
Chapter 1217 Strategy

Chapter 1217 Strategy
The Feiyu Clan's pursuit was repelled just like that, but Wan Bo'e's face was sombre afterwards, and he couldn't see any joy at all.

After the two returned to the cargo ship, Wan Jiaolan directly took over the control and personally piloted the airship to travel through the remaining alien areas at the fastest speed.

At this time, Yi Tian followed Wan Bo'e back to the main cabin, and when the two of them sat down later, Wan Bo'e couldn't wait to say: "Thank you, Daoist Yi, for your kindness, I thought there would be a meeting It's a fierce battle."

"Friend Daoist Wan, you're being polite. If you weren't there to attract the opponent's attention, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to succeed in one blow," Yi Tian replied politely.

Wan Bo's evil face finally showed a little smile, and then he asked: "Seeing that Daoist Yi's moves contain awe-inspiring righteousness, and he is decisive in killing, he should come from a famous and authentic sect in the spirit world."

"No, it's the inner disciple of the Taiqing Pavilion in the spiritual world, and it's just a coincidence that he fell into the Buddhist world," Yi Tian said with a smile, but it's actually not a big deal.There are many spiritual cultivators, especially sword cultivators, and their combat power is usually the strongest among them.

It's just that Wan Bo'e seemed to have a suspicious look on his face and said: "As far as I know, Lihuo Palace is the most powerful in the spirit world, followed by Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, and Taiqing Pavilion is ranked third. It’s just that Daoist Yi’s methods look like that of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect’s famed stunt, Lingyaohuaqian.”

Unexpectedly, the opponent could find the source of his tricks everywhere, and Yi Tian couldn't help but think highly of him.Then he thought about whether the other party was suspicious of his self-reported family identity, and replied later: "Actually, I had no choice but to kill the disciple of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect in the spirit world. Those who go far away to avoid disaster."

After saying this, the look on Wan Bo'e's face became better. It is common for the barbarians in the hell world to fight and kill.As for the fact that they only admire the strong, they don't bother to take into account various reasons.

Wan Bo exclaimed a few times and then said: "Friend Yi Dao, you know that we are in danger now, once Luo Fei, the bandit leader of the Feiyu clan, knows what happened today, he will definitely fly into a rage."

"Is Daoist Wan afraid that the other party will catch up?" Yi Tian asked back: "We have penetrated into the alien race area now, but it won't take long to drive away at full speed."

"Things are by no means that simple. Luo Fei can be regarded as a respectable figure among the foreign races. And I heard that his strength is infinitely close to the stage of distraction. As long as he summons other foreign races to intercept our merchant ship a little bit, he will have a chance to chase us." Come up," Wan Bo said with a hint of worry on his face.

That's the way it is, but after hearing the opponent's cultivation base, Yi Tian also knew it.No matter how face-saving Luo Fei was, the rest of the aliens would not do too much if they intercepted him at most.At least the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce was able to open from the hell world to the Buddhist world. I don't believe that Wan Bo'e can do it just by talking.

After subduing his lazy face, Yi Tian said seriously: "Do you have a good plan to defeat the enemy, Wan Daoist?"

"I have three strategies, up, middle and down, but it's expensive," Wan Boxi hesitated before saying.

Needless to say, one of these three strategies must have a great relationship with me, and judging from the current situation, I may not be able to tolerate myself not agreeing.Immediately without saying much, he nodded silently to signal the other party to continue.

So Wan Boye tried to speak: "The first one is that we escaped smoothly and did not encounter any obstacles from other races. That is all happy, and we don't need to bother."

"What about the other two situations?" Yi Tian asked.

"It's a little unlucky that we encountered obstacles and you and I teamed up to break through forcibly, and it's the best not to be caught up by Na Luofei afterwards," Wan Boxi explained, and then his face turned serious and he said earnestly: "The worst The intention is that we broke through the area where the alien race handles in a row, and then we were bitten by Luo Fei who was chasing up after us."

"I roughly understand what Fellow Daoist Wan means." Speaking of which, if Yi Tian didn't understand it, it would be a waste of time. The other party's meaning was also very clear. He hoped that he could stay alone and delay the evacuation of his merchant ships from the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce.

Just staying to delay the battle is not an easy job, the danger is great, but Yi Tian looked at Wan Bo evil and asked lightly: "Then I don't know what kind of price you will pay for this matter. Simply, I think that my strength is far superior to that of the same level, but I am not stupid enough to provoke the monks of the late stage of transformation."

Stretching out his hand to wipe the sweat off his forehead, Wan Bo smiled evilly and said, "You Daoist Yi is right, and I also want to prepare for the worst. As for the price, as long as the price you offer, I can afford it naturally no problem."

"Okay, friend Wan Daoist is quick to talk, it seems that I can't do it if I don't accept it," Yi Tian thought for a while before saying: "Before that, I have to figure out what is the 'spiritual obsession' that the Feiyu people say ?”

"Forget it, since you are involved in it at this time, it's better to make it clear, and the seduction of the soul is just a prelude to blind medicine," Wan Bo'e explained: "We all know the secret method of reincarnation and re-cultivation used by monks of the Mahayana sect in the Buddhist world. , the Taoist monk naturally does not need additional pills. As for some monks with slightly lower cultivation bases, they need to take a kind of pill called 'Xingmeng Pill' to assist in retrieving past life memories."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian naturally understands, the soul-stirring feeling of emotion is the main medicine for refining Xingmeng Pill.The Manjiao Chamber of Commerce in front of it naturally has a deep connection with Shenguan Temple in Shenguan City.

As for the Flying Feather bandit's focus on the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce, it must be aimless. Needless to say, this naturally involves the balance of power in the Buddhist world.

For the Mahayana sect, Awakening Dream Pill is a must, and the biggest beneficiary at this time is the secret sect forces.I didn't expect that not long after I came to the Buddhist world, I would be involved in the interests of the two sects, and I thought about it with a helpless smile on my face.

The scene fell into immersion for a while, Wan Bo thought that no matter how much Yi Tian cares about gains and losses, there is an eager look on his face.Immediately, he reached out and took out a glazed box and said, "This kind with a ray of Earth Flame True Fire Essence is my last stock."

The meaning behind the words was also very clear, but Yi Tian twitched his mouth and said in a sneer: "Could it be that Fellow Daoist Wan just prepared this thing and let me pester Luo Fei? You must be sincere in everything, you must know that this is a life-and-death struggle No matter how good the treasure is, you have to live to enjoy it."

Wan Bo'e was at a loss for words immediately, and after three breaths, he hesitated and said: "I also know that this is difficult for Daoist Yi, why don't you come to the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce in Shenguan City afterwards, as long as you have a good eye, no matter the treasure Whether it’s a material or a spiritual weapon, I’ll give you one for free.”

Even though it was a verbal condition, Wan Boxi actually took out a jade tablet and quickly engraved today's promise, and finally branded his personal mark on it.

Before handing it over to him, Wan Jiaolan came in with a panicked expression when the cabin door opened, and said, "Uncle Clan is not good, what should we do if there is a Dilin Clan setting up a card three hundred miles ahead?"

"Detour, speed up, I guess the Flying Feather chasers are already on their way," Wan Bo said without even thinking about it.

 Thanks to Pudong Sanshui, the monthly ticket for the plane on the slide.

(End of this chapter)

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