
Chapter 1213 The reason

Chapter 1213 The reason
After coming out of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce, Yi Tian only scanned the three wisps of Earth Flame True Fire Essence in the storage ring with his spiritual thoughts, and was naturally very happy in his heart.Before that, Wan Bo'e looked down on the Demonic Twin Blades he took out.

But when he inspected it, his whole attitude changed 180 degrees. It was obvious that these two magical weapons were a complete set, but there were as many as two kinds of sky-high precious materials mixed into them after refining.

To be honest, with my own eyesight, I can only detect some abyssal black magic concentrate mixed into the Mosha double blades, but Wan Bo found it with a professional technique of a treasure appraiser and mixed with a couple of Qilin's true blood.

Yi Tian didn't show any surprise when he knew about it. It turned out that this thing was a treasure refined by Qilinzi for Xuelin.What was mixed must be the spiritual blood of Qilinzi's level monster, and most of it was his own.

After the spirit weapon is practiced, it is obviously transformed into a magic weapon after being transformed into a magic weapon. For a monster race like Xuelin, it doesn't matter if the spirit weapon is a magic weapon, as long as it is used smoothly.

Wan Bo'e also obviously wanted to exchange two wisps of Earth Flame True Fire Essence for two Demon Blades, but the nanmu wooden fish didn't seem to arouse the other party's interest at all.

In the end, Yi Tian still wanted to exchange two for three on the grounds of the value of the magic weapon, but Wan Bo'e claimed that the value did not match.In this way, Yi Tian can only use the spirit weapon to pay off the debt, but he will not take out any high-level magic weapon on his body to prevent Lu Bai from causing the other party's peeping.

After the discussion, Wan Bo'e's mouth was blocked by another earth-level spiritual weapon.After putting away the nanmumuyu and the three wisps of Earth Flame True Fire Essence, Yi Tian slipped out through the back door of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce.

After arriving on the street, I faintly felt the feeling of being followed before I found out, so I was naturally a little unhappy.But the feeling was strong and sometimes weak, erratic, and I couldn't lock the exact position of the opponent for a while.

After walking a few streets, Yi Tian still pretended to be wandering around and tried his best to go to places where there were few people. After a while, he left Liangyuan City and flew towards the south of the city.

My escape speed was not fast, as if I was waiting for the other party to arrive, and after flying fifty miles away, I frowned and felt as if I was being watched closely.

However, he couldn't detect it in his spiritual thoughts. As for the map in the storage ring, he became restless again. This time, the frequency of shaking has increased, probably because the other party is approaching quickly.

Immediately, Luoxia Yuntou found an open space on the top of the cliff below and simply waited in place.

A moment later, two gray clouds appeared in the sky, one on the left and one on the right, circling to both sides of the valley.After the dark clouds faded, two monks from different races appeared, and Yi Tian took a careful look at the two of them, both of whom were in the middle stage of transforming gods.He is about the same size as himself, wears the same clothes with pointed ears, and has a handsome face, but his skin is a little gray, as if he hasn't been exposed to the sun for a long time.

So Yi Tian took the lead to break the silence and said: "I don't know what race the two of you are, what's the intention of sneaking around like this?"

The person on the left glanced at him and said: "We are from the You clan in the Netherworld, there is something we want from the fellow Taoist, please hand it over, otherwise,"

"Otherwise?" Yi Tian said with a disdainful smile: "Do you think that two-on-one will overwhelm me? Although I don't want to cause trouble, your attitude does make me feel a little uncomfortable."

But the person standing on the right shouted: "What are you talking about with him? Our Youming Shuangsha are afraid of anyone. If you dare to bargain, you will directly kill them and search them."

As soon as the words fell, before Yi Tian raised his hands, a thousand blue lights flashed from Yi Tian's body and covered the person who was speaking on the right. When the sound of "Ziz" sounded, the man realized that he was being robbed under conditioned reflex, and the gray protective cover on his body was smashed into a sieve by the blue sword wire after less than three breaths.

After the sword silk light flashed, the person's body became weak and fell down. Even the Niwan Palace on the forehead fell down before opening the Nascent Soul Brow and escaped in time.

The other Diyou clansman had a bad sense and immediately blurted out: "You are not in the early stage of transformation, at least you have the peak cultivation level in the late stage." After all, the whole person's movements are not slow, and he kicked his feet and used the escape technique to fly in the opposite direction .

It's a pity that Yi Tian's speed was faster than him, and Qingmang directly stopped him on the way to escape.Then the Taiyuan sword in his hand was sacrificed again, and the solid light of the sword shone on the opponent's body and stabbed straight.

With a 'puchi' sound, the extremely sharp Taiyuan sword easily split the opponent's defensive spiritual weapon, and at the same time split the opponent's body in half at once.

After the gray aura escaped, it showed a young spirit body, but before it could fly far, it was struck by a blue sword thread falling from the sky.

Yi Tianfei stepped forward to stare at the Nascent Soul spirit body and asked, "Where did you come from? Why are you following me?"

Nascent Soul's face showed a little helplessness at this time, and he said with a dejected expression: "Fellow Daoist, calm down, we just found that the fragments of the Nether Map have a sense, so we went straight after them."

"Nether world map?" Yi Tian took out the quarter of the map in the storage ring, raised it in his hand and said: "What is the use of this thing, why do you keep staring at it?"

"This Nether Map is related to a treasure hidden in the Nether Realm. Before King Jiuyou died, he collected the most useful spiritual weapons and magic weapons in his hands somewhere in the Nether Realm. Only by collecting all four Nether Maps can the Get the treasure out," said the You Clan humanely.

That's the case, then it seems that there must be a quarter of the rest on them, Yi Tian wanted to give up and ordered the Nascent Soul spirit body to be defeated soon.After retrieving the situation for the next four weeks and holding that quarter of the map in his hand, it didn't take long to lock the whereabouts of the remaining part.

After cleaning the battlefield, Yi Tian directly burned the corpses of the two Diyou clansmen to ashes, and then flew eastward thousands of miles away, dug a private cave in the jungle and barren mountains, and hid in it.

Then they took out the belongings of the two Diyou people and spread them out on the ground for inspection.The first thing I found was the fragment of the map. After putting the two maps together, a light flashed across the break and they were automatically closed.

Later, only half a map appeared in front of him, obviously the left half, and a few words appeared on the head.After Yi Tian took a closer look, he found that it should be the writing of the Nether tribe, and he didn't recognize it for a while. He had to find an opportunity to read and learn this alien writing.

After sorting them out, I found several books, and the words on them were the same as those on the map.After putting away these tasteless ribs, he turned his gaze to the remaining materials, and suddenly his gaze swept over two pieces of jade talisman that were very familiar to him.

Reaching out to take these things in his hands and looking at them, his eyelids twitched. Isn't this the Jade Talisman Order that he got in Tongwen Hall before.After careful identification, the words engraved on the inside were exactly the same as my own.The only difference is that the numbers written at the end are different.

Sighing, Yi Tian smiled wryly again and again, he didn't expect to mess up Wan Jiaolan's plan by mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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