
Chapter 1214

Chapter 1214
After Yi Tian picked up the two alien monks from the nether world who were following him outside the two courtyards, he went thousands of miles away to open up a cave to check the harvest.

What was unexpected was that he had inadvertently disrupted Wan Jiaolan's itinerary. After killing two cultivators at the transformation stage like this, he might not be able to make the trip without manpower along the way.

But I had to deal with these two people with heavy hands. If I didn't get rid of them this time, nothing would happen during the escort.

After putting away the things spread all over the floor, he took out the Earth Flame True Fire Essence purchased from the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce.Hold the glass bottle in the palm of your hand and observe carefully, the three strands of real flames in it have now merged into one, turning into a red flame about the thickness of your little finger.

Gently stretching out his right index finger to sacrifice a ray of purple flames, suddenly the red flame in the glass bottle seemed to become extremely active and flashed rapidly.On the other hand, my natal real fire also sensed the Earth Flame True Fire Essence at this time, and instantly became active, like a hungry man seeing delicious food in front of his eyes.

In fact, I was worrying about how to devour the true fire essence of the Earth Flame. After all, under the three-in-one, I was afraid that my Thunder Flame and Purple Flame would not be able to subdue it.

Putting the two real fires side by side and looking carefully at it, I found that the Yanzhen fire marrow was like a young and strong boy gathered in a group, staring vigilantly at the purple flame of Lei Yan in front of him.

And my natal real fire is still that tiny wisp without any change, it just keeps beating and flickering, like a naughty child.

After sitting cross-legged on the ground and setting up isolation formations around him, Yi Tian gently opened the glass bottle, and then used his skills to slowly take out the ball of true fire essence.

Under his absolute strength, no matter how much the Earth Flame True Fire Essence struggled, he couldn't get out of the control of his left palm.Then with a light tap of the index finger of his right hand, the ball of purple flames of thunder flames was sacrificed, and then he directly threw himself at the flames in the palm of his left hand.

With a 'pop' sound, the two groups of flames melted and merged into one, and the fireball became slightly inflated, and the red inside also had a hint of purple light.

Immediately afterwards, Yi Tian hurriedly used the Lihuo Nine Changes technique and began to manipulate the thunder flame and purple flame to devour the real fire essence of the earth flame.

A dazzling light suddenly flashed inside the cave, and an isolation formation was set up to restrain the spiritual pressure fluctuations inside.And that light first showed a red color like the scorching sun, but it didn't take long before the color changed from bright to dark, and the purple-like flame began to gain the upper hand.Then the color changed faster and faster, it didn't seem long before it turned into a pure purple flame.

At the same time, a dredging arc faintly appeared around the flames, and the "Zizi" sound was heard for a while, and the constant isolation formation began to become a little unstable.Under the violent shaking of the array mask, many arcs leaked out of it and directly hit the surrounding stone walls, making muffled noises.

After a long time, these electric arcs slowly converged into the isolation formation, which also indicated that Leiyan Ziyan had completely devoured the true fire essence of the earth flame and turned it into a part of itself.

It should have been a good thing but at this time Yi Tian's face was solemn, looking at Lei Yan Ziyan on his finger in front of him, showing a wry smile.Although the power of the true flame has been greatly improved after devouring and strengthening, he has neglected another point.

After putting the true flame in the Niwan Palace and putting it on the body of the Nascent Soul, the huge spiritual power suddenly increased his cultivation level in a straight line.Originally, I was already at the critical point from the transformation stage to the distraction stage, so refining the true fire essence of the earth flame was equivalent to adding fuel to the flames and sending myself directly to the next level.

At the same time, Yi Tian also felt that he was slowly stepping over the chasm of the distraction period. Suddenly, a ray of thunder and purple flames lit up in the Yuanying's spirit body and directly enveloped the Yuanying.

Feeling dizzy for a while, Yi Tian secretly said: "Not good, I'm going to advance," he took out the refined six-turn Concentration Pill, put it in his mouth and swallowed it, and then quickly drained its medicinal power Dissolve it.

A cool medicinal power flowed back to the Niwan Palace along the meridians, and then directly attached to Yuanying's body, forming a thin protective shield, which was directly absorbed by Yuanying's spirit body.

Then the true flames swarmed up and instantly enveloped the Nascent Soul, and Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the formation to guard his mind, and then tempered the Nascent Soul according to the method recorded in the Zongmen classics.

After a full three hours, the array sitting around it couldn't bear the high temperature inside, and the array lines on the array plate cracked.

After several sounds of "Ka Ka Ka", the entire isolation formation completely disintegrated, but this time there was no flame bursting out of it.

After a figure of 'Sudden' flashed past, Yi Tian flew straight out of the exit of the temporary cave.

As soon as he reached the outside world, he looked up and saw the black thundercloud rolling up, and said in his mouth: "Good time," and jumped into the sky, holding the Zixiao lamp in his right hand, and then raised the real flame and turned it into a purple flame The barrier covered his whole body.

At the same time, the thunderclouds in the sky also locked onto the target, and the electric arc fell vertically like a storm.

Two days later, near the airport of Liangyuan City, a transport ship with the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce was rushing to load the goods.As the person in charge this time, Wan Jiaolan, the vice president of the chamber of commerce, is directing his subordinates to carry supplies.It's just that there was a slight flicker in her eyes, as if she was anxiously waiting for someone.

Half a day later, it was almost noon when a dull horn sounded from the transport ship to attract her attention.The servants of the chamber of commerce below didn't dare to breathe aloud at this time, because they saw the vice president Wan Jiaolan showing an angry face and muttering something in his mouth from time to time.

Suddenly another light came flying from a distance, circled around the outskirts of the airport and then slowly landed on the pier.After the light faded, a monk in his early twenties dressed as a spiritual cultivator appeared, who was Yi Tian himself who rushed back after the tribulation.

There was some movement thousands of miles away before, but fortunately, I made complete preparations this time.His own strength has already reached the level of the distraction period, but he has not yet crossed this hurdle.This time, I accidentally exchanged the Earth Flame True Fire Essence and sent my cultivation directly to the next level after refining.

After the thunder calamity, the seal came out as usual to disrupt the situation again, but this time I felt more confident in crossing the calamity than ever Stop the falling thunder.

After the robbery clouds cleared, Yi Tian sealed his temporary cave, and then hurriedly used escapism to leave the original place, and opened up a cave again in the uninhabited land two thousand miles away to adjust and rest.

Originally, I wanted to use this retreat to stabilize my realm, but I didn't expect to find that I had entered the middle stage of the initial stage of avatar after sitting cross-legged for two days.Then you just need to practice step by step.

After returning and rushing to the city of Liangyuan for a hundred miles, he still suppressed his cultivation base at the early stage of transformation, so as not to frighten the eldest lady Wan Jiaolan.

 Thanks for the support of Laohuotang, your monthly pass is my motivation.

(End of this chapter)

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