
Chapter 1216 Pursuit

Chapter 1216 Pursuit
After talking with the two principals of the Wild Horn Chamber of Commerce from the main cabin, Yi Tian got up and said goodbye and returned to the VIP room where he was.

After opening the protective barrier again, he sat down cross-legged and began to practice silently.Although there is no need to worry about the stability of the realm after this advanced stage, but I will still seize every spare time to practice.

During the chat just now, Wan Boxi also briefly explained the situation in Shenguan City.It is the site of the Mahayana sect, but the Tantric sect also has a special resident contact point.

As for Tantrism and Mahayana sects, they complement each other and are secretly competing with each other.Yi Tian also felt a little incomprehensible about this, but since the two sects have been able to live side by side in peace and harmony in the Buddhist world for hundreds of thousands of years, there must be deep-seated reasons.

These are not the Zongmen Xinmi that I can come into contact with at my current level. After thinking about it, I quickly restrained my mind and started practicing exercises.

At the same time, in the main cabin, Wan Jiaolan asked with a puzzled face: "Uncle, do you think there will be any accidents during this trip? After all, there are not enough guards now, and if accidents happen midway, I'm afraid there will be trouble." .”

"Isn't there an accident already?" Wan Bo said calmly and calmly: "If you come, you will be safe. Although the guards are not fully staffed, I feel that this time, this monk Yi may be able to save the day. .”

"Then you think too highly of Yi Tian," Wan Jiaolan said disdainfully, "His strength is only one level higher than mine, and he may not be able to stand up to my tricks in a fight. .”

After Wan Bo'e heard this, he just showed a helpless expression and said: "You are still too confident in yourself, but there is one thing I can conclude that you are definitely not a match for this fellow Daoist Yi."

"How can the uncle of the clan grow up other people's ambitions and destroy his own prestige?" Wan Jiaolan said unrelentingly: "Isn't he just a level higher than me, I have the secret treasure of the clan to protect me, and even the early stage monks who transform into gods may not be me opponent."

"Forget it, I can't explain the reason to you, but it's actually so easy to fight against the cultivators of the gods. You can't always use the secret treasures of this group when you meet the monks of the gods. That's the last thing your ancestors gave you. Amulets are not for playing with," Wan Bo reprimanded.

So Wan Jiaolan didn't dare to be arrogant anymore, she just lowered her head and said softly: "What the uncle taught me is that Jiaolan has remembered."

Wan Boxi only thinks that this eldest niece is arrogant and arrogant in the clan because she has a superior vision, and those young talents look down on her.In order to avoid suspicion, he followed the Chamber of Commerce to the Buddhist world.

Then he waved her hand to let her go out to preside over the operations on the cargo ship, and then Wan Bo'e slowly closed his eyes and rested in the main cabin.

The cargo ship also drove smoothly along the way, probably under Wan Jiaolan's management, it avoided the area where foreign bandits might appear.All the way down, I didn't meet any monks for four days.

Until the morning of the fifth day, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the VIP room and suddenly found a spiritual light flying from the restriction outside the door.After opening his eyes and reaching out to remove the forbidden barrier, he saw the spiritual light stopping in the middle of the room.

With a light hook of a finger, he took the jade amulet of communication and put it in his palm. After passing by his spiritual thoughts, he saw that there was an enemy situation in the main cabin.

After standing up and reaching out to open the hatch, Yi Tian's figure flashed past and directly entered the hatch passage.After ten breaths, after flashing several times in a row, they came to the main cabin, where Wan Bo'e and Wan Jiaolan were sitting.Seeing Yi Tian's arrival, Wan Jiaolan hurriedly stood up, cupped her hands and said, "Senior Yi is here, we are in trouble this time."

"Tell me slowly what the situation is, don't panic," Yi Tian walked up and said calmly.

Wan Bo'e pointed to the seat next to him, indicating to sit down and talk first, and then said with a serious face: "There are three monks of the Feiyu clan following up behind the flying boat. At this time, the distance between them is five hundred miles, and they will be there in an hour. will stop us."

After slowly sitting down, Yi Tian nodded and responded: "How is the opponent's strength?"

"The three monks at the early stage of transformation, but the Feiyu tribe is extremely fast. Even if they can't beat them, they can leave calmly by relying on their instincts and talents. Now we have had enough," Wan Jiaolan replied hastily.

Hearing this, Yitian showed an extremely relaxed expression and said: "Since it is useless for us to run away all the way, it is better to stop and wait for work and rely on the protection of the merchant ship to rub the opponent's spirit first before making any plans."

A gleam flashed in Wan Bo's evil eyes, his words coincided with his thoughts.He was originally afraid that Yi Tian would be pushy and obstructive, but now that he had talked about this, he naturally borrowed a donkey to go downhill.

After taking three breaths, he said: "In this case, let's take the initiative to attack."

The cargo ship galloping in the air suddenly slowed down, and then two auras flew out of the ship and hid directly outside the merchant ship, forming horns on the left and right sides.

Seeing Wan Boxi taking out his spiritual weapon and actively preparing for the battle, Yi Tian felt that he should not be too sloppy in making moves, but he still needed to avoid exposing his true cultivation.

Less than half a moment later, three escaping lights appeared in the sky and flew towards the location of the merchant ship.After ten breaths, three aliens with human bodies and bird heads appeared in front of them.I only heard the person at the head of the other party shout: "The monks of the barbarian tribe handed over the 'Hooking Soul' and let you live."

Yi Tian's face remained the same, but his heart was agitated. Since the three people in front of him dared to catch up blatantly, they even told the name of the treasure.Naturally, enough work has been done to realize it. It seems that there may be spies sent by the other party in the chamber of commerce.

All of a sudden, Wan Bo shouted in a deep voice: "There is nothing to do with these robbers of the Feiyu clan. We will do it, fellow Daoist Yi." After speaking, he waved his hands, and then two auras, one basket and one red, flew out of his sleeves. After hovering rapidly in the air, he shot straight at the opponent.

After waving their hands, the three Feiyu clansmen cast gray whirlwind spells and surrounded the aura.

After the four spells collide with each other in the air, there will be bursts of spiritual pressure fluctuations and strong winds.With one against three, Wan Bo was naturally at a disadvantage immediately. When he turned around and was about to speak, he saw sword threads falling from the sky all over the sky.

It was Yi Tian, ​​who was waiting for the opportunity to make a move, cast the Lingyao Huaqian Empress Edict, and covered the three Feiyu clansmen indiscriminately.

There was a loud "Ziz" sound, and the sword wire pierced the protective shields of the three of them instantly after falling, leaving densely packed small holes on their bodies.

Then blood splashed out from these small spaces and immediately stained their bodies red.

After a ray of light flew from the forehead of the leader, he escaped from the Nascent Soul, and Yi Tian didn't want to expose his true strength, so he let him go.

Unexpectedly, Wan Bo, who was on the side, said with a shocked face: "Friend Yi, let's get back to the ship and leave the area controlled by the foreign race as soon as possible, or it will be too late."

(End of this chapter)

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