

On the contrary, the eyes of another ghost cultivator became extremely dark, and then an extremely powerful aura emanated from him.

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing in the distance, also felt a chill rising from his back at this time, and he had only experienced this kind of intensity of spiritual pressure fluctuations on Hou Tian or the green-robed old monster.

There is no doubt that this is the breath of a monk in the body-fit stage, but it has a profound meaning when it emanates from a monk in the transformation stage.After looking at it for a while, Yi Tian didn't dare to carelessly take out the bowl to protect himself, and took back the glazed Buddhist beads to sacrifice in front of him.

A little later, the ghost Xiu opened his mouth and said: "My lord, Lu Xiao, you have the guts to destroy my disciple's real body."

"It turned out to be the young one, but the old one couldn't see it," Yi Tian twitched his mouth and couldn't help it until now, but visually, this monk who claimed to be Lu Xiao should have used the method of incarnation outside his body to occupy the body. After getting rid of the body of the ghost cultivator at the transformation stage in front of him, he can only perform one move at most.

But the power of this move must be beyond his imagination, so far Yi Tian did not dare to be careless and slowly use the exercises of the Great Sun Scripture in his body.

Then he said neither humble nor overbearing: "The younger generation is ordered by the nephew Xuan Wu of the guardian to come to the ghost world to repair the way of hungry ghosts. During this period, he has no intention of being an enemy of the guards of Huangquan. I'm afraid there may be some misunderstandings."

"Since it was invited by the ghost king, it is the opponent of my Huangquan guards. I don't think you are the person in charge. Killing you will not help." Lu Xiao was stunned and then said: "But you shouldn't destroy me. Disciple Makoto, as long as you can catch my move, you can go."

"Senior said it lightly, I am afraid that your technique of resurrecting the soul with a dead body is only one move." Yi Tian said with a wry smile: "In this case, why bother to talk nonsense, I must be a person who keeps his word, and after one move, no matter what I won't interfere in this matter anymore."

"That's natural," Lu Xiao's eyes became extremely dark after speaking, and then the spiritual power of the ghost cultivator suddenly rose to the peak of distraction.Stretching out his hand and swipe, gray Yin Qi gathered in front of him, and after three breaths, it gathered into a half-foot-sized fist and flew straight towards Yi Tian.

Facing such a powerful spell, Yi Tian felt that the spiritual power around him was quickly drained under the pressure of that fist, and all gathered at one point to form a destructive pressure.

Yi Tian saw a tremor in the center of his eyes, this is the method of the monks in the fit period.Not only can it mobilize the vitality of the world, but it can also deprive all the spiritual energy that one wants to extract, so that one can't use external force to resist this trick.

Fortunately, this Lu Xiao is not so far in his body, and the moves in front of him are at most only [-]% to [-]% of their original power.But even this is enough to drink a pot by himself. After reaching out to sacrifice the dragon scale shield, he silently practiced his kung fu and sacrificed the Buddha sect's body method.Fortunately, there is a supernatural spell called Liuli Zhenshen in the Great Sun Scripture, and it is not easy to practice this skill.Fortunately, I haven't slackened in these years. Although the practice of Buddhism is not as advanced as Xuanwu, these Buddhist secret arts are well-connected.

With a bang, the gray fist slammed into the dragon scale shield, and made a foot-sized pit on it.Then the remaining fist force pushed the shield directly onto Yi Tian's body, and the man and the shield were directly smashed to the ground below.

Immediately, a [-]-foot sunken area appeared on the ground with Yi Tian as the center, and the remaining fist strength spread out along the pit and turned into cobweb-like cracks.

It took a full ten breaths for the spiritual pressure fluctuations of the punch to dissipate. Standing in the air, Xing Chi was overjoyed, but after three breaths, the divine sense swept through the depths of the pit, but it became very exciting again.

I saw a golden light flashing out from the collapsed pit, and then a figure flew out of it and appeared directly in front of him not far away.

At this time, Yi Tian seemed to be in a state of distress, but his aura showed no sign of disorder. After flying into the air, he sized up the descendant and then turned his gaze to Lu Xiao's avatar in the distance: "Senior's strength is extraordinary, and this junior admires it. If the junior is successful and famous, he will come to visit him in person."

Lu Xiao's eyes showed a look of unwillingness, but the spiritual power of the avatar's body had long been overdrawn, and it was absolutely impossible to use any means.At this time, he had no choice but to show an expression of unwillingness, and was about to say a few words in return, when suddenly his figure began to collapse directly.

Naturally, the condensed body of the cultivator of Huashen couldn't bear the possession of the fit cultivator. Yi Tian finally felt resolute, turned around and said to Xing Chi: "Fellow Daoist, it's your turn next."

(End of this chapter)

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