
Chapter 1206 Coincidence

Chapter 1206 Coincidence
Yi Tian was able to survive intact after being hit by Lu Xiao, a monk in the fusion period, which in itself represented extraordinary strength.When I locked my eyes on Xing Chi, I could clearly feel the fear in his heart, which was gradually revealed from head to toe.

I saw that Xing Chi's face was full of strange expressions such as surprise and unwillingness at this time, and the gaze he looked at himself became very strange.However, Yi Tian flew towards him slowly, and then dispersed the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, directly locking the opponent with his spiritual sense.

After ten breaths, he opened his mouth and asked: "Fellow Xingzhi said that you are also a monk of the Buddhist sect. Although you are from the Hinayana sect, you can't justify attacking my nephew for no reason."

"Fellow Daoist, don't be upset. I was eager to get away so I made such a bad plan," Xing Chi argued. "Actually, I can't do it like this. Otherwise, the Ghost King will definitely be stalking me."

"Then why did you come to the ghost world? As far as I know, regardless of whether the Mahayana or the Hinayana sects come to the ghost world, at most it is to transform ghosts and send them into reincarnation. Is it possible that fellow Taoists come here to earn merit?" Yi Tian Said with a sneer all over his face.Hearing what Liao Zhi said before, this lunatic monk came uninvited. During the period of time in the ghost world, he was purifying the lone soul and wild ghost who was looking for money.

Seeing that he hesitated for a long time with a distressed expression on his face, he couldn't answer. Yi Tian knew that there was a ghost in his heart, so he used his kung fu to mix the eight-tone technique of Tianlei into his voice and said: "Do you, fellow Taoist Xingzhi, have a heart?" Is there a ghost who dare not answer the question below directly, or want to procrastinate for time to wait for the arrival of reinforcements? To be honest, even if you have helpers, I can kill you in an instant. For the sake of the Buddhist sect at the same time, I have given enough face."

As soon as Xing Chi said this, he turned around and looked helplessly, and said helplessly: "To be honest, I came from the Netherworld this time, and I am in charge of collecting the soul-sacrificing soul-refining beads."

"Soul Orb? What does this have to do with the Nether World? As far as I know, the Nether World is a place where alien races gather, and the cultivation methods in it are relatively special. Could it be that they need Soul Orbs to practice?" Yi Tian asked.

"That's not true," Xing Chi replied: "I have traveled to the Netherworld, and I get along with the aliens there fairly harmoniously. It's just that I have received a task at hand, and the person who issued the task is the Netherworld Lord."

"This is interesting. The majestic Lord of the Underworld will definitely not release tasks casually, and this matter must have an inevitable connection with high-level monks. Didn't you hear any clues through your channel?" Yi Tian looked at Xia Xingzhi Afterwards.

"Can fellow daoist let me go after I tell what I know?" Xing Chi asked hastily.

Sure enough, there is a problem, Yi Tian thought about it, and he didn't need to take any quarrel with the Hinayana sect, just stop here for today's matter.Afterwards, everyone went their separate ways, and when they met again, it might have been a different scene.

After thinking about it, he nodded and replied: "In this case, as long as you tell what you know, I can consider letting you live."

"Can you make the Buddha-Demon Vow," Xing Chi asked.

Seeing that he was so cautious, Yi Tian didn't hesitate to make an oath in person, only to see that Xingchi's face softened a little, and then he only heard him say through voice transmission: "I also heard about this matter, and the Lord of the Nether is cultivating at the bottom of the abyss in the Nether Realm." There is absolutely no need for things like soul orbs."

"Then why did you receive this task?" Yi Tian asked back.

"Fellow Daoist, listen to me and speak slowly," Xing Chi said with a signal, "According to the tone of the upper layer of the Netherworld, it seems that the Great Sage of the Demon Realm came a hundred years ago. This mission suddenly appeared after he came. "

"The great sage of the devil world," Yi Tian tightened his face after hearing this and said inwardly, "It should not be the devil prince Qiu Yu, or other Mahayana monks.So it seems that there is something really interesting here. '

After asking about the details, Xing Chi couldn't answer, after all, the great sage of the demon world is not within the reach of ordinary monks.But there is a little suspicion in Yi Tian's heart. The time when the great sage of the demon world came to the Netherworld coincides with the time when he met the master of precepts in the world of flowers and one.

Could it be that he left Qiu Yu, the prince of the devil, in the spirit world for no reason, and Xinmi took it away, which directly led to the fact that the great sage of the devil world went to the netherworld now.After thinking about it, I feel a little paranoid. The difference in strength between the two sides is too great. My inadvertent mistake should not cause such serious consequences.

Seeing that Yi Tian was silent, Xing Chi didn't dare to leave at will, for fear that he would turn his face if he angered him.Later, in Yi Tian's mind, he found that there seemed to be countless spiritual pressure fluctuations coming from the direction where Xuan Wu fled.

It was obvious that Monk Xuan Wu had recruited reinforcements from the Ghost King, and after turning around to look at Xing Chi, Yi Tian waved his hand to signal him to leave quickly.When the latter saw it, he hurriedly thanked him a thousand times, then turned around and used the escape technique, clamoring to run away from behind.

Later, Yi Tiancai used the escape technique to meet the incoming person, and when he flew thousands of miles away, he saw three black auras flying straight towards him.

Not long after they flew to the front, they found that the leader was Liao Zhi whom he had seen before, and behind him were his two assistants, who were also in the middle stage of transformation.

After the two sides met, Yi Tianji said: "I don't know if my nephew Xuan Wu has ever reached a safe place?"

"Master Yi, there is no need to worry too much. Little Master Xuanwu is an envoy sent by the Buddhist world. We will naturally treat him well. I don't know how many enemies are coming. Where are they going now?" Liao Zhi returned the courtesy.

"Monk Xingchi has already left at this time, as for the three ghost cultivators guarding Huangquan, they also killed two of them here," Yi Tian said briefly without being long-winded.

But seeing Liao Zhi's expression remained calm after listening, his eyes were secretly sizing him up.Yi Tian simply reminded him and asked: "Is there a monk named Lu Xiao among the guards of the unknown Huangquan?"

"That's the leader of the guards of Huangquan, a monk in the middle stage of fusion," Liao Zhi said with a wry smile: "Could it be possible that Master Yi knows him?"

"I have fought against my avatar, and my strength is really extraordinary," Yi Tian said lightly.

This remark was like a bolt from the blue to the ears of Liao Zhi and others. They were familiar with the ghost world, so of course they realized the weight of these words.There was some shock in the eyes of the three of them at the same time, and later Liao Zhi said respectfully: "Master Yi is a master of Daleiyin Temple who is responsible for guarding the little master Xuanwu. We also admire this very much."

"The order of the sect is to do our best, and the poor monk is naturally duty-bound, otherwise it will be difficult to explain to the seniors of the sect when we go back," Yi Tian replied, but at this time he has fully entered the role, anyway, he pushed all the talk to the Daleiguang Temple On the head, forgive them and won't get to the bottom of it.

 Thanks to Shiliangfei Waterfall, book friend 160523205159587 for your continuous support, your monthly pass is my motivation.

(End of this chapter)

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