
Chapter 1219 Procrastination

Chapter 1219 Procrastination
The cargo ship of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce suddenly changed its course, so Yi Tian and Wan Bo'e had to forcibly open a passage to break through the defense barrier of the foreign race.

This time he chose the defensive area of ​​the Diyou clan, and Yi Tian made the next decision based on the experience he gained from dealing with the two Diyou clan Shuangsha before.

After one move, the two of them were killed directly, and Wan Bo'e, who was so provoked by the side, had to face it squarely again.In any case, with his strength, it is not impossible to succeed in one blow, but it is not easy to clean up opponents like himself so lightly.

The doubtful look on his face returned to normal after a flash, and Yi Tian didn't want to talk too much with him.Then the two speeded up and rushed towards the direction that the cargo ship was leaving.

It didn't take ten breaths to catch up with the cargo ship. At this time, Yi Tian realized in his mind that the distance between the other party and himself had been shortened to less than five hundred miles.

Needless to say, those Feiyu people must have used some mysterious magic to fly so fast.After a rough estimate, the other party would be able to catch up with the merchant ship here in half a quarter of an hour.

He looked up and glanced at Wan Bo'e, and saw that he was also aware of the situation behind, and his face suddenly showed a cloudy and uncertain expression. After a pause, he said in a begging tone: "Friend Yi Dao, you see that the other party is catching up." , let’s procrastinate for a while, how about giving my niece enough time to evacuate.”

"Okay, since I promised you, I will naturally agree." Yi Tian nodded expressionlessly and replied, "It seems that there are three monks from the Feiyu clan approaching rapidly, and the leader should be Luo Fei."

"Exactly, the other two are not strong enough and they are all in the mid-stage of transformation," Wan Bo said viciously, "Do you think we will repeat our old tricks and join forces to do it again?"

"No, the fleeing member of the Feiyu tribe must have informed Luo Fei of our situation." Yi Tian waved his hand and said, "Well, I will deal with Luo Fei, and you will deal with the remaining two."

There was a hint of joy on Wan Bo'e's face, and then he kept looking at Yi Tian, ​​and there seemed to be some flickering in his eyes, as if hesitating whether such an arrangement was appropriate.

Just as he was thinking, there were three rays of light flashing across the sky, which should be the vanguard of the Feiyu clan following them.

Wan Bo's expression darkened when he saw that, he took out the summons jade tablet, wrote down the message, and let it go.But he stabilized his figure in the air and prepared to shoot on the spot to delay the opponent's pursuit.

To be honest, Yi Tian doesn't think it's a good place to fight here. Since the opponent is good at speed, he must like the open high altitude so that he can display his strengths.

Under such circumstances, it seems that it is impossible to make use of strengths and avoid weaknesses, and once it comes up, it will fall into a hard fight.Turning around, he saw that Wan Bo'e took out a formation map, quickly activated it, and then laid down the formation towards the lower boundary.

Fortunately, I realized that this is a gravity circle after seeing my eyes pass by, which can increase the gravity of the decoration in the area several times.Compared to the Feiyu people, this formation is naturally the most effective.Gradually, he only felt that he had consumed three points more of his spiritual power to maintain the air in the evasion technique, and Yi Tian couldn't help showing admiration for this, but he didn't expect Wan Boye to be prepared for this.

Later, I only heard him say: "This formation has far less restrictions on us than the opponent, and the next step is to see how the hands are really moving. I also ask Fellow Daoist Yi to help us a lot."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw three figures flying thirty feet away in front of him to stabilize his figure, and then revealed the appearance of three alien monks with human bodies and bird heads.

The person in the lead had gray feathers slightly different from the other two, and his figure was also a bit bigger.Wan Bo smiled wryly when he saw this, "I don't know why Fellow Daoist Luo is in such a hurry to come here?"

That person is naturally Luo Fei, the leader of the Feiyu clan bandits. He squinted his eyes at the two people in front of him and said: "I don't speak dark words, and my purpose for coming this time is also very clear. You and I are masters." , in the Buddhist world, it’s just begging for food.”

"In this case, why can't Fellow Daoist let me wait a while, my Manjiao Chamber of Commerce will naturally offer a sufficient amount of property afterwards," Wan Bo'e bowed his hands and saluted.

Unexpectedly, Luo Fei waved his hand and refused directly: "Does Fellow Daoist Wan still want to procrastinate at this point? At this time, my team has already detoured and crossed here to catch up with your cargo ship."

"Could it be that our two clans really want to fight each other?" Wan Bo's words finally popped out of his mouth: "This was originally a secret dispute between the Mahayana sect and the Tantric sect. It's not just right for us to be pawns for it. Is it what they want?"

"Fellow Daoist Wan's words are wrong. We and other races can settle in a corner of the Buddhist world, but we cannot get rid of the struggle between these two forces. If we really go against their wishes, we may not even have a place to live. It will be miserable then." After Luo Fei finished speaking, he locked his divine thoughts on Yi Tiandao: "Before, you, a spiritual cultivator, sneaked up on my clansman. Today I put my words here. Wan Boye can let the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce redeem his life, but you can't."

A slight sneer appeared on Yi Tian's face, and he flew aside and said to Luo Fei: "How about we go one-on-one, so that the fellow daoist won't lose to the weirdo."

"Will I lose?" Luo Fei sneered and flashed to Yi Tian not far away.Before he could stand still, he saw countless blue sword threads rapidly magnifying in his pupils.

A gust of gray wind gathered for no reason and formed a protective net in front of Luo Fei, immediately protecting his whole body.After the sword wires hit the wind net, they were pulled out obliquely and completely lost their aim. For a while, the sword wires scattered in the air and scattered towards the surroundings. In less than ten breaths, all the incoming sword lights were removed.

At this time, a voice came from the wind group and shouted coldly: "What are you waiting for, grab Wan Bo'e, he is our big benefactor."

After speaking, the group of strong wind flew towards Yi Tian's direction with undiminished power, and suddenly the wind in the air tightened and transformed into dozens of small whirlwinds towards his position.

Just as Yi Tian wanted to pull away, suddenly several gray halos flew out of the whirlwind and pierced through the void in front of Luo Fei in front of him.

The pupils in his eyes concentrated and looked carefully at the gray feathers in the halos, which should be the feathers on Luo Fei's wings.Seeing that it was too late to get away, Yi Tian had no choice but to set up the dragon scale shield in front of him, only to hear a 'ping ping pong pong' sound, those feather coefficients all hit the dragon scale shield and were bounced off.

"So you still have such a treasure, no wonder your tone is so hard," Luo Fei retracted his feathers and cast another spell to gather the whirlwind in front of him and turn it into a three-foot thick wind dragon.

The wind dragon circled several times in the air, cutting off Yi Tian's retreat, and then smashed hard on the dragon scale shield from top to bottom. There was a loud "bang" in the air, and a violent spiritual pressure fluctuation centered on Yi Tian, ​​forming a huge Long Juefeng.

(End of this chapter)

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