
Chapter 1218 Persecution

Chapter 1218 Persecution
The cargo ship of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce deviated from the original established direction with a full left rudder in the air. After adjustment, it began to move at full speed and headed towards the periphery of the area controlled by the Dilin tribe.

Obviously Wan Jiaolan's idea is that he is unwilling to confront the Dilin clan head-on. If the opponent puts up a posture and starts to intercept due to pressure, they will definitely not pursue them.

The facts were similar to what she had imagined. When the merchant ship sailed out of the channel, the Dilin tribe on the opposite side didn't do anything extra, they just guarded that area.

After the cargo ship flew far away, Wan Bo's forehead frowned and said: "It seems that we are in trouble. At this time, we and the Feiyu people are racing against time."

"Uncle Clan, what should we do next? If these alien races get wind of it and try to stop me, even if there is no direct confrontation, they can still entangle me. They are buying time for the Feiyu clan," Wan Jiaolan said angrily : "These white-eyed wolves are usually taken care of by our Wild Horn Chamber of Commerce, but they all turn against each other at critical times."

"Forget it, let them go, I think they can't help themselves," Wan Bo sighed helplessly and said: "The fact that they didn't catch up means that the other party still gave face, at least they can see each other in the future if they don't offend."

Yi Tian also nodded in unanimous agreement, just as Wan Boxi said that the development of the matter to this point was a bit unexpected.What they were most worried about was the Feiyu clan chasing up behind them, they were afraid that Luo Fei would go out in person.

And what I have doubts in my heart is that I am afraid of being involved in the secret fight between the Mahayana sect and the Tantric sect. It is obvious that the most valuable thing on this cargo ship is the soul-destroying item, which should be in Miss Wan's collection now.

If the situation is not right at that time, I am afraid that the two people in front of them will abandon the whole boat and escape alone without hesitation.

The agreement Wan Boxi made with him just now is likely to be fulfilled immediately, but he is not interested in the verbal promise at all, and he would not have agreed to it if it hadn't been for the fact that the Earth Flame True Fire Essence was still useful to him.

Sure enough, after a moment of silence on the scene, Wan Boxi stood up, arched his hands and saluted first, then gently sent the glazed jade box and the jade tablet over and said: "It seems that there is no way to escape this time, I also ask Fellow Daoist Yi to accept this item. After you get out of trouble, you can come to the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce in Shenguan City to get the reward, and I will keep my promise with the reputation of the Wan family."

Without waiting for Yi Tian to reply, Wan Jiaolan was surprised and said, "Uncle Clan, why did you take out all the tokens of the family's worship?"

"Shut up, this is a critical moment of life and death, so you can't allow me to intervene," Wan Bo said sharply, and Wan Jiaolan's face showed a little unwillingness, but then she stepped aside and dared not speak anymore.

Immediately, Wan Bo turned around and said kindly again: "You Daoist Yi, can you accept this ruthless request from me?"

Reaching out and picking up the two things in the palm of his hand, Yi Tian looked at the corner of his mouth and nodded his head as acquiescence, so that the atmosphere on the scene improved.

Suddenly, Wan Bo said with a bad expression: "The people of the Feiyu tribe are catching up. According to us, we still have [-] miles away. Lan Lan immediately moved forward at full speed, using all the energy of closing the protective cover on the flight power. "

It didn't take long for Yi Tian to extend his divine sense to find out that the speed of the pursuers in the rear was much faster than that of the merchant ships. If this continues, as long as there are one or two more interceptions in the road ahead, they will be overtaken.

Looking at the things in his hand, he shook his head slightly. Although Wan Boye spent a lot of money this time, it was just an extra ray of real fire essence for him.As for the tribute token of the Wan family of the barbarian tribe, I'm afraid he might not even think that it will be used.

There were about ten pursuers in the rear, and seven of them were cultivators at the stage of transformation.Especially the spirit pressure fluctuations of the leader did not restrain at all, it seems that it should be the Luo Fei that Wan Bo evilly mentioned.

The next itinerary is similar to what I imagined, and there is more than one wave of interception on the way forward.After reaching out with the divine sense, he found that there were foreign monks intercepting him on the right in front of him.

As for the channel on the left, it seemed that the other party deliberately left the area to force the merchant ship to fly there. Obviously, Wan Bo'e also noticed this, and the expression on his face became more and more ugly.

"Fellow Daoist Wan, there is a problem with our direction. If we continue like this, we may become a turtle in the urn," Yi Tian said.

"Flying forward is the vassal of the Feiyu tribe, the territory of the Lanyu tribe," Wan Bo replied viciously, "They are trying to force us to surround us."

Pointing to the map, Yi Tian suggested, "Let's quickly change course and break through here."

Following Yi Tian's finger, Wan Bo's eyes stayed on the Luoji Mountain marked on the map, and after three breaths, he turned around and said to Wan Jiaolan: "Just do what Daoist Yi said."

The latter hesitated to speak, but looked at Wan Bo'e's face and had no choice but to nod in reply, and then walked out of the main cabin to the console.

After he left, Wan Boye said solemnly: "Friend Daoist Yi, we still have a hurdle to forcibly break through. Since it is your proposal, then naturally please join us in this matter."

"That's natural," Yi Tian replied lightly.

After a short tilt, the cargo ship of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce changed its course again in the air and headed towards Luoji Mountain, where the Youzu of the Nether Realm gathered.

The barbarian merchant ship galloped past high above the sky, but the protective shields on the merchant ship were all closed, as if they were undefended.

It looked as if they were about to force their way into the restricted area of ​​the You Clan. Not long after, two cultivators who transformed themselves from mid-air directly flew up to the sky and stopped the cargo ship on the only way.

Suddenly, two rays of light flew out from the merchant ship and flew straight towards the two in front of them, while the merchant ship did not slow down at all and continued galloping forward.

The two Diyou Clan Spirit Transformation cultivators naturally saw the intentions of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce, and they began to fight as soon as they came into contact.

Yi Tian directly sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword in his hand and prepared to move. He had discussed tactics with Wan Bo'e before.The two cooperated again with a tacit understanding, four auras flashed directly from the air at the same time and flew towards the two in front of them.

This time there is no need to talk too much with the other party, anyway, everyone's purpose is very clear.Since the Diyou clan took action to intercept it, it was naturally instructed by Na Luofei.

After the confrontation between the two sides, the magic spell exploded in the air with a deafening sound, and then thousands of golden lights shone through the air, causing a burst of crackling in the air, after which the bodies of the two Earth You Clan monks fell vertically from the air powerlessly.

After solving the troubles in front of them, Yi Tian and Wan Bo'e looked at each other, then accelerated their escape speed and chased after the merchant ship ahead.It's just that Wan Bo frowned and said: "It's a big trouble. The pursuers behind seem to realize the situation and they started to divide their troops on the right."

"Did that Luo Fei catch up with someone?" Yi Tian asked.

"Exactly, this person is the most difficult," Wan Bo replied viciously.

(End of this chapter)

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