
Chapter 1215 Set sail

Chapter 1215 Set sail
In the airport of Shuangyuan City, Wan Jiaolan, the vice-chairman of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce, waited for the three guards in the stage of transformation.But in the end, only Yi Tian was present, how could this make her feel at ease, but the merchant ship seemed to be ready to set sail with its cargo full.

As for Wan Jiaolan's failure to gather three escort monks at the transformation stage, she directly delayed the merchant ship's departure time.

The staff of the Shuangyuan City in the airport seemed to have some complaints about this, but they kept silent about it out of concern for the influence of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce.

Yi Tian didn't look too long-winded in his eyes, anyway, he arrived at the agreed time.As for the two alien races in the Netherworld who had already fallen by now, I'm afraid Wan Jiaolan will be disappointed this time.

But Yi Tian didn't want to get involved, he just stepped forward to say hello to Wan Jiaolan, and then went straight to the cargo ship.Disciples of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce have long been instructed to entertain high-ranking monks who are escorted by good life.

Soon Yi Tian was led to a private VIP room to rest. After shielding the waiter, he closed the door and opened it with a wave of his hand to isolate him from the outside world.

Sitting cross-legged in the VIP room, he took out a jug of honey wine and drank it in big gulps.But after three breaths, his face changed slightly, and then he showed helplessness again.It turns out that with the improvement of cultivation base, the pills and spirit wine that I carried on my body to replenish spiritual power are far less effective than before.

Before, drinking such a pot of wine could replenish at least [-]% of the spiritual power in the stomach, but now it can't even reach [-]%.

After being helpless, I was still a little surprised, I didn't expect my strength to increase several times after crossing the hurdle of transforming gods.The capacity of spiritual power is also far beyond the state of Dzogchen in the late stage of Huashen.

When I was happy, I suddenly felt a slight vibration in the entire cabin. After paying attention, I realized that the cargo ship of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce had started to sail.

Frowning slightly, he said to himself: "Didn't you say that you have to wait for the three monks who have transformed themselves to go out? Why is there a change?"

Just as he was wondering, suddenly a voice came from outside the room to inform him: "You Daoist Yi, please come to the main cabin to talk."

Judging from the speaker's voice, it should not be Wan Jiaolan, but it sounds familiar.Yi Tian couldn't remember who it was for a while, so he stood up bravely, opened the protective restraint, and walked out of the VIP room slowly.

After walking to the main cabin after a while, he glanced and found that the person who spoke just now turned out to be another vice president of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce, that is, Wan Boxie who had traded with him before.

At this time, Wan Jiaolan was sitting beside him like a well-behaved child, and when she saw her, she just said slowly: "Senior Yi is here, please hurry to the seat."

Looking at the situation, this time there is only Wan Boxie, a middle-stage cultivator besides himself. Compared with the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce, it is unable to assemble a lineup of three cultivators to escort him. In the end, he can only find the cultivator in the city of the two colleges. Make up the number.

Yi Tian understood very well in his heart, but he pretended to be ignorant on his face.Going up to the two of them, he bowed his hands and jokingly said, "If I had known that I was working with Wan Daoyou, then I could have reduced the transaction fee by another [-]%."

After hearing this, Wan Bo's eyelids twitched and his face looked unnatural.Just now when Yi Tian entered the main cabin, he noticed it, and then moved his lips slightly, as if he was communicating with Wan Jiaolan in private.

With Yi Tian's current strength, he can easily overhear the conversation between these two people. After calming down and listening carefully, he finds that the two people's understanding of themselves is still superficial.

Immediately, he was overjoyed and didn't say much, he walked up and sat down carelessly opposite Wan Jiaolan.

After three breaths, Wan Boxie said: "What a coincidence, I should have given you a [-]% discount to show my sincerity if I knew that Fellow Daoist Yi had accepted the task from my chamber of commerce."

Yi Tian's words on such a scene came into his left ear and out of his right ear. After all, the guards made such a big mistake this time, and he didn't know how the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce should deal with it. He slowly tried to ask: "I don't know if Miss Wan has any number of guards?" I made a mistake, I remember that the task clearly stated that the three people in the Transformation Stage were traveling together, but it’s not like one or two o’clock now.”

After finishing speaking, Yi Tian stretched out his finger and pointed at Wan Bo evil done by himself and his superiors, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.The two of these three people only said that the salary should be increased, and they would share more guard work when they were in danger.

Wan Jiaolan naturally knew what she was referring to, but she couldn't get angry on her face. It was because he had made a mistake and didn't arrange the staff properly.This time, due to the shortage of staff, she also went to the doctor in a hurry and directly invited the seniors of the family to help.It was hard to get together two cultivators who had transformed themselves into gods, and they could barely try to go on the road. Otherwise, it would be her Manjiao Chamber of Commerce who would suffer if they continued to spend at the airport of Shuangyuan City.

Then he forced a smile on his face and said, "Where did Senior Yi go? There is something wrong with this mission. Fortunately, the Wan family of the barbarian tribe in my area is still a little bit confident, and the clan uncle who invited him to help must be sure." It’s within reach.”

"Friend Wan Daoist has experienced the strength of the newspapers before, and I think it won't be too bad to fight with others. At that time, with the help of the subordinates and the side, the young people along the way will definitely be frightened," Yi Tian also rolled his tongue Compliments.

A little smile appeared on Wan Bo'e's face and said: "You Daoist Yi is serious, the most difficult part of escorting the cargo ship this time is to pass through the alien gathering place between the two courtyard cities and Heshenguan city. Bandits often appear there Blocking the road and robbing, the most difficult thing to deal with is the monk of the Feiyu clan."

"How strong are they?" After hearing this, Yi Tian quickly searched the situation of the Feiyu clan in his mind.I only know that this alien race is a alien race with a human head and a bird body, but I don't know anything about their strengths and weaknesses.

I just heard Wan Boxi explain that the Feiyu people are all good at speed, and the cargo ship of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce cannot escape the pursuit of the Feiyu people even if they are traveling at full speed.The only advantage is that the upload has a protective formation, and the defense is several times stronger than the opponent.

But once surrounded by the Feiyu tribe, he would be a living target, and he had no choice but to resist desperately.Moreover, these Feiyu clansmen could still run because of their speed advantage, so they asked three monks of the transformation stage to join forces to protect them.

Yi Tian didn't answer directly when he heard the words, and replied after sorting out his thoughts again: "In this way, how should we defend when we are short of manpower?"

"This is not a problem. After all, the Feiyu clan will not dispatch the whole clan, and as long as our luck is not so bad, we will not encounter them. After all, I am talking about the situation that occurs under extreme circumstances," Wan Bo explained road.

It turned out that Yi Tian pretended to be relieved, and then started chatting with the two of them.

 Thanks to Zhongxikou, book friend 160911003736354, book friend 160523205159587 for your continuous support, your monthly pass is my motivation.

(End of this chapter)

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