
Chapter 1207 twists and turns

Chapter 1207 twists and turns
After being tossed by Monk Xingchi, Yi Tian finally passed this level without any risk.In fact, in terms of strength, I am not afraid at all, but if the little monk Xuanwu is by my side, I will be cautious, and my strength will be greatly reduced.

After meeting with Liao Zhi and others, Yi Tian followed back to the nearest ghost camp, where the little monk Xuanwu had been waiting for a long time.

The rest of the journey was smooth sailing, Liao Zhi and the others were also afraid that Xuan Wu would encounter another accident in the ghost world, so they simply escorted them to the gate of the world, thinking about the two old men in front of them and sent them away quickly.

Yi Tian is also happy to be leisurely like this, and he is also happy to be leisurely when someone escorts him along the way.Seven days later, he accompanied Xuanwu, talking and laughing, to the location where the gate of the world was located.

So far, Yi Tiancai has really seen the appearance of the boundary gate, and it turned out that there is a formation that resembles the six realm wheels in a valley.It's just that on the boundary wheel, only the labels leading to the nether world, hell world, demon world, buddhist world, and corpse world are bright, while the upper three worlds are dim.

And there are obviously three rune locks on it, which directly lock the passages of the three realms.Yi Tian became suspicious when he looked closely, this Six Realm Wheel was very similar to the one he had refined.It's just that the boundary wheel refined by myself is relatively small, and when it is driven, it can rely on the formation to get through the interface channel.

There was a fifty-year-old man sitting cross-legged near the boundary gate formation. There was no fluctuation of spiritual power in this person, and his eyes were closed tightly, which looked like a living dead.

Liao Zhi, who took the lead, stepped forward to salute this person and shouted: "Grandpa, the ghost king's guest is going back to the Buddhist realm."

The old man didn't answer but just sat there, and then the two ghost cultivators behind Liao Zhi also stepped forward and saluted him.

As for Xuanwu, he didn't dare to neglect to go forward and salute: "My disciple Xuanwu of Daleiguang Temple came to repair the way of hungry ghosts under the order of the ghost king. He has already succeeded, so he will return to the Buddhist world today and come again someday. Greetings to Senior Liao Yong."

After he left, Yi Tian also walked up slowly and saluted Liao Yong, then turned around and followed Xuanwu to leave.

Suddenly a deep voice sounded again: "Why doesn't this little friend dare to show his true colors?"

As soon as this remark came out, all the people walking in front turned around and stared at Yi Tian with surprise on their faces, and then turned their eyes to Liao Yong who was sitting cross-legged in front of the array.

I saw that this person stood up slowly, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body did not leak out at all, but there was an indescribable freehand expression in his gestures, as if he had merged with the world.

Seeing such a wry smile on Yi Tian's face, he could hide it from Liao Zhi and others by performing the Thousand Faces Technique with his own cultivation, but he naturally had nothing to hide in front of the monks at the fusion stage, so he stretched out his hand and wiped his face to reveal himself true face.

When Liao Zhi and others saw it, they naturally asked tentatively with some doubts on their faces: "Friend Daoist Yi, is this your real face?"

Yi Tian saluted Liao Zhi with his hands together: "This time, the situation forced me to pretend to be Ku Toutuo, for fear of being misunderstood by Fellow Daoist Liao."

Xuan Wu, who was on the side, said with a smile: "Uncle Yi has finally shown his true form. My master once told me that Uncle Yi was originally a spiritual practitioner, but he had a relationship with my Buddhist sect and was taught by the patriarch to learn about my Daleiguang Zen Temple." Passing down the exercises directly, you can be regarded as a person of my master's generation."

"Could it be that my nephew saw through my thousand-face technique early in the morning?" Yi Tian was taken aback, and was quite surprised by Xuanwu's performance.

He only heard him slowly say: "I am the one who is predestined to pass on the true scriptures of the Zhensi Temple of the Great Leiguang Temple. This is the ancestral teaching for thousands of years. It is impossible for disciples like me to get a glimpse of it if we don't have the chance. Sincerely."

Later, Liao Yong also looked at him with a puzzled expression on his face, and then asked via voice transmission: "My little friend is a master of Taoism and Buddhism, so his status should be not simple, but how did you come to my ghost?" What about the realm? In my memory, you didn’t come to this realm through my realm gate.”

Knowing that he couldn't hide it, Yi Tian quickly thought about the countermeasures in his heart, and it was obvious that it would not be easy for him to muddle through in front of Liao Zhi.

But at this time, if he couldn't give a reasonable explanation, it would be difficult for him to leave the ghost world.After thinking for a while, he replied via voice transmission: "To be honest, this junior came to this world after breaking out from a secret space in the spiritual world."

"Come here from breaking the boundary, so is the virtual space you are in made up of fragments of the fairy world?" After hearing this, Liao Yong's eyes showed a trace of brilliance.

Yi Tian felt the other party's intentions, but he had no way to deal with it. Suddenly, a faint purple energy appeared from the seal in Niwan Palace and attached to Yuan Ying's body.In an instant, the colorful Nascent Soul's body became dull and dull, as if it had turned into an ordinary one.

Afterwards, he only felt that there was a sense of spirituality sweeping away. Yi Tian knew that it was Liao Yong who was secretly investigating his details, but fortunately, the seal had already covered him.After a little peace of mind, Yi Tian replied through voice transmission: "I don't know if it's a fragment of the fairy world, but it's special to find a spiritual fruit in that secret realm."

After speaking, he reached out and took out the jade box where the Runying Fruit was stored, gently lifted the seal talisman, and then opened the lid to show the other party.

From the opened jade box came a fragrance that attracted the eyes of the surrounding masters.Although they didn't know what happened, but seeing Yi Tian's actions must have deep meaning, naturally they didn't dare to ask any more questions.

As for Liao Yong, after looking at it for a while, he didn't show much joy on his face, and then he said lightly: "It's a pity that the Runying fruit in 2000, if I wait thousands of years for it to give birth to spirituality, I can still enter my eyes .”

Unexpectedly, the other party can tell the origin of this thing with just a glance, and even tell its age exactly.Yi Tian thought in his heart that it was dangerous, but fortunately he took out a rare item, otherwise it would be really difficult to get away with it.

Liao Zhi continued: "You were forcibly excluded from the Langhuan Cave, no wonder you came to this world unintentionally. Anyway, since you have little friend Xuan Wu as your guarantee, I won't make it difficult for you. Let’s set off quickly and return to the Buddhist world.”

After speaking, Liao Zhi sat down cross-legged again, closed his eyes and entered into a state of meditation.

In this way, Yi Tian put the lid of the jade box on and put a seal on it, put away the baby moistening fruit, and followed Xuan Wu and others to the center of the big formation at the gate of the realm.

Liao Zhi and the others presided over the opening of the gate formation, and after the spiritual power was injected into the six realm wheels, the side marking the Buddha realm shot a white light into the void, and after ten breaths, a three-foot-sized interface channel appeared in the air .

Xuanwu took out a jade talisman and held it in his hand, and poured all his mana into it, forming a white mask around her body a little later.I saw him kicking his feet and jumping deep into the passage.Yi Tian's sharp eyes and quick hands also followed in. Although he didn't have a gate amulet in his hand, he could resist the storm force in the interface channel only by relying on his own super defense power and the protective shield he raised.

(End of this chapter)

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