
Chapter 1208 Arrival

Chapter 1208 Arrival
After crossing the boundary from the boundary gate of the ghost world, Yi Tian felt as if he had experienced another time-traveling and ascension, but this time his cultivation base had improved, and he had also practiced the Buddhist sect's physical skills. Even in the parallel interface, the strength of the void storm is much smaller.

The little monk Xuanwu has the boundary gate amulet in his hand, so he naturally doesn't need to worry about the invasion of the void storm.

This time, Yi Tian ran into a little trouble after flying within the passage of the boundary gate. Xuanwu directly broke through the void storm in front of him inside the talisman defensive cover.Its escape speed did not slow down at all, but under the blessing of skin care, it flew faster and faster, and it didn't take long to split through the gang wind group in front of it.

At this time, Yi Tian could only secretly envy him, but facing the predicament in front of him, he could only bite the bullet and try to overcome it.Under the golden light all over his body, he performed the Buddhist sect's body technique, and his skin was slowly coated with a layer of light golden light.

The whistling wind blew on the protective cover, shaking it to make a buzzing sound, and Yi Tian deserved to slightly increase the output of spiritual power to maintain the protective cover at a stable level.But those strong winds that shuttled through the void storm seemed to be pervasive and blew straight for several hours, and then even shook the protective cover out of a thin crack.Immediately, those strong winds leaked in through the slits and blew the body down, making a 'click' sound, like a wind blade hitting metal.Turning his head to look, he found that his pants had already been torn by the wind blade, and a little golden light shone from his lower body and legs.

Yi Tian worked secretly to lift up the protective cover again and forced out all the wind blades inside, and later set up the protective cover again and continued to cross the void storm between the interfaces.

This lasted for three days and three nights, Yi Tian finally saw a light spot in front of him, needless to say, it should be the end of the gate passage.After thinking about it, he took out a few pills and took them, and quickly melted them to replenish his spiritual power.Then, under the aura of aura around him, he flew straight towards the exit over there.

It didn't take long for him to rush into the white halo, and Yi Tian only felt that his body was light, and he didn't feel like he was in the gate passage just now.Then he began to fall infinitely inside the gate of light. It is estimated that after falling a full ten thousand feet, his feet suddenly paused to feel down-to-earth.

After the white light faded, Yi Tian looked in a blink of an eye and found that he seemed to have come to a mountain depression with singing birds and flowers, and there was a large stone array under his feet.At a rough glance, it is about twenty feet in size, and many runes are carved on it.

Before he could react, he heard someone shouting from outside the formation: "Where are the monks standing in the gate formation to make trouble, why don't you come out of the formation quickly."

Yi Tian was about to distinguish a few times, and suddenly found that the spiritual pressure fluctuations on the opponent's body were more than twice as strong as his own, obviously a mid-to-late stage monk who was distracted.I was stunned and swallowed the words in my mouth, and then hurriedly walked out through the long corridor next to the magic circle.

After carefully looking around, I saw that there are Buddhist temple buildings all around here, and the person who stared at him and shouted just now is also a white and clean side monk.In addition, there is a thin monk sitting cross-legged in the distance, closing his eyes and resting his mind, ignoring the things around him, but this person feels more about himself than the fat man in front of him.

Pull up your spirits and slowly walk forward to Jishou to make an arch: "Dare to ask brother's name, Xia Yitian and nephew Xuanwu returned from the ghost world together, and encountered a storm on the way so they arrived one step late."

"Nephew, I think you are a full-fledged spiritual practitioner. How can you have anything to do with my Buddhist monks?" The fat monk said with a strange expression on his face: "The poor monk De Chong is the guardian of the gate of the realm here."

"It turned out to be Senior Brother De Chong, who was instructed by Master Jie Ding of Daleiguang Temple in Xia Yitian, and he is the younger brother of Abbot Yizhen," Yi Tian also blew up casually. The name first calms the other party down.

After hearing this, De Chong was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Yi Tian in surprise.There was a trace of sneer on his face and he said: "Stop bragging, the position of abbot of Daleiguang Temple has been vacant for thousands of years. Now it is run by a few elders and the head of the Arhat Hall. Could it be that fellow Taoists are framing me?" Bar."

I didn't expect that instead of bluffing the other party, I was exposed through my rhetoric.Yi Tian wondered if the little monk Xuanwu had lied to him, but that would not be the case.On the contrary, the news that Senior Brother Kazuma became the abbot did not spread throughout the Buddhist world, or it could be said that the two people in front of him stayed here for a long time and did not hear the news.

Just as he was thinking about it, De Chong said again: "Don't talk too much, I have a practice in the Buddhist world. Anyone who is new to everything must be willing to be willing to ask Bailing for an identity card, otherwise it will be difficult to move outside, and it is easy to be regarded as sneaking in. A monk from another world who caused chaos in the Buddhist world."

"I don't know what this lark is?" Yi Tian thought to himself that he wanted to extort some travel expenses, why bother talking about the crown spring.However, I also have an attitude of letting things go at a discount and wanting to catch up with Xuanwu, so I don't want to entangle with this fat monk any longer.

"For an earth-level spiritual weapon, the stronger the spirituality, the better. If it is a magic weapon, at least two are needed," De Chong explained with a smile.

No matter how bad-tempered Tiantian is, he couldn't help cursing at this time, but he glanced at the thin monk who was meditating on the other side, and held back his anger directly: "Since Master De Chong has made this request, I can't help it. There is something that can probably offset it." After speaking, he took out the bowl and held it in his hand and gently handed it over.

After seeing it, Dechong looked overjoyed at the fineness of the bowl, held it in his palm and observed it carefully before he couldn't help admiring: "It really is a first-class Buddhist vessel, it has been nourished by Buddhism for at least 200 years. .”

Yi Tian's face was silent, but there was a little disdain in his eyes, and he asked lightly after three breaths: "Please also ask Master De Chong to place an identity jade card, so that I can get some convenience in the Buddhist and spiritual world." .”

"Wait a moment, wait for me to examine your alms bowl carefully," De Chong replied nonchalantly.

Yi Tian has no choice but to be at peace when he comes, knowing that he is better than others at this time when he is slaughtered, so he can't stand out.Suddenly, the thin monk next to him opened his eyes and glanced at the bowl in De Chong's hand, then turned his head and looked at Yi Tian.

A little later, the corners of his mouth moved slightly as if he was speaking in secret, Yi Tian did tremble all over, and only heard the other party say: "Sure enough, it is the Buddhist power of the Da Ri Guang Sutra, a direct method passed down by Daoist Daoist Yi Daoist. It's true, the poor monk is respectful and polite." Then the thin monk stretched out his hands and saluted with both hands together.

Although the fat monk has no eyesight and cannot see the mysteries in the bowl, there are always people who know the goods.When Yi Tian saw it, he hurriedly returned it with a Buddhist gift, and said in a low voice: "I didn't expect that the master's eyes are like a torch, and he is doing exercises. Yi Tian met Master Dejing in the Taiqing Pavilion in the lower spiritual world."

"You Daoist Yi, you don't have to be polite, it's also the rule of many sects in the Buddhist world to exchange the hundred spirits for the status jade talisman, so I hope you can forgive me," Dejing said.

"That's natural. I don't dare to say anything when I go to the countryside to do as the Romans do. This jade talisman can be regarded as a proper place to change the status of this object," Yi Tian replied.

(End of this chapter)

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